These Kavanaugh accusers should be made to file police reports & testify under oath with strict penalty for perjury before entertaining further or subpoenaing anyone. If unwilling to do so, they should be dismissed immediately. They are victimizers, NOT victims! #DemWomenLie
Another example of a false accusation! They happen and I believe these Kavanaugh accusers are lying for politics and are demeaning true victims of rape. They are victimizers, not victims!…
It seems a google search supplies all sorts of links to women lying. I will post one more and then end there as the point is made. Someone should let the Dems know women sometimes lie, especially Dem women.…
The women above went so far as to file a police report so they actually faced charges. They didn't have a creepy porn lawyer or high profile Democrat activist attorney advising thm like Kavanaugh's accusers do. Kavanaugh's accusers know not to file any reports. Proof #DemWomenLie
This November 6th, I am calling on Republicans, Independents & #WalkAway Democrats to turn out in support of @POTUS and #VoteRed. Let's help @realDonaldTrump continue his agenda to #MAGA. We ALL win when we MAGA. We ALL benefit from jobs, record low unemployment & tax cuts.
Come Nov 6th, we need to finish reclaiming our country by showing up in record numbers to #VoteRed. Let's send our biggest msg yet to Dems, Liberal Media & the World, that we support @POTUS & we want to continue to #MAGA. Let's give @realDonaldTrump the tools he needs to do it.
Dedicate yourselves to helping get the word out every day between now and Nov 6th. Encourage your friends, family, co-workers & neighbors to #VoteRed. Don't forget the store clerk, or whomever else you encounter. Take Nov 6th off to volunteer at the polls or drive voters to vote.
@JaySekulow@POTUS@TomFitton@RudyGiuliani Almost seems as if Mueller is just trying to keep the FAKE Russia collusion investigation going the entire time Trump is in office to protect the true guilty, which includes Mueller himself, from investigation and prosecution.
If you try to investigate or bring charges against him or those involved with true collusion (and obstruction, conspiracy, subversion, sedition and treason); he will claim obstruction. By continuing this ridiculous investigation he protects himself and the others.
He will keep this going until @POTUS leaves office because they know POTUS is the only one who will make good on investigating, charging and prosecuting these criminals. POTUS will make good on draining the swamp.
WAKE UP! Socialism is making large in roads into our society and we have to start educating people against this ideology before it is too late. This is how it starts. We must fight against it and squash it now.
Socialism is no longer a taboo topic. Plenty of Millennials think it is a real option. They grew up in schools that were totally controlled by leftist propaganda and were not taught the dangers of socialism and communism. Search ‘socialism’ on Twitter and take a look.
Lots of politicians running as Dems but are actually socialists. They use to run on their own party but have managed to infiltrate the Democrats (actually, it’s more likely expected progression) and are now becoming more mainstream as a result.
1/ Listen up folks, we are on the verge of our own civil war in the US. Deep State, Soros & the anti-freedom Dems are fighting like h*ll to take control of this country. We can’t let this happen. Every single person who voted in 2016, plus all who did not, will need to get out...
2/ and vote. I don't care how small the office - you must vote at every level - from dog catcher, to Constable, to local City Council & judges, all the way up. We have to make sure we get Republicans in at all levels. Unfortunately, we may not like all of them but we can't put...
3/ a Dem in office. We know what we will get with them. We still have a fighting chance with the Republican in office. We may not agree with them on every issue but there will never be anyone that we agree with on every issue. If there is a Dem running unchallenged in your...
The legality of these type of things from the left needs to be explored. As an elected official, is Crazy Maxine Waters breaking any rules by calling for something that will lead to violence? Are laws being broken? ...
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If someone is hurt as a result of this, seems that not only is the offender responsible but so is Crazy Maxine Waters. If someone finds themselves in this situation, call the police 1st. Then take pictures of the perp. Press charges, then expose online...
Then sue Crazy Maxine Waters. The perp could also sue her for encouraging them to do it. The perp will have a criminal record and a legal fees as a result of her telling them to do this. We need to explore every legal means of taking this on, from criminal laws to lawsuits.
The #IGReport makes clear the #FBI, #DOJ, and Media colluded to interfere with our elections and attempted to overthrow a duly elected @POTUS. They committed crimes of subversion, sedition and treason and should be fully prosecuted for such...
The Russian Collusion investigation is clearly part of their sick plot and should come to an end immediately! Contact your senators and representatives and demand an end to the Mueller investigation and that charges be brought against those in the #FBI, #DOJ and Media who...
participated in these crimes. Justice absolutely demands that they all be prosecuted. The integrity of our form of government demands it. The safety of our citizens and preservation of our rights demand it. #IGReport#FBICorruption#FBICoverUp#DOJCorruption#DOJCrimeFamily