#WomeninSTEM get a lot of “Reply Guys” who repeat the same unhelpful comments.
@shrewshrew and I (a woman & a man in science) have attempted to catalog those replies, to save us all the trouble of writing new responses every time.
We will post one Reply Guy a day, and we welcome your thoughts and feedback.
Starting with a very nice fella, full of helpful advice, with one big problem:
Reply Guy #1. THE LIFE COACH
People who get annoying replies can tag the dude with the appropriate Reply Guy from this thread, and save themselves a pointless debate. That’s the idea anyway.
And some guys seem to take it to heart when you point out that they’re being a cliché.
Here's an earlier tweet about the origins of the term #sealioning.
Reply guys: please don't @ me about how the term is offensive because the fictional woman in the comic strip is prejudiced against aquatic mammals. [This really happened.] #irrelevant
🚨 Some of you are following me but not my co-author @shrewshrew, and I’m telling you, it’s a mistake
ICYMI, here is possibly the greatest moment in #mansplaining history. This dude takes @kimgoodwin’s flowchart for mansplainers (without attribution) and tries to mansplain it. It didn’t go well for him.
Reply Guy #8 will have to wait until tomorrow - apologies for falling behind schedule!
To all the bros on here worried that women aren’t being sufficiently criticized on this thread, I’m only gonna say this once, you men’s-rights loving, #himpathy-riddled babymen, so please refer to this tweet:
To all the guys who are frustrated & upset about our advice “Stop replying, start listening”:
Please read this thread, which nicely illustrates the value of Shutting Up and Listening. #9replyguys
@lloydon@DrAilshire@McLNeuro@docfreeride@DoctorZen@mbeisen Don, you are prioritizing the IMAGINARY prof who was fired based on an unsubstantiated rumor [go find an actual example] over REAL people who are being tormented and intimidated every day. Nobody wants innocent people punished but we are so far to the other extreme it’s insane.
@lloydon@DrAilshire@McLNeuro@docfreeride@DoctorZen@mbeisen Who are these innocent professors whose careers were ruined based on a rumor? Please name them. Which profs were thrown out too quickly? I can only find examples of sloooow justice, and much more frequently, no justice at all. But whistleblowers are routinely retaliated against.
@lloydon@DrAilshire@McLNeuro@docfreeride@DoctorZen@mbeisen Don, I put together a comprehensive database of professors whose careers were ruined by unsubstantiated claims or rumors of sexual harassment. Please let me know if I missed anyone, thanks.
Keep fighting the good fight for those with all the power 👍
Since I just shared these tips with the incoming @umpibs PhD class, I might as well post them here too:
#1 (of 12): Get out of your comfort zone.
You're getting paid to try new things this year, so try new things! Jump into a research area you don't know much about. Even if you end up not joining that lab, you will learn a TON, make new connections and maybe spark future collabs.
#2: Discuss expectations and goals with your rotation mentor. Communicate!
When PhD students run into trouble, surprisingly often it's because of poor communication at some level. Good mentors & good mentees teach each other how to communicate well as a pair.