JL:”Grassley, says they are producing the records required by law under the PRA
Durbin reminds him that they've actually circumvented that law & the process is being run by Kavanaugh's close friend & former employee, Bill Burck.”
Sen. Durbin:”Between 2001 and 2003, Republican Senate staffers hacked into and stole 4,670 files on controversial Bush judicial nominees from 6 Democrats, including me.
This scandal amounted to a digital Watergate, not unlike Russia’s hacking of the DNC.”
“Everybody on the Inside Knows It’s True”:
Woodward’s Reality Bomb Is Blowing Up the West Wing
“Pandemonium” reigns as Trump cancels meetings,
a top aide bemoans “Judas” colleagues,
Jared & Ivanka try to talk sense into Trump,
& now, anonymous NYT 💣
Jerome Corsi, ‘birther king’ conspiracy theorist is subpoenaed by Mueller.
How Brett Kavanaugh Made RU Election Interference Easier and Mueller’s Job Harder
The Supreme Court nominee gutted part of a law that prevented foreign influence in US elections.
TRUMP’S scorn for the rule of law is established & is reaching dangerous new lows suggesting his political allies are above the law, opposition ought to be jailed & 1A limited to pro trump news sources. Banana Republic.
📌The US Navy just sent RU & and China powerful messages with aircraft-carrier shows of force
Judge skeptical of ACA's standing without effective individual mandate penalty
Judge denies Manafort's request to move next trial from DC to Virginia
Hopper's ‘Chop Suey’ Canvas May Fetch $70M at Christie's
Brett Kavanaugh’s Legal Opinions Show He’d Give Trump Unprecedented New Powers
If confirmed all branches of gov’t will be controlled by #GOPmafiaFamily
Woodward book prompts West Wing witch hunt.
PM tells silent MPs the inv’n suggested the 2 suspects are agents of RU intel service, the GRU; & claims the attack was authorized by the RU state at a senior level.
There is "sufficient evidence" to charge A.Petrov & R.Boshirov over the attack in Salisbury.
Cruz's latest effort to inflame conservatives, a video in which Rep. Beto O'Rourke appears to express enthusiasm for flag burning — hinges on heavy splicing & a creative interpretation of a long-winded comment.
📌James O’Keefe/Project Veritas/GOP dirtywork
US DoJ says it will look into ‘growing concerns’ about social media
Google Notifies People Targeted by Secret FBI Investigation
Dozens of people reported receiving an email from Google revealing a potential FBI investigation into people who purchased malware.
A senior admin official confessed in an anonymous NYT op-ed to working to thwart Trump’s agenda out of the conviction that he is dangerously unhinged, damaging the nation by continuing to DIVIDE AMERICANS which serves Putin’s agenda & endangers our NatSec.
NYAG Underwood Is leading 18 AGs in a new amicus brief challenging an OH state law that would defund Planned Parenthood.
More than 2.6M voters have abandoned their previous support for Brexit and now support remaining in the EU, according to new polling.
📌White House 'monitoring' possible Syrian offensive that defies Trump warning
Obama to Join Midterm Battle, Starting in California and Ohio
📌The Middle East’s Tinderbox Is Heating Up Again
Emoluments case against Trump moves forward, Trump must Answer. 🤗
📌Trump tweeted a warning to Syria & its allies & then the RU strikes began🤔
📌Bitcoin Suspect Could Shed Light on Russian Mueller Targets
📌There are danger signs all over the ME, & Trump is totally unprepared
📌Trump Is RU’s Weapon, Not Its End State
📌Trump & Russia’s weapon is DIVISION.
Pre holocaust the populace was divided 33% vs 33%, the remaining 33% looked away as atrocities were committed.
📌Israeli Military Chief: IDF Is Fully Prepared for War
Sen. Whitehouse pulled out the receipts on just how much dark money is supporting Brett Kavanaugh
Theranos will shut itself down. All told, investors in the embattled company have lost nearly $1B
A Facebook War: Libyans Battle on the Streets and on Screens
A looming deadline in the U.S.-China trade conflict sent world stocks lower.
From the WH to Exec B depts & agencies, Sr officials will privately admit their daily disbelief at Trump’s comments & actions. Most are working to insulate their ops from his whims.
Lt. Gen. Gadi Eisenkot sends letter to cabinet in wake of recent criticism of the military's preparedness by IDF ombudsman
DHS Sec Nielsen called out Putin by name for interfering in the 2016 US election, calling it a "direct attack" on US democracy.👏👏
Judge strikes down TX law requiring burial or cremation of fetal remains
The ruling comes after a 5-day trial at which patients, health providers, state agency officials, bioethicists, cemetery directors and religious leaders got on the witness stand.
