Dr. Ford testified she was "100%" certain Kav sexually assaulted her..
Kav called the claim part of a "calculated & conspiratorial political hit by the DEMs/Clintons to torpedo him from the SC.
If so, why didn’t the DEMs do that to Gorsuch?
Kavanaugh displayed an angry, combative & belligerent side in contrast to the ‘choirboy’ image portrayed on Fox lamenting the ‘unfairness’ of the allegations.
It wasn’t a stretch to imagine Kav as a mean & belligerent drunk.
He never drank more than the blood alcohol chart...
Kav shouted over & interrupted the senators & gave vague & evasive answers for the most part.
He refused to agree to an FBI investigation, whereas his accusers welcome the higher level of scrutiny a investigation.
Dr. Ford first named Kav in 2012.
🏵Dr. Ford🏵
KAV revealed he not only has credibility issues, his hyper partisanship but also his obvious temperament issues.
Dr. Ford decided to speak up when his name came up on the shortlist of possible SC nominees.
Kav testified he did not watch Dr. Ford testimony, but👇🏼
🏵Dr. Ford4🏵
Once Christine Blasey Ford's Humanity Was on Display, It Was All Over.
Why are the GOP afraid of Mark Judge’s testimony?
Dr. Ford proved to be a very credible, genuine & sympathetic witness and served masterfully as her own expert witness.
🏵Dr. Ford6🏵
Two attorneys representing Christine Blasey Ford at her Senate Judiciary Committee hearing say they're working for her pro bono
GOP senators: Judiciary Committee to vote 9:30 am Friday morning on Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court.
🏵Dr. Ford7🏵
The letter upon which Kav relied to prove his innocence was in error.
The letter was written by atty, not by the witness, who later texted Dr. Ford an apology for the error.
Dutch police arrest 7 men suspected of plotting "major terror attack in the Netherlands."
🏵Dr. Ford8🏵
Dr. Ford wanted to remain anonymous became instead a historic figure, a new symbol of the culture’s anguished struggle over trust, identity & sexual politics.
Was Mitchell fired on the spot b/c she asked Kav fact based questions to which he gave evasive answers?
🏵Dr. Ford9🏵
Widely Used Election Machines ‘Vulnerable to Cyberattack’
House Intel Com’tee tees up release of RU probe transcripts
Rand Paul’s Push to Lift Some RU Sanctions Fizzles Bigly
What is the impact of the 2016 election as both a conservative & sex abuse survivor?
🏵Dr. Ford9🏵
Regulators accuse Tesla's Elon Musk of securities
Diplomats Say They Were Definitely Laughing At Trump At The UN
First Republican calls for FBI to investigate Kavanaugh
WikiLeaks on Wednesday named one-time spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson as its new editor-in-chief
🏵Dr. Ford10🏵
KO: “If @HillaryClinton behaved before Congress the way Brett Kavanaugh did today-crying, indignant, evasive, dissembling, vacillating between wounded victim, sanctimonious choir boy, and enraged warrior against a vast conspiracy-she would have been excoriated.”
🏵Dr. Ford11🏵
Three GOP govs call for delaying Kav vote
Google suppressed memo which revealed a Chinese partner would have “unilateral access” to the data.
📌Trump and Rosenstein will meet next week.
House GOP schedule interview with former FBI general counsel Jim Baker
🏵Dr. Ford12🏵
KAV is a RW conspiracy theorist & rabid political operative
@ABC: “Brett Kavanaugh says "this whole two-week effort has been a calculated and orchestrated political hit" fueled by "apparent pent-up anger about Trump" and "revenge on behalf of the Clintons."
Christine Blasey Ford told senators she was "100%" certain Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when they were teenagers. Kavanaugh called the claim part of a "calculated and orchestrated political hit" designed to keep him off the Supreme Court. cnn.com/2018/09/27/pol…
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, who wanted dearly to remain anonymous became instead a historic figure, a new symbol of the culture’s anguished struggle over trust, identity and sexual politics. washingtonpost.com/politics/behin…
The 17 Most Striking Moments From the Kavanaugh Hearing
In a historic hearing, the Senate Judiciary Committee questioned Christine Blasey Ford about her sexual-assault allegation against the Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. theatlantic.com/politics/archi…
Three Republican governors called for the Senate to delay or forgo a vote on the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court ahead of a hearing Thursday on Capitol Hill to examine sexual assault allegations against the nominee. politico.com/story/2018/09/…
Brett Kavanaugh: The supreme showdown for Trump's America
"These are unwitting combatants in an undeclared war, these people are not props for us to make our political points, nor are they to be demolished," said Jeff Flake. bbc.com/news/world-us-…
The conspicuous absence of the only other witness to an alleged assault committed by Brett Kavanaugh reveals a Senate hearing held in bad faith. theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/…
Christine Blasey Ford Is Her Own Expert Witness
In testifying about her alleged sexual assault, she used her expertise as a psychologist who understands trauma. theatlantic.com/health/archive…
Once Christine Blasey Ford's Humanity Was on Display, It Was All Over
Testifying before the Senate, she showed what American politics might look like if Americans truly saw the people our society usually silences and grinds underfoot. theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/…
Two attorneys representing Christine Blasey Ford at her Senate Judiciary Committee hearing say they're working for her pro bono. apnews.com/203cde2444124d…
In his opening statement angry & belligerent Kavanaugh accuses Democrats of some sort of funded left wing conspiracy, inc’g the Clinton’s for Dr. Ford’s allegations.
The Securities and Exchange Commission has filed a lawsuit accusing Tesla boss Elon Musk of securities fraud.
