This is ridiculous. I’ve been following @HillaryClinton & her band of lunatics since the 1980s & everyone-that includes my esteemed Twitter folks-overestimate them. John’s statement demonstrates their tenuous grasp on reality & flawed understanding of public perception.
There was no Op-Ed writer or insider ready to flay open the Trump Administration. Hillary, et al. keep their tightly knit group on a short leash & it doesn’t include ‘sleeper cells.’ The Op-Ed ran through, a program to catch student plagiarism.
Sep 5, shortly after the release of the Op-Ed, the #Anonymous essay popped on as a 100% match to a USC student essay handed in, surprise, surprise, Sep 5. Now, lest you say, “Maybe a proactive student wrote ABOUT the Op-Ed!” No....
The Op-Ed, in its entirety as you see on the screenshot, comprises the whole essay. I clicked in the settings to delete matches that INCLUDED citation. No student- one presumes-would include an entire essay w/out citation in her own paper. Unless she’s an idiot.
IMHO... this was an essay written for a class, perhaps taken by a professor and handed to the @NYT w/ their full knowledge that it was fabricated. Hence the Op-Ed & the author being at least two steps removed from the publication process. When it’s discovered, as I hope it will
be,the people who perpetrated this fraud should be used by @POTUS to demonstrate a new paradigm in legal consequences for unethical professional behavior & (some would argue) actions that fall just short of treasonous (😉 @Brennan).It’s time, @realDonaldTrump,sir. It’s past time
@ThomasWictor I slept on it & realized the full scope of what Lindsey Graham did last night. It was completely out of character & showed more bravery than anyone knows. #Kavanaugh knew he had to go in strong, but that venue was tough for him & the accusations scorched him.
The only way to mitigate the #Kavanaugh display was to match it & minimize it. That’s what Graham did. It was no doubt difficult. Practical, even-tempered people hate going off like that. It’s unsettling & incredibly uncomfortable for them.
Kavanaugh gave a guttural expulsion of air when he spoke to DIFI. She almost had him, too. She asked, “Do you want to tell us more?” in her most neutral, even voice. That was the voice of the Devil—a deeper kind of evil than I have ever seen:
“Thanks to the United States military, and our partnership with many of your nations, I am pleased to report that the bloodthirsty killers known as isis have been driven out from the territory they once held in Iraq and Syria.”
”We will continue to work with friends and allies to deny radical Islamic terrorists funding, territory, or support or any means of infiltrating our borders.”
“But those days are over. We will no longer tolerate such abuse. We will no longer allow our workers to be victimized, our companies to be cheated, and our wealth to be plundered and transferred. America will never apologize for protecting its citizens.
The people who act in the most horrific and baneful way are literally calling for the assassination of a @POTUS & killing conservatives.Republicans in power standby & do NOTHING but continue to lobby for our $upport as Dems destroy the country. #Kavanaugh#KavanaughConfirmation
Meanwhile, men & women in #FBI exhibited judgement so malleable that they bypassed professional ethics to orchestrate & support a coup. Think carefully: is this a quick strike, coordinated & just pulled together in haste? I think not. #NotTheirFirstRodeo#FISADeclassification
I shudder to think what I could find if I had the time or inclination to sit down & apply the methodology of this present chaos to events in the past. God knows this level of Clinton, DNC, Coie & MSM coordination DID NOT JUST MATERIALIZE IN THIS ONE PERFECT #CrossFireHurricane
@ThomasWictor 😉I know a man, I’ll call him “Bill.” Bill is a diehard Democrat & a successful entrepreneur. He began mowing lawns as a kid to earn spending money. When he worked late, his father would shine the lights of his old pick up on the yard so Bill could finish
Bill fell in love with stacking his dollar bills in a box. He worked before school, after school & all summer long. He had built a million dollar company by the time he was 22 and sold it at 31 for millions more.
When the economy took a downturn, Obama gave him a 0% loan, earning his unswerving devotion. I’ve frankly never understood the love affair with Obama. It’s akin to the affinity some people have for ferrets or Nordic mythology. Interesting, but too strange for me to appreciate.
Like so many of the #DeepState illegalities, they get old before we learn the truth. I know @TheChillum has linked this to #FionaHill but I’m holding to my theory. Here’s why.
The @nytopinion appeared at a pivotal moment. Kavanaugh’s hearing was just part of it. Spike Lee’s BlackKlansman came out that weekend. This is perhaps the most racist, vindictive feature film ever produced, disguised as “equality” & “social justice.”…
In it, are direct & oblique references to @POTUS#MAGA. In one klan meeting, the audio picks up the phrase “Make America Great Again.” That should make every American angry, but not for the reasons #Spike thinks.
I let this percolate today, hoping something would break free & we would get to the bottom of it. The more I read everyone’s DMs & look at the logistics of it, the more certain I am that it came from USC teaching staff. Whoever wrote it failed to think it completely through.
The whole article begs the question of how safe is it to allow a subversive staffer who’s taken the “safety of the nation” into her own hands to remain lingering in the shadows? What if she’s another Reality Winner with delusions of grandeur who suddenly snaps?
However, I don’t think that’s the case. I think this was a coordinated effort to undermine the Administration, using the writing resources of Op-Ed writers & USC to create an essay that would get the nation’s attention & boost flagging sales. Trump was right. They suck.