Maddie, Transsexual Psychopomp Profile picture
Sep 8, 2018 26 tweets 6 min read Read on X
"Define woman" is not a simple question, and not even a fair one. The person asking is usually waiting to gotcha any answer you give. The reality is there is no fixed definition for womanhood that can be easily proven or disproven. Womanhood is too many things.
Not all women can give birth, not all women menstruate, not all women have cleavage, not all women look traditionally feminine, not all women are traditionally feminine, not all women are straight, not all women are mothers, not all women have breastfed their children,
not all women produce eggs, not all women have XX chromosomes, not all women were assigned female at birth, not all women have vulva, not all women are dyadic, not all women are cis, not all women are white, not all women are abled, not all women are anything. Except women.
Anyone trying to exclude isn't doing so because they care about the group itself. If they did, they wouldn't feel such an intense urge to reject those they've deemed outsiders. Outsiders have over time been Black women, lesbian women, disabled women, and trans women.
The only possible reason to exclude some women from the category of woman is to preserve a mythical sense of purity for the category. Much as white supremacists want to expel or kill all people of color from their ethnostates, terfs want to expel all outsiders from womanhood.
They do this by trying to destroy any sense of womanhood that trans women have. That's the purpose of insisting trans women are really men, are really rapists, are really violent, are really pedophiles while also insisting that cis women are incapable of all of these things.
Of course cis women *are* capable of these things and terfs have at least one member/ally who had sex with a teen in her care, and have no issues with that. They only talk about the alleged threat trans women represent to cis girls and women, because the purity of cis women and
girls must be preserved. There are two versions of the white supremacist 14 words, and the second seems extremely relevant here: "Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth." I'm not saying terfs adhere to the 14 words, although they've said
similar things in the past. Rather, I'm pointing to a strong point of similarity between terfism (or cis supremacy) and white supremacy. Both are about defending the manufactured/perceived purity of a category considered unsullied by unworthy outsiders from those outsiders.
That's all their rhetoric is. Do they even believe it? Some do, probably, but I think most are simply pushing hateful rhetoric as loudly as possible - such as #StickerWoman nonsense and published op eds - to normalize and even enforce the view that trans women cannot be women.
When they say things like "woman isn't a feeling" it's not about addressing what womanhood *is* at all, or even whether anyone can genuinely feel like a woman (yes, one can - there's even a song about it by a cis woman). It's about trivializing trans women's membership in
womanhood and refuting it. The assertion itself is painfully simplistic and doesn't even constitute a legitimate argument. It's simply an emotive declaration to exclude trans women and establish solidarity with other terfs.
Other evidence that this isn't about what terfs say it's about is the fact that terfs frequently welcome and encourage cis men into their ranks, and those cis men absolutely *delight* in expressing virulent misogyny and transphobia at trans women and cis allies, especially with
the apparent blessings of terf women who reassure them they're white knighting for them in a good cause. Even cis *gay* men get caught up in this, letting themselves be led by the nose straight to outright misogyny and homophobia as long as it's against women.
I don't mean that the men are any more sincere than the women. The foundational rule for terfs is that they lie. Constantly. About everything. They'll manufacture controversy if they can't find one. The insistence that trans women are violent male rapist pedophiles is a lie.
How could it be otherwise? But they hope to get an emotive response: The purity of womanhood under attack from unsavory men! This is similar to the rhetoric that white women in the American South used to get Black men and boys like Emmett Till killed for literally no reason.
Mobilizing the cis men against the perceived outsider/aggressor/threat to protect the presumably vulnerable cis women, who in the real world spend much of their time on private and public forums strategizing how they're going to turn the entire world against trans women.
My point is that asking for a definition of womanhood, or asserting one, are attempts to assert that trans women must know our proper place as "non-women." They call us men but they do not treat us like men. It's not about us being men, it's about us being seen as interlopers.
And the reality is if they gave up their hateful crusade, decided to live and let live, nothing bad would happen. Nothing bad *has* happened. Trans women have been doing our business alongside cis women for decades and this looming threat has not materialized. And one improperly
vetted prisoner is simply not a sign of the anti-woman apocalypse that they insist it is. It stands out because it is very unusual, not because it's the normal expectation. This is also why so many latched onto the tabloid rumors that Ian Huntley is a trans woman.
