Maddie, Transsexual Psychopomp Profile picture
Sep 9, 2018 10 tweets 3 min read
Gonna need people to read up on dating exclusion and how it relates to prejudice because too many people think that deliberately excluding trans people from one's dating pool is not in fact transphobic, or specify it's not transphobic if the trans person hasn't had surgery and uh Not that anyone is required to date anyone else, not that being transphobic makes someone through and through a completely bad person, but we have to be able to talk about how trans people are viewed as less desirable just for being trans and saying this isn't transphobic takes
Sep 8, 2018 26 tweets 6 min read
"Define woman" is not a simple question, and not even a fair one. The person asking is usually waiting to gotcha any answer you give. The reality is there is no fixed definition for womanhood that can be easily proven or disproven. Womanhood is too many things. Not all women can give birth, not all women menstruate, not all women have cleavage, not all women look traditionally feminine, not all women are traditionally feminine, not all women are straight, not all women are mothers, not all women have breastfed their children,
Sep 5, 2018 27 tweets 6 min read
A thing that bothers me is cis people who think that transitioning and being trans is about gendered stereotypes and behaviors. It's not. It's not about wanting to play with certain toys, it's not about wanting to wear certain clothes. It's not about wanting to do certain /thread activities. These are all things that have accreted to gender. Colors, toys, clothes, etc. Femininity and masculinity. Being trans is not about wanting to do those things (although certainly trans people will often want to do those things). I love dresses, and I love to wear them
Aug 27, 2018 7 tweets 2 min read
Isn't it interesting how transphobic pieces of garbage like to insist that nothing is in fact transphobic? A certain cis gay man wrote an article about how it's not transphobic to say trans women aren't women, just a difference of opinion. He says this makes transphobia too encompassing or broad to be meaningful, when in fact the very foundation of transphobia is "trans people are not really the gender they say they are." In other words, this guy is trying to present a faux-reasonable argument that there's nothing wrong with misgendering trans
Aug 26, 2018 9 tweets 3 min read
Check out Jesse Singal being invested in what is possibly an astroturfing campaign. A vocal proponent of ROGD using a stock image that appears on pages about vaginal discharge? How strange.

Aug 16, 2018 10 tweets 4 min read
Check out Chad "trans people shouldn't exist because it makes the cis gays uncomfortable" Felix Greene lying about what happened with the 12-year old trans girl in Oklahoma. Note how he makes the threats seem justified by mentioning the peeping accusation. In case he deletes once people realize he's minimizing violent threats against a 12 year old girl.
Aug 14, 2018 10 tweets 3 min read
Look at Anne Ruzylo gloating about an 11-year old trans girl getting shot at because it wasn't a real firearm (it was a BB gun), and because it supposedly missed (she was hit in the shoulder). It's obvious these twits don't think violence done to trans children is bad. These people would scream bloody murder if it came out that a trans kid did a fraction of what was done to this girl to a cis child.
Aug 9, 2018 6 tweets 3 min read
Jesse Singal is now angry that Black people aren't being kind about white women being racist to Black people. I don't know of any world in which it's misogynist to compare a woman to a gallon jug of whole milk, but apparently this is a serious problem in Jesse's world. I do not know if Jesse being publicly racist will make a difference, but it's like we've been saying, transphobes are going to be terrible in other ways.

Anyway, h/t to @CChinneide for linking this.
Jul 24, 2018 11 tweets 2 min read
I think there's something to be said that one of the contributors to trans people's problems is that society, collectively, constantly, and with explicit detail, promotes sexual harassment of all trans people as frequently as possible. I say "problems" but I meant "mental health." It's a constant refrain. Everyone who talks about trans women has to talk about trans women in showers, restrooms, locker rooms, and then has to talk about trans women's genitals as if those genitals make up a trans woman's entirety.
Jul 24, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
Jesse Singal is a goddamned liar. Links in ensuing tweets. This is the largest study of its sort and validates that early interventions are beneficial for trans kids.…
Jul 17, 2018 10 tweets 3 min read
Terfs have been trying to sabotage the lesbian community for decades. This paper by Janice Raymond is a direct response to the infamous lesbian sex wars - to define what kinds of gender express and sex were acceptable for lesbians to have.… This part really stands out to me. Labeling broad swaths of lesbian sex practices as, er, patriarchal and male in nature. That's kind of a weird thing to say about stuff women do with each other, but the author is a terf. Plus the conflation of butch-femme, kink, and pedophilia.
Jul 14, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
Just documenting that the real journalistic outrages aren't how Singal simply ignores what trans people he disagrees tell him about anything trans. The real journalistic outriage is that Meghan Murphy's quotes are removed from a feminist article. While Jesse predicts he'll be criticized for this for defending notorious terf Meghan Murphy, I'm just pointing out that Jesse Singal, self-identified ally to trans people, openly follows and supports a member of an anti-trans hate group who loves to write misogynist articles
Jul 13, 2018 10 tweets 3 min read
Jesse Singal letting the mask slip. @CaseyExplosion

This is the letter on the Morning Star that's referenced:… @threadreaderapp unroll
Jul 12, 2018 12 tweets 2 min read
Why do internet douchebros and terfs both think debate means "I'm going to shout random unsubstantiated claims at you and then insist you refute each of them individually with academic citations. Also, I'm going to ignore the citations and repeat my claims again, only louder." I keep saying terfs are driven by toxic masculinity. The most elementary evidence of this is how they keep trying to push manhood onto trans women. "Be a man!" is the core of toxic masculinity, after all. Terf anxieties about trans women as sex partners is straight up
Jul 12, 2018 10 tweets 3 min read
Trans people not being hired to write articles about trans people while Jesse Singal gets paid large sums of money to post misleading information from anti-trans hate groups: Jesse sleeps.

Business Insider retracts an anti-trans article about ScarJo playing Dante Gill: I also like how he frames it as "offending people" but if you read the linked article they talk about the BI article as not meeting journalistic standards. As usual, Singal's establishing the context that all criticism is just oversensitive trans people not allowing a debate.