Federal report criticizes FEMA's response to Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico
Grassley agreed to unseal the emails if given the document numbers.
Pence breaks with Trump on Sessions, praises Sessions
NYC fines unpaid by Kushner Cos.: Over $500K and counting
In a mock interview w/ Trump to prepare him for a possible sit-down with the SC’s office, Trump’s lawyer reportedly found that there was a lot Trump couldn’t remember about key events relevant to the RU inv’n
Trudeau Digs In on Core NAFTA Issues.
SDW: “KamalaHarris asks Kavanaugh if he can think of any law where the federal government can dictate decision made by men about their bodies.
Complete silence in the committee room...
Kavanaugh says he can't think of any”
Is the process is being run by Kavanaugh's close friend and former employee, Bill Burck?
From the White House to executive branch departments and agencies, senior officials will privately admit their daily disbelief at the commander in chief’s comments and actions. Most are working to insulate their operations from his whims. nytimes.com/2018/09/05/opi…
A senior admin official confessed in an anonymous NYT op-ed Wednesday to working to thwart Trump’s agenda out of the conviction that the president is damaging the nation by continuing to DIVIDE AMERICANS which is Putin’s agenda & endangering NatSec. politico.com/story/2018/09/…
How Brett Kavanaugh Made Russian Election Interference Easier and Robert Mueller’s Job Harder
The Supreme Court nominee gutted part of a law that prevented foreign influence in US elections. motherjones.com/politics/2018/…
Woodward’s Account of Trump’s Mock Interview with Prosecutors Isn’t Pretty
In his new book, “Fear,” the legendary reporter writes that Trump stumbled over questions about Michael Flynn. theatlantic.com/politics/archi…
The book by Bob Woodward portrays Trump as an unhinged and ill-informed commander in chief surrounded by aides who doubt his intelligence and question his fitness for office. “It’s pandemonium. He literally isn’t talking to anyone. vanityfair.com/news/2018/09/b…
Theranos, the Silicon Valley startup whose founder faces fraud charges, is preparing to wind down its business, according to reports. money.cnn.com/2018/09/05/tec…
Jerome Corsi, a conspiracy theorist and political commentator with connections to the former Trump adviser Roger J. Stone Jr., has been subpoenaed to testify on Friday before the grand jury in the SC’s investigation into Russia’s election interference nytimes.com/2018/09/05/us/…
Salisbury poisonings: police name two Russian suspects
CPS says there is enough evidence to charge Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov over Wiltshire novichok poisonings theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/s…
Google Notifies People Targeted by Secret FBI Investigation
Dozens of people reported receiving an email from Google revealing a potential FBI investigation into people who purchased malware. motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/…
Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen on Wednesday called out Russian President Vladimir Putin by name for interfering in the 2016 US election, calling it a "direct attack" on US democracy. cnn.com/2018/09/05/pol…
Bitcoin Suspect Could Shed Light on Russian Mueller Targets
The likely confirmation of Kavanaugh to the Sup Court will be yet another blow to the Court’s legitimacy, at a time when our democratic institutions are already under intense strain.
The White House on Tuesday said it is "closely monitoring" an imminent major Syrian regime attack on rebel holdouts in Syria's Idlib province—a military action that would defy admonitions from President Donald Trump and other senior U.S. officials. politico.com/story/2018/09/…
Sen. Leahy: Withheld Emails Show Brett Kavanaugh May Have Perjured Himself
“There is simply no reason they can't be made public,” Leahy said.
TRUMP’S scorn for the rule of law has — by now — been pretty well established and have read a dangerous new low attacking Sessions for indicting two GOP members of the House. washingtonpost.com/opinions/trump…
Former President Barack Obama is poised to plunge into the fray of the midterm campaign, returning to electoral politics with a frontal attack on Republican power in two states that are prime Democratic targets this fall: California and Ohio. nytimes.com/2018/09/05/us/…
Trump tweeted a warning to Syria and its allies — and then the Russian strikes began
The Kushner family real estate firm has amassed over a half-million dollars in unpaid fines for various NYC sanitation and building violations, with much of that bill incurred while Trump's son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner was running the company. apnews.com/17dbc9e9f9c34a…
Democrats on Tuesday seized on the decision by the White House and Republicans to withhold hundreds of thousands of documents about Brett M. Kavanaugh’s record as a way to protest his nomination to the Supreme Court washingtonpost.com/politics/the-s…
Cruz's latest effort to inflame conservatives — a video in which Rep. Beto O'Rourke appears to express enthusiasm for flag burning — hinges on heavy splicing & a creative interpretation of a long-winded comment.
