1-The Turkish soldiers and their affiliates are running a prostitution network of Kurdish womens in Afrin. One FSA medias was angry at the Turks for arresting one of them (Salah al-Safi) and threatened to expose them if he wasnt released. The Turks refused so they posted proofs
2- They have in their possession a lot of video proofs and pictures which they will release if he isn't free from the Turks prison. This is crazy stuff that the UN is letting happening.This FSA channel is no better wince they are only releasing this for their own agendas #Afrin
3-But we need to take a stand against this and we need to speak to our political representatives in whatever country we are living in. This cannot go any longer because each days that goes on there is man and women suffering from those #WarCrimes#twitterkurds