The Trumps’ tax maneuvers show a pattern of deception.
Trump by age 3, earned $200k a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire. He was a millionaire by age 8. In his 40s & 50s, he rec’d +$5M a year.
That ‘small loan’ of $1 million was actually at least $60.7 million — much of it never repaid
Fred Trump wove a safety net that rescued his son from one bad bet after another
The Trumps turned an $11 million loan debt into a legally questionable tax write-off
Father and son set out to create the myth of a self-made billionaire
Trump tried to change his ailing father’s will, setting off a family reckoning
The Trump parents dodged hundreds of millions in gift taxes by grossly undervaluing the assets they would pass on
The Trumps created a company that siphoned cash from the empire
After Fred Trump’s death, his empire’s most valuable asset was an I.O.U. from Donald Trump
Donald Trump got a windfall when the empire was sold. But he may have left money on the table, he sold low.
The 2004 sale brought him his biggest payday ever from his father: His cut was $177.3M, or $236.2M in today’s dollars.
SecDef Mattis & the Navy’s top officer, Adm. John Richardson, were reportedly targeted in a suspected ricin mail attack at the Pentagon today.
McConnell says only senators will see FBI's Kavanaugh report
Money laundering expert to leave Robert Mueller team
Wittes: If I were a senator, I would not vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh
Secret Service says a suspicious envelope was sent to Trump
Sen. Jeff Flake said he was very troubled by the partisan tone of Judge Kavanaugh's remarks during his testimony and added, "we can't have this on the court."
Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches
From His Father
US threatens to 'take out' RU missiles if Moscow keeps violating nuclear treaty
Trump invited to Visit RU
RU FM Lavrov said that Putin also has received an invitation from Trump to visit the US.
Kavanaugh’s 1983 Letter Offers Inside Look at High School Clique
The tricky process of returning Nazi-looted art
Friends fear for safety of prominent Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi
State Dept announces SOS Pompeo will travel to NK to meet Kim Jong Un Sunday
Rosenstein Set to Meet With House Lawmakers Next Thursday
France freezes assets of Iran's intelligence service, linked to bomb plot 'thwarted by Mossad'
The image of the US has deteriorated more among its allies after a year in which Trump ratcheted up his verbal attacks on countries like Canada & Germany
GOP operative Cheri Jacobus who sued Trump says FBI referred hacking of her email to Mueller
Cheri Jacobus says she was subjected to a campaign of online harassment and sabotage after a public fight with the president and one of his top advisers.
📌In the Vince Foster investigation did Kav engage in witness intimidation or obstruction of justice?
Bangor Maine: Kavanaugh is unfit for Supreme Court
A piece of mail delivered to the Pentagon mail facility has tested positive for ricin.
Trump Adm to Deny Visas to Same-Sex Partners of Diplos, U.N. Officials
The new policy will insist they be married—even if they're from countries that criminalize gay marriage.
While careful not to directly make the case for any would-be justice, McConnell made clear in multiple phone calls with Trump & the WH counsel, McGahn, that perhaps another choice would be less problematic than Kavanaugh.
What did 🐢 know?
Archived videos give a view of Kav’s friend Mark Judge
The USmilitary said on Tuesday it had killed nine militants in an air strike in southern Somalia this week during a battle between U.S. and Somali government troops and al Shabaab Islamist fighters. #Somalia
Mueller ‘downsizing’ with departure of 2 prosecutors 👍🏼
Nat’l Jewish DEM Council Sues Sheldon Adelson for Damages, Alleging ‘Legal Sadism
Trump’s EPA is rolling back regs on radiation exposure & is actually saying it’s a good thing. 😱Radiation causes cancer++
Rachel Mitchell says her Kavanaugh report is what a ‘reasonable prosecutor’ would say. It’s not.
Archived videos give a view of Brett Kavanaugh's friend Mark Judge
Department of Justice Announces Corey Amundson to Head the Office of Professional Responsibility
A WaPo reporter revealed new details about former CIA DirJohn Brennan’s efforts to counter RU election interference — and how 🐢 thwarted him leaving the door open to RU to swing the election to Trump.
Dwarf planet 'The Goblin' discovery redefining solar system
Indelible in Our Hippocampus
In time history will judge Thursday's SJC hearings—but the women who watched Dr. Ford's testimony have already made up their minds.
Roger Stone built a 'dirty trickster' image. Now Robert Mueller might build a case on it.
HRC laughs at Kav’s claim of ‘revenge’ It actually speaks to his guilt as a GOP operative.
A record 800k people registered to vote on Nat’l Voter Reg Day
Foreign Nat’l Pleads Guilty to Downloading Child Porn from the Dark Web in Exchange for Cryptocurrency
Amazon’s plan to boost its min wage to $15 ph makes for smart politics but could deliver a hit to investors
Trump unpopular across globe & US’ standing dropped, new poll shows
Chinese warship in 'unsafe' encounter w/ US destroyer, amid rising US-China tensions
Social Media Is Revolutionizing Warfare
Michael Flynn was one of the first to exploit the new battlefield that would ultimately help bring him down.