Trump, showing his outrage over Bob Woodward's explosive new book, is ordering a real witch hunt in the West Wing and throughout his administration, asking loyal aides to help determine who cooperated with the book. cnn.com/2018/09/05/pol…
The fact is, the billionaire (casino czar, bestselling author, nouveau yachtsman, etc.) has been making overtures to Moscow for some time. The Soviets seem interested in him, too. washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/styl…
📌Trump campaign conspired w/ IS, RU, CH, SA & UAE to win 2016 elex
📌Alfa bank/TT/Spectrum H server -> CA
📌Trump Fam’s massive tax fraud & debt
📌RU troll farm in RU burned down last night
📌Cooperating witnesses
📌Cohen’s trip to Prague story abt to break
‼️F O C U S‼️
Haley Resignation was a distraction.
👉🏼The move allowed the president to maintain control of the news cycle.
The Mueller Inv Is Bigger Than Rosenstein
Even if he got fired, a replacement dead set on shutting down the inv wd find it nearly impossible to pull off.
‼️F O C U S‼️
.Interpol officer found dead in Yekaterinburg
“Based on the speculation I've seen on TV, Trump will fire Jeff Sessions, who will be replaced by Lindsey Graham, who will be replaced by Nikki Haley, who will be replaced by Ivanka Trump.”
The servers at TT & Alfa Bank, Spectrum Health & Heartland PS, were communicating via DNS look ups, sharing packet data.
‘GOP, Trump & Rick Gates are reportedly directly implicated in espionage against the US 2016 primary/Pres elex via help from a foreign power.’
Rick Gates, the indicted Trump campaign official and Manafort aide & GOP Operative sought proposals from Psy Group an Israeli intelligence firm to run a coordinated disinfo campaign against US voters to help Trump win the primary & general elections.
Initially Psy-Group offered a social media manipulation campaign which included fake social media profiles that would attack Ted Cruz and discredit him the eyes of GOP Party delegates, who was at the time Trump’s main competitor for the GOP nomination.
With regard to Kavanaugh, rumor has it he will be “The first Supreme Court Justice to go to prison. Another historic first on the way for Team Treason.” #Kasowitz 💰#SIGINT
The former dean of Yale LS is shocked by Kav’s raw & savage partisan turn.
DC Circuit sent complaints abt Kav’s testimony to CJ Roberts
At issue Kav’s answers about his work in the Bush adm, & his lack of judicial temperament re his partisan comments about DEMs
Under scrutiny are Kav’s involvement in Memogate, GWB adm post the terrorist attacks of 9/11/01; USA Patriot Act inclusive of various domestic surveillance programs, airport screening programs & other privacy-related subjects.
📌Goal: The Northern Sea Route (which is a key template of Moscow’s Arctic strategies) as an “important component” of
The POLAR SILK ROAD is considered as “part of an ambitious strategy to change China’s (and Russia’s) land and sea connections to Europe and the world.” orientalreview.org/2018/08/20/rus…
THE POLAR SILK ROAD is an important component of China's Belt and Road (B&R) initiative, in terms of an ambitious strategy to change China's land and sea connections to Europe and the world. globaltimes.cn/content/111471…
A billion-dollar Indonesian real estate development with ties to U.S. President Donald Trump has become the latest project in China’s globe-spanning Belt and Road infrastructure project — just as Washington and Beijing are tussling over trade. japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/05/1…
A subsidiary of Chinese state-owned construction firm Metallurgical Corporation of China (MCC) signed a deal with Indonesia’s MNC Land to build a theme park outside Jakarta as part of the ambitious project japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/05/1…
Rumor has it Kav has even more secrets he would like to keep hidden, some of which are likely to be revealed when the time is right. 🤗#FBI#Memogate, #Kasowitz, 💰& more. Oh my! All is not lost.🤗
💣NY AG Sues Trump's Charitable Foundation for Political Activities
Not one Republican has signed on to the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act.
Not. One.
Senator Leahy Compiled Comprehensive, Point-By-Point Summary Of The Many Times That Judge Kavanaugh Misled The Senate Under Oath.
SC Justices can be prosecuted.
Lawsuits point to large trove of unreleased Kav WH docs White
Amazon Says 3rd-Party Seller Got Some Customers’ Email Addys
NY Regulators Examine the Trump Family’s Tax Schemes
WaPo Vote ‘no’ on Kav
USA TODAY Editorial Board: Vote no on Kavanaugh's confirmation