1) Starting a thread about the next Democrat Party narrative: "Kavanaugh the overprivileged belligerent party animal frat boy alcohoTp0dpxBsOm
2) We have demonstrated that the Ford story is not exactly believable. #ConfirmKavanaughNow
3) And now, nobody believes it. But they are too embarrassed to admit how stupid and gullible they are. How a bunch of "deplorables" made them look like a bunch o1ZTgX2bRxj
4) Here are 25 reasons Ford's story falls apart the minute you really stop to think. medium.com/@DrDannielle/f…
6) Of course, the notion that their seditious conspiracy is falling apart has caused the Democrat Party leadership to panic.
7) I already told my dad that (per #QAnon) I expect the Internet to go down, at least temporarily, and not to be scared at all. qmap.pub
8) My dad's mom got out of Auschwitz alive. She was confronted by Josef Mengele, the "Angel of Death," on her way out: "You stinkin' Jew, you'll never have kids."
We do not talk about what happened to her there, except to say she miraculously escapeps://t.co/fL0vhi01RU
9) My dad got copies of the video testimony my grandmother and grandfather did for Yad Vashem. These testimonies are online.
All of the children who were trafficked by the monsters of the global elite need to have their chance to testify.
10) My dad's dad made it his life's mission to get justice after the massacre of the Jews in Sarmas, Hungary, on Rosh HaShana eve.
He saw the perpetrators convicted. Got the Jews a proper burial. And got a proper monument for them as well.
15) Paul Sperry, @nypost: "Democratic leaders & their liberal aides, along with professional agitators, are all intermingled and conspiring...to spike the confirmation of President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavannypost.com/2018/09/22/how….co/3teRBz54Qe
16) September 30, 2018, InfoWars.com: WATCH LIVE: ANTIFA ‘KILL TEAMS’ VOW TO KILL CONSERVATIVE LEADERS IF THEY LOSE MIDTERMS&quinfowars.com/watch-live-ant…sYT3y
18) There is no question that we are in a civil war right now. None.
19) @Project_Veritas showed us how multiple Federal agencies have been infiltrated by unapologetic communists.
20) At one local university, over the past couple of years, at least one eyewitness stated to me that they saw a communist flag flying out of a student's window.
21) The fight for Kavanaugh is just one battle in the Second Civil War.
22) It is in this context that we can expect to see the new Kavanaugh narrative emerge: pivot to alcoholism.
23) It is hard for me to understand why the Democrat Party is so irrationally self-destructive. A lot of good ideas there. A lot of good intentions.
24) But they cannot seem to stop themselves. So be prepared...the 4 AM talking points are in, and they're all about the dangers of substance abuse. h/t @5Strat
25) And what did they pay the PR people to say?
Search: "Kavanaugh belligerent alcohoizA7BhTeCE
26) They really like the word "belligerCqz8iXvRuT
27) They really like "dodge" and "truth" set in opposips://t.co/1qaKgj4Q3E
28) And it's great when you can medicalize your rabid diatribes of hate.
29) Katherine S. van Wormer, for Psychology Today: "Alcohol Intoxication, Violence, and Judge Kavanaugh: Research into alcohol's effects helps explain aggressive drunken behavipsychologytoday.com/us/blog/crimes…iG9QSigE9Hc
30) One thing the Democrat Party's current leadership won't talk about is the effects of alcoholism on the memory of an alleged sex crime victim.
Not gonna please the base to "victim blame."
31) We ask whether Christine "Chrissy" Blasey went through high school/college in a drunken state, whether she partied till she passed out, or anything likrealclearinvestigations.com/articles/2018/…QxRlTGMRuy
32) We are not allowed to ask.
33) We are reduced to hearing her memorized-sounding self-diagnosis, as all the women nod their heads: yes, of course, we believe you sister.
34) Somehow it's acceptable to trash legitimate questions about this professed victim's ties to the CIA -- ties which would dramatically change our understanding of the allegations -- without ever really looking into them. mediamatters.org/blog/2018/09/2…
35) I do think it's great that we have fact-checking sites like Snopes, even if they're biased. It's just that they only check one side of the story.
She talks about being a localization specialist because they're good at blackmail. That doesn't make any sense. Localization has to do with creating strategies that appeal to local populations. From a development perspective it is correlated with resilience. There is no magic.
In her words: "What I did was something called Localization or L-10N. So localization strategy is you find a group of people...you kind of try to get in their mind...you use that to your advantage...so if I wanna blackmail you...I will know your deepest, darkest fears"
"Sophie, 9 yo, has disclosed...domestic violence, sexual grooming, and most recently molestation/rape in her primary residence. Her father is fighting for her life while her abusers pull every resource to get their hands back on her." archive.is/M8A8q#selectio…
"The biological mother, according to Sophie, is a part of the sexual abuse and is encouraging it....We have been dealing with CPS, Law Enforcement, Lawyers, DFPS, Forensic interviews, and several doctors "