But determining these people, coupled with and clarifying the evidence we have, would do a *great* deal to further cripple Russian influence operations globally.
Because of the sensitivity of the case - a coup establishing a hostile foreign agent as President - we needed more than just an airtight case against *him.*
We needed cases so overwhelming that even the Mike Flynns and Paul Manaforts would capitulate.
But in every case, harvesting all the intelligence and evidence available from each individual, each operation, each network, each technology, each tactic, each strategy.
But what was going on? The paint-by-number pieces in which unknown authors were given a platform to defame professionals making the "wild claim" that Russia had clearly done what Russia had clearly done.
How many bots and trolls are pushing a particular line of attack, and does it dovetail with any larger narrative they appear to be pushing more broadly?
I considered the flaw in cryptocurrency enabling the mass tracking/takedown of organized crime/Russian intel a modest side project for more than one reason. As we proceed, *why* will become more apparent.
But for Russian operatives approaching the point of no return, why you *want* a deal w/#Mueller.
@ericgarland@MingGao26@YouTube@FBI@NSAGov@DHSgov@thespybrief Briefly, as I've said before, the US can impose a total lockdown of any aggressor's economy, but the worst part is we can lift that total sanction on *everything* for a mere pittance - a virtual gift, even.
For every intel operative & leader involved in this assault.