The scant details given on the church website about his military service (…) along with what @JustinPetersMin has said give us enough info to research exactly what Stan's role was in the Rhodesian military.
1. Stan served in the Police Anti-Terrorist unit of the Rhodesian military.
His job was to enforce the rule of law of an illegitimate white supremacists apartheid state and suppress black rebels fighting for independence from an oppressive white minority dictatorship.
2. *After* becoming a Christian, Stan chose to return to the military as a Chaplain. He did not see this service as in conflict with his faith.
This is crucial, as we will see in a minute.
But first, if you need to learn a bit about Rhodesia, see here:
Now, let's take a look at some statements made directly by Stan regarding his military service:
Here, for instance, Stan directly states he worked in conjunction with the stare propaganda wing of the Rhodesian government and that he believed in their cause.
In case you don't know what that cause was, here it is in the words of Ian Smith himself (source:
That is, as a Christian, Stan Hannan explicitly believed in supporting Ian Smith's apartheid regime.
So much so, that he made a movie equating the Chaplaincy of the Rhodesian army with that cause.
Here is Stan reflecting on his second propaganda peace.
He makes it clear, his goal was to gain international favor for the Rhodesian apartheid state by portraying the war as a war against communism.
Notice the entitlement.
Despite the fact that white persons in Rhodesia had land only because Cecil Rhoades stole it.
If you need to know the monster that Rhoades was, see here:
Now let's return to the church website for a spell.
There is a lot going on here.
First, notice Stan is quite proud of his military service still.
Notice specifically, they note he received the GSM.
The GSM (General Service Medal) was commonly awarded to members of the Rhodesian military to honor them for their help fighting "terrorists" (AKA black national freedom fighters).
Gavin has very deep Evangelical ties as well, especially within the Neo-Cal groups associated with Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (those behind Danvers and #NashvilleStatement)
Okay all, it's a quiet night and I happen to like this topic.
So...I'mma do a thread.
Specifically, I'm going to talk for a minute about patriarchal interpretation and why inerrantist readings of Scripture stifle imagination and uphold systems of oppression.
Our test passage for this is going to be John 8.
For those not familiar, this is the passage traditionally given a heading about "Jesus and the Adulterous Woman."
You can read the passage here if you need it for reference:
Notice that motive and faith are literally all that matter in Castleberry's system.
If you're a great person with good motives doing amazing justice work and helping lots of people, but you aren't a Christian, then it's all against God.
But if you're a Christian who is trying to honor God and practice your faith as you best understand it but end up doing a bunch of harm instead, well congrats you're still a good person because at least you tried.