Because someone like him declaring himself a woman and transitioning is seen to them as "proof" that trans women are dangerous. Never mind that there are two different stories about Ian that disagree on major points, never mind that if Ian does transition and is treated like a
woman, prisoners as dangerous as Ian of either gender are housed in men's prisons in the UK. Or in other words, it really doesn't matter. But terfs would have you believe that every trans woman is Ian Huntley or Karen White, but reality shows that trans women are far more likely
to be victims of any kind of violence - including sexual violence - than they are to be perpetrators, and one would hope any reasonable person could conclude that a marginalized group should not be judged as a whole by the actions of its worst members. In truth, terf rhetoric
holding all trans women responsible for the crimes of a very few bears a strong resemblance to something else white supremacists have done. Not just Nazis, of course. It's not dissimilar from how white supremacists insist Sweden is the "rape capital" of the world, in fact.
when you see a terf tweeting that trans women are men, or talking about trans women's genitals as if they have a life of their own and will independently start raping of their own volition, keep in mind that this isn't something they believe literally. It's simply propaganda.
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Sep 9, 2018
Gonna need people to read up on dating exclusion and how it relates to prejudice because too many people think that deliberately excluding trans people from one's dating pool is not in fact transphobic, or specify it's not transphobic if the trans person hasn't had surgery and uh
Not that anyone is required to date anyone else, not that being transphobic makes someone through and through a completely bad person, but we have to be able to talk about how trans people are viewed as less desirable just for being trans and saying this isn't transphobic takes
that ability away from us, consigning such exclusion into the realm of preferences or naturalizing the idea that trans people are simply excluded from monosexual orientations, which is itself extremely transphobic and currently being used to try to eject trans women from the
Read 10 tweets
Sep 5, 2018
A thing that bothers me is cis people who think that transitioning and being trans is about gendered stereotypes and behaviors. It's not. It's not about wanting to play with certain toys, it's not about wanting to wear certain clothes. It's not about wanting to do certain /thread
activities. These are all things that have accreted to gender. Colors, toys, clothes, etc. Femininity and masculinity. Being trans is not about wanting to do those things (although certainly trans people will often want to do those things). I love dresses, and I love to wear them
but I never ever went through a thought process like "I want to wear dresses, therefore I must be a girl." Not even at 4 years old, the earliest I can remember thinking about gender. Rather, I thought, "I'm a girl and these are things girls do and wear." But even so my sister and
Read 27 tweets
Aug 27, 2018
Isn't it interesting how transphobic pieces of garbage like to insist that nothing is in fact transphobic? A certain cis gay man wrote an article about how it's not transphobic to say trans women aren't women, just a difference of opinion. He says this makes transphobia too
encompassing or broad to be meaningful, when in fact the very foundation of transphobia is "trans people are not really the gender they say they are." In other words, this guy is trying to present a faux-reasonable argument that there's nothing wrong with misgendering trans
people, but what his actual real intention appears to be is to rob trans people (esp. trans women as he focuses on us) of the ability to speak coherently about our oppression. This goes farther than saying we can't call anyone cis or call transphobic fake feminists what they are.
Read 7 tweets
Aug 26, 2018
Check out Jesse Singal being invested in what is possibly an astroturfing campaign.
A vocal proponent of ROGD using a stock image that appears on pages about vaginal discharge? How strange.

Fascinating, btw, that Singal would be contacting PLOSone like this.
Read 9 tweets
Aug 16, 2018
Check out Chad "trans people shouldn't exist because it makes the cis gays uncomfortable" Felix Greene lying about what happened with the 12-year old trans girl in Oklahoma. Note how he makes the threats seem justified by mentioning the peeping accusation.
In case he deletes once people realize he's minimizing violent threats against a 12 year old girl.
Here's the article he's lying about.…
Read 10 tweets
Aug 14, 2018
Look at Anne Ruzylo gloating about an 11-year old trans girl getting shot at because it wasn't a real firearm (it was a BB gun), and because it supposedly missed (she was hit in the shoulder). It's obvious these twits don't think violence done to trans children is bad.
These people would scream bloody murder if it came out that a trans kid did a fraction of what was done to this girl to a cis child.
Also, Ruzylo is an ex-prison guard, or basically a cop.
Read 10 tweets

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