Interesting. It's just gotta be a coincidence that Psy-Group's friends and targets of politically-motivated catfishing of Never-Trump GOP operatives both Rilly, Rilly love the Mandarin Oriental in DC....
if @VickerySec or others were to look at the timing of spikes in communications with breaches of other state election boards (or other corporate, political, or government entities holding data that could be used to improve triangulation with the facebook data already breached)...
Note: the article states that the pledges were made just after DCLeaks started releasing emails from the DNC - but neglects to mention 7 emails between Smith and IL RNC Committeeman Richard Porter also leaked.
Couldn't the tip have come from another House where they felt it necessary to get that information out,
because the real value of the Kavanaugh nomination was to yield a counterpoint against which to cast future allegations of sexual assault against teenage girls?
Another instance for the head of that house to point to and say 'see, the American public really doesn't care about past transgressions against women?'