The US financial regulator says Mr Musk's claims that he had secured funding to take the electric carmaker private were "false and misleading". bbc.com/news/business-…
Adil Baguirov is an Azerbaijani-American citizen, living in Dayton OH. He is running as a GOP for the position of Montgomery County Recorder & his resume for Worldwide Strategic Energy states that he was the RU advisor to Curt Weldon in 2003 and 2004. medium.com/@trumpwatchdog…
Diplomats Say They Were Definitely Laughing At Trump At The UN
Trump, however, insisted later in the day that they weren't laughing at him, saying, "People had a good time with me. We were doing it together, we had a good time." buzzfeednews.com/article/emilyt…
Rep. Walter Jones (N.C.) became the first Republican lawmaker in Congress to call for an FBI investigation into allegations by three women that President Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, sexually assaulted or harassed them decades ago. thehill.com/homenews/admin…
WikiLeaks on Wednesday named one-time spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson as its new editor-in-chief. The ramifications of the move are unclear. apnews.com/df4b97d353c34c…
Russia’s GRU ‘Fancy Bear’ has secretly developed and deployed new malware that’s virtually impossible to eradicate, capable of surviving a complete wipe of a target computer’s hard drive, and allows the Kremlin’s hackers to return again and again. thedailybeast.com/fancy-bear-the…
Google suppressed a memo which disclosed that the search system, codenamed Dragonfly, wd require users to log in to perform searches, track their location & share the resulting history with a Chinese partner who would have “unilateral access” to the data. theintercept.com/2018/09/21/goo…
📌Trump campaign conspired w/ IS, RU, CH, SA & UAE to win 2016 elex
📌Alfa bank/TT/Spectrum H server -> CA
📌Trump Fam’s massive tax fraud & debt
📌RU troll farm in RU burned down last night
📌Cooperating witnesses
📌Cohen’s trip to Prague story abt to break
‼️F O C U S‼️
Haley Resignation was a distraction.
👉🏼The move allowed the president to maintain control of the news cycle.
The Mueller Inv Is Bigger Than Rosenstein
Even if he got fired, a replacement dead set on shutting down the inv wd find it nearly impossible to pull off.
‼️F O C U S‼️
.Interpol officer found dead in Yekaterinburg
“Based on the speculation I've seen on TV, Trump will fire Jeff Sessions, who will be replaced by Lindsey Graham, who will be replaced by Nikki Haley, who will be replaced by Ivanka Trump.”
The servers at TT & Alfa Bank, Spectrum Health & Heartland PS, were communicating via DNS look ups, sharing packet data.
‘GOP, Trump & Rick Gates are reportedly directly implicated in espionage against the US 2016 primary/Pres elex via help from a foreign power.’
Rick Gates, the indicted Trump campaign official and Manafort aide & GOP Operative sought proposals from Psy Group an Israeli intelligence firm to run a coordinated disinfo campaign against US voters to help Trump win the primary & general elections.
Initially Psy-Group offered a social media manipulation campaign which included fake social media profiles that would attack Ted Cruz and discredit him the eyes of GOP Party delegates, who was at the time Trump’s main competitor for the GOP nomination.
With regard to Kavanaugh, rumor has it he will be “The first Supreme Court Justice to go to prison. Another historic first on the way for Team Treason.” #Kasowitz 💰#SIGINT
The former dean of Yale LS is shocked by Kav’s raw & savage partisan turn.
DC Circuit sent complaints abt Kav’s testimony to CJ Roberts
At issue Kav’s answers about his work in the Bush adm, & his lack of judicial temperament re his partisan comments about DEMs
Under scrutiny are Kav’s involvement in Memogate, GWB adm post the terrorist attacks of 9/11/01; USA Patriot Act inclusive of various domestic surveillance programs, airport screening programs & other privacy-related subjects.
📌Goal: The Northern Sea Route (which is a key template of Moscow’s Arctic strategies) as an “important component” of
The POLAR SILK ROAD is considered as “part of an ambitious strategy to change China’s (and Russia’s) land and sea connections to Europe and the world.” orientalreview.org/2018/08/20/rus…
THE POLAR SILK ROAD is an important component of China's Belt and Road (B&R) initiative, in terms of an ambitious strategy to change China's land and sea connections to Europe and the world. globaltimes.cn/content/111471…
A billion-dollar Indonesian real estate development with ties to U.S. President Donald Trump has become the latest project in China’s globe-spanning Belt and Road infrastructure project — just as Washington and Beijing are tussling over trade. japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/05/1…
A subsidiary of Chinese state-owned construction firm Metallurgical Corporation of China (MCC) signed a deal with Indonesia’s MNC Land to build a theme park outside Jakarta as part of the ambitious project japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/05/1…
Rumor has it Kav has even more secrets he would like to keep hidden, some of which are likely to be revealed when the time is right. 🤗#FBI#Memogate, #Kasowitz, 💰& more. Oh my! All is not lost.🤗
💣NY AG Sues Trump's Charitable Foundation for Political Activities
Not one Republican has signed on to the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act.
Not. One.
Senator Leahy Compiled Comprehensive, Point-By-Point Summary Of The Many Times That Judge Kavanaugh Misled The Senate Under Oath.
SC Justices can be prosecuted.
Lawsuits point to large trove of unreleased Kav WH docs White
Amazon Says 3rd-Party Seller Got Some Customers’ Email Addys
NY Regulators Examine the Trump Family’s Tax Schemes
WaPo Vote ‘no’ on Kav
USA TODAY Editorial Board: Vote no on Kavanaugh's confirmation