If you want to live in a nation that is "led" by a man who would mock someone who was the victim of a violent sexual assault then we are very different people.
Trump's behavior today was that of a playground bully. They were the words that a bully utters and then laughs.
The bully imagines, and may even hear, the world laughing with him, but the chuckles are only from his hangers-on and those hoping to impress the bully.
The rest of the world only turns its head to look away. They hope that someone, anyone, will intervene.
They almost always get away with it, though, bullies.
And Trump will likely get away with this, like always.
#ChristineBlaseyFord passed a lie detector test on the day of her grandmother's funeral. No one non-partisan or credible has questioned her credibility.
#BrettKavanaugh, however, has plenty of questions swirling around his credibility.
He has lied. Provably. And he has done so under oath.
#Kavanaugh wants us to believe that as a rowdy teenager he never attended small house parties populated by his classmates.
He wants us to believe that, as a teen, he created calendars of his daily activities, and that he always abided by them.
He wants us to believe that as a teenager he had adult levels of self-control. That his drinking was not that serious and his memory is perfect.
I believe that #BrettKavanaugh is used to telling lies & that he has convinced himself that it's ok to do so in order to further his political goals.
A means to an end.
#Kavanaugh lied under oath many times before his recent testimonies to the House Judiciary Committee.
Republicans are willing to forgive this man almost everything because, like Thomas, and like Alito, he is a sure vote. There will be no surprises from this man because he is a partisan hack. I've read some of his opinions. For all of his supposed genius he lacks creativity.
At best, and I do mean, AT THE VERY BEST, Donald Trump mocked the victim of a violent sexual assault today.
I think that most people would have to admit that it is clear Professor Ford WAS assaulted, and that it traumatized her. That it has affected everything in her life.
So, that is the best case scenario, but it is also the least likely one.
For a few days when I'd sleep I was either having nightmares about #Kavanaugh or, and this was a first, having nightmares about having nightmares about #Kavanaugh.
My poor puppies didn't know what the hell was going on...
When people invoke platitudes like this it is usually done in order to being hope, to assert the positive aspects of what's ahead.
Not today.
There is nothing positive about this. We played the Super Bowl and we lost, but there is no rematch.
Worse, one of the players for the other team is suddenly a fucking umpire and wants to review the tapes of all previous games and change some of the calls made by other, better umpires from games we had already won in the past.
I won't be lectured about majorities or electoral politics on the day #BrettKavanaugh was confirmed to #SCOTUS with the help of a goddamned Democrat.
I don't care where he's from or the demographics of his state. I don't care about any of that bullshit.
He deserves some fire under his feet on the day he voted FOR a fucking lying racist rapist who is probably going to overturn ROE v. WADE and a host of other important pieces of legislation.
He could have called in sick.
He could have abstained.
He could have stood on the Senate floor and said "I am casting this vote because my constituents have asked me to and I am their representative, but I personally strongly oppose this nominee, and support Professor Ford.
Let it be our promise to every future life that is destroyed, changed, or affected by a Justice #Kavanaugh that we will make it a priority to see Sasse, Manchin, and Collins suffer for their vote today.
They must lose their Senate seats, and be reminded everyday why.
If we can't manage to focus long enough to carry through on our threats to our elected leaders who betray us then there will never be a reason to fear us. There will never be a reason to reconsider a decision or vote.
And maybe no mistake, @SenatorCollins must be made an example of, if only because so much focus was placed on her and her decision making process.
But also because of that poisonous victim blaming/ shaming speech she delivered yesterday.
There is no way to sugarcoat how bad things just got, and if there was, we shouldn't. This is a loss that will haunt this nation for decades.
The confirmation of #BrettKavanaugh has managed to confirm more than just a man, for many, its confirmed our worst fears.
It has confirmed that the @GOP is the most corrupt ruling party at the federal level in our nation's history. That they will do anything and everything to protect itself, including putting the survival of our Republic itself at risk.
Its confirmed that the real decisions are made before the questions are even formally presented, and that they really do not care what our opinions of those decisions will be.
And it has also confirmed that Donald Trump has a lot more power than we imagined.
As the nation braces itself for the @GOP's latest betrayal in the runup to the #BrettKavanaugh confirmation vote, it is becoming clearer that even those we once believed retained some recognizably moral standards, simply don't.
First, I can't tell you how often my official Google calendar deviates completely from what my actual day ends up looking like.
"Brett Kavanaugh has calendars from 1982 that conflict with Christine Blasey Ford's account" twitter.com/i/events/10439…
It's not likely, after all, that #Kavanaugh was likely to have scrawled "sexually assault a fellow student" on to his calendar. Although Mr. "Devil's Triangle" probably wishes he could have.
Seriously, this dude is a class A dirtbag.
Listen, I think Kavanaugh is a smart, arrogant, manipulative SOB who very likely might have imagined a day of reckoning and manufactured those calendars back then after the fact, just in case.
I can't be anything other than sickened by this situation.