New Zealand’s ‘digital strip searches’: Give border agents your passwords or risk a $5k fine
Feds in VA have arrested 4 men in connex w/ the violence & charged w/ fed conspiracy re Charlottesville in Aug 2017.
DOJ charged the men for violence in other riots in CA
FBI: the men traveled from CA to CV to incite a riot, bringing violence & harm
New York State Tax Department reviewing fraud allegations involving Trump in NYT article…
💣B O O M💣
The president has long sold himself as a self-made billionaire, but a Times investigation found that he received at least $413 million in today’s dollars from his father’s real estate empire, much of it through tax dodges in the 1990s.…
1000s of docs from the Starr probe are still secret. It is impossible to know whether Kav was linked to any intimidation or obstruction of justice, but there is no doubt in my mind that he failed to protect the rights of his own GJ witness.…
Questions abt Stone's past reveal how prosecutors are trying to establish a pattern of political ops.
The lines of inquiry also raise the possibility that investigators could be readying charges against Stone for crimes unrelated to the Russian hacking.
No Doubt Iran Behind Foiled Paris Attack, Says French Diplomatic Source
France freezes assets of Iran's intelligence service, linked to bomb plot 'thwarted by Mossad'…
Former National-Security Adviser Michael Flynn was one of the first to exploit the new battlefield that would ultimately help bring him down.…
McConnell says only senators will see FBI's Kavanaugh report
Mueller ‘downsizing’ with departure of 2 prosecutors
'I think they wouldn’t be letting people go unless they’re winding down,' said a Washington defense attorney working on the Russia probe.…
A Washington Post reporter revealed new details about former CIA director John Brennan’s efforts to counter Russian election interference — and how SML Mitch McConnell thwarted him leaving the door open to RU to swing the election to Trump.…
Sen. Jeff Flake said he was very troubled by the partisan tone of Judge Kavanaugh's remarks during his testimony and added, "we can't have this on the court."…
US threatens to 'take out' Russian missiles if Moscow keeps violating nuclear treaty…
The image of the United States has deteriorated further among its traditional allies after a year in which President Donald Trump ratcheted up his verbal attacks on countries like Canada and Germany, a leading survey showed.…
4 White Supremacists Hit With Federal Charges Over Charlottesville Unite The Right Weekend
Federal charges came more than a year after violence surrounding the August 2017 rally.…
Wittes: I Know Brett Kavanaugh, but I Wouldn’t Confirm Him
This is an article I never imagined myself writing, that I never wanted to write, that I wish I could not write.…
The Nazis stole thousands of artworks from Jewish families during World War II and their restitution has been a slow process, involving legal battles, complex searches and some stunning finds.…
Trump invited to Visit Russia
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that Putin also has received an invitation from Trump to visit the United States…
GOP operative Cheri Jacobus who sued Trump says FBI referred hacking of her email to Mueller
Cheri Jacobus says she was subjected to a campaign of online harassment and sabotage after a public fight with the president and one of his top advisers.…
The U.S. military said on Tuesday it had killed nine militants in an air strike in southern Somalia this week during a battle between U.S. and Somali government troops and al Shabaab Islamist fighters.
Scientists have made an exciting discovery at the edge of our #SolarSystem - a newly found world, wonderfully named #TheGoblin, seems to be under gravitational pull of a giant unseen object which could be the hypothetical huge planet, Planet Nine #Planet9…
Trump is deeply unpopular across the globe, holding the most negative rating among five world leaders, according to a new poll conducted by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center.…
Going on the Offensive: A U.S. Strategy to Combat Russian Information Warfare…
The Trump admin is quietly moving to weaken U.S. radiation regulations, relying on scientific outliers (wingnuts) who argue that a bit of radiation damage is actually good for you — like a little bit of sunlight.
How Kavanaugh’s Last Confirmation Hearing Could Haunt Him
Two Democrats feel that the Supreme Court nominee misled them about his awareness of terror-detainee policy during the Bush administration.…
Hillary Clinton on Tuesday balked at SC nominee Brett Kavanaugh's claim that the allegations of sexual misconduct against him are being carried out as part of "revenge on behalf of the Clintons," saying such a declaration "deserves a lot of laughter."…
Trump Administration to Deny Visas to Same-Sex Partners of Diplomats, U.N. Officials
The new policy will insist they be married—even if they're from countries that criminalize gay marriage.…
While careful not to directly make the case for any would-be justice, McConnell made clear in multiple phone calls with Trump & the WH counsel, McGahn, that perhaps another choice would be less problematic than Kavanaugh.
The U.S. military said on Tuesday it had killed nine militants in an air strike in southern Somalia this week during a battle between U.S. and Somali government troops and al Shabaab Islamist fighters. #Somalia…
‼️Borowitz Report
Twenty Million Witnesses Come Forward Claiming They Saw Kavanaugh Lie Under Oath
National Jewish Democratic Council Sues Sheldon Adelson for Damages, Alleging ‘Legal Sadism’…
Further review is not necessary to conclude that Kav is unfit for the SC. His performance before the SJC confirmed that. Generally, we, like Collins, believe presidents have broad leeway in their appts & initially felt Kav met this broad standard. No more.…
Federal authorities in VA have arrested several individuals in connection with the violence in Charlottesville in August 2017, a U.S. official said Tuesday.
A Chinese destroyer approached USS Decatur in an unsafe and unprofessional maneuver in the vicinity of Gaven Reef in the South China Sea, Capt. Charles Brown, a spokesman for US Pacific Fleet, told CNN in a statement confirming the incident.…
Indelible in Our Hippocampus
It may be too soon to tell how history will judge Thursday's Senate Judiciary hearings—but the women who watched Christine Blasey Ford's testimony have already made up their minds. #Hero…
Lisa Graves writes: I Wrote Some of the Stolen Memos That Brett Kavanaugh Lied to the Senate About
📌Trump campaign conspired w/ IS, RU, CH, SA & UAE to win 2016 elex
📌Alfa bank/TT/Spectrum H server -> CA
📌Trump Fam’s massive tax fraud & debt
📌RU troll farm in RU burned down last night
📌Cooperating witnesses
📌Cohen’s trip to Prague story abt to break
‼️F O C U S‼️
Haley Resignation was a distraction.
👉🏼The move allowed the president to maintain control of the news cycle.
The Mueller Inv Is Bigger Than Rosenstein
Even if he got fired, a replacement dead set on shutting down the inv wd find it nearly impossible to pull off.
‼️F O C U S‼️
.Interpol officer found dead in Yekaterinburg
“Based on the speculation I've seen on TV, Trump will fire Jeff Sessions, who will be replaced by Lindsey Graham, who will be replaced by Nikki Haley, who will be replaced by Ivanka Trump.”
The servers at TT & Alfa Bank, Spectrum Health & Heartland PS, were communicating via DNS look ups, sharing packet data.
‘GOP, Trump & Rick Gates are reportedly directly implicated in espionage against the US 2016 primary/Pres elex via help from a foreign power.’
Rick Gates, the indicted Trump campaign official and Manafort aide & GOP Operative sought proposals from Psy Group an Israeli intelligence firm to run a coordinated disinfo campaign against US voters to help Trump win the primary & general elections.
Initially Psy-Group offered a social media manipulation campaign which included fake social media profiles that would attack Ted Cruz and discredit him the eyes of GOP Party delegates, who was at the time Trump’s main competitor for the GOP nomination.
With regard to Kavanaugh, rumor has it he will be “The first Supreme Court Justice to go to prison. Another historic first on the way for Team Treason.” #Kasowitz 💰#SIGINT
The former dean of Yale LS is shocked by Kav’s raw & savage partisan turn.
DC Circuit sent complaints abt Kav’s testimony to CJ Roberts
At issue Kav’s answers about his work in the Bush adm, & his lack of judicial temperament re his partisan comments about DEMs
Under scrutiny are Kav’s involvement in Memogate, GWB adm post the terrorist attacks of 9/11/01; USA Patriot Act inclusive of various domestic surveillance programs, airport screening programs & other privacy-related subjects.
📌Goal: The Northern Sea Route (which is a key template of Moscow’s Arctic strategies) as an “important component” of
The POLAR SILK ROAD is considered as “part of an ambitious strategy to change China’s (and Russia’s) land and sea connections to Europe and the world.”…
THE POLAR SILK ROAD is an important component of China's Belt and Road (B&R) initiative, in terms of an ambitious strategy to change China's land and sea connections to Europe and the world.…
A billion-dollar Indonesian real estate development with ties to U.S. President Donald Trump has become the latest project in China’s globe-spanning Belt and Road infrastructure project — just as Washington and Beijing are tussling over trade.…
A subsidiary of Chinese state-owned construction firm Metallurgical Corporation of China (MCC) signed a deal with Indonesia’s MNC Land to build a theme park outside Jakarta as part of the ambitious project…
Rumor has it Kav has even more secrets he would like to keep hidden, some of which are likely to be revealed when the time is right. 🤗#FBI#Memogate, #Kasowitz, 💰& more. Oh my! All is not lost.🤗
💣NY AG Sues Trump's Charitable Foundation for Political Activities
Not one Republican has signed on to the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act.
Not. One.
Senator Leahy Compiled Comprehensive, Point-By-Point Summary Of The Many Times That Judge Kavanaugh Misled The Senate Under Oath.
SC Justices can be prosecuted.
Lawsuits point to large trove of unreleased Kav WH docs White
Amazon Says 3rd-Party Seller Got Some Customers’ Email Addys
NY Regulators Examine the Trump Family’s Tax Schemes
WaPo Vote ‘no’ on Kav
USA TODAY Editorial Board: Vote no on Kavanaugh's confirmation