2. MORE RECENT: "Her catastrophic handling of her mutinous spy chief Hans-Georg #Maaßen — first promoting him, then reversing that decision — suggests she has lost a sense of perspective." #Merkel#EndTimes
3. "Days later, her own party, the conservative #CDU, turned against her. In a secret ballot on Wednesday, the #CDU’s lawmakers ousted #Merkel’s longtime ally Volker #Kauder and picked the lesser-known Ralph #Brinkhaus to lead the party’s parliamentary group." #EndTimes
4. " On the front page of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, the CDU’s favorite paper, Merkel was labelled a lame duck.”
"Deep in her heart, she must know that she should have quit a long time ago."
5. "In retrospect, it’s pretty clear the German chancellor should have left during or after her third term."
At The End "#Merkel’s famous statement that Germany could cope with the influx of #refugees was decidedly un-Merkelesque, because it raised unrealistic expectations."
6. Post "Wir Schaffen Das": "They (the German voters) only heard that the #Merkel government had lost control of Germany’s borders and they were shocked."
7. Quo Vadis Groko? "#Merkel’s grand coalition is uncomfortably poised between unhappy conservatives who feel pressured from the right and unhappy Social Democrats who feel pressured from the left. The chancellor is stuck in the middle, no longer in charge."
8. When Is The Hour? " She has made the same mistake as her predecessors and overestimated her own importance."
"And so, she should get ready to go. For the sake of the country, for the sake of the CDU. And for her own sake, too." #Merkel#LastDays
9. Wo Ist Die Mitte? Well, #Merkel no longer is - She embraced the policies of the left for so long (culminating in #RefugeesWelcome) that she left the principles of the #CDU behind and long left the "Mitte" behind! #LastDays
@Der_Eisenhans I logged out at 24:30 & listened to Bach - Much better.
#Kavanaugh did not impress me: Comes across like a guy who wants to become Sheriff of a small town in #Texas, not #SCOTUS-Judge.
Losing his cool, stories about promoting women, prayers by junior & more, ALL irrelevant!
@Der_Eisenhans 2. #Ford does not always make sense (recalls only one beer 35 years ago, but not documents to the #WaPo a month ago) - Her timing also shows that she has a clear political motive: Prevent #Kavanaugh from becoming #SCOTUS-Judge.
She did not impress.
@Der_Eisenhans 3. But even if we accept that #Kavanaugh is innocent (which he remains in any case until found guilty by a court), his non-performance shows that he is not made out of the stuff a top judge & decision-maker is made off: Presented his case poorly (as a top judge!). TBC
@feldenfrizz@mariae_gloria Es gibt ja auch eine Show-Welt und eine Verwurstungs-Schau(rig)-Welt: #Küblböck wurde Teil der zweiten, deren Ziel die bewusste Ausschlachtung von Schwächen von Menschen ist, die vorgeführt, herabgesetzt, verspottet und lächerlich gemacht werden. Nichts für zarte Seelen! #DSDS
@feldenfrizz@mariae_gloria 2. Er spielte den lachenenden Clown, aber sein Wesen verriet auch eine klare bipolare Persönlichkeit, wie man sie bei vielen Opfern der Reality-TV-Formate findet. #Kuebelboeck#DSDS
@feldenfrizz@mariae_gloria 3. Diese Opfer durchschauen nicht das mit bigottem Ernst suggeriert wird echte #Superstars zu kreieren, aber sie dienen nur als Witzfiguren für die Klatschpresse.
Echter Erfolg ist nicht gewollt, da es spätere "Darsteller" überschatten würde! #Kuebelboeck#DSDS#GNTM#Superstars
2. "Generosity is a virtue, but unlimited generosity is a fast route to bankruptcy.
Humanitarianism is commendable, but not when you’re demanding that others share the burdens and expense.
A very liberal immigration policy is wise, but helter-skelter migration isn’t." #Merkel
3. "Knowing how to set broad but clear limits is one of the essentials of conservative governance. Merkel’s failure is that she ceased to be conservative." #NYT on #Merkel
@cjjacobsJacobs@CDU@JuliaKloeckner@annewill 1. Various questions need to be asked:
a) Is the #earth getting warmer? Answer Yes (but was ven warmer in the past)
b) Human impact on climate (CO2)? A: Yes, but science differ on size of impact.
@cjjacobsJacobs@CDU@JuliaKloeckner@annewill 3.
So I like a debate on points a) to c) purely based on #science (and "a consensus of paid lobbyscientists" is not science, but politics) & come up with workable solutions.
PS: Currently #China produces around 26% of all man-made CO2.
"Ernteausfälle, Stürme & Sahara-Sommer: Erklärt werden die Extreme alle mit dem #Klimawandel. Doch dieser wird allzu oft instrumentalisiert, um irrationale politische Entscheidungen durchzusetzen. Eine Partei profitiert davon ganz besonders."#ClimateChangecicero.de/innenpolitik/K…
2. Und die #Chinesen? 2017 betrug ihr Anteil an den weltweiten CO2-Emissionen 26 Prozent. Die EU stoß 9,1 Prozent und die USA 14 Prozent aus – Tendenz sinkend.
Zur Zeit werden in China 368 neue Kohlekraftwerke errichtet und 803 weitere befinden sich in Planung. #Klimawandel
3. Aber für "mutige" #Umweltaktivisten sind demokratische Staaten eine viel leichtere Beute als selbstbewusste Autokratien.
Oder wann sah man Claudia #Roth bei einer Umweltdemo in #China?
Reminder: CO2-Emissionen von #China is fast 3 mal größer als die der #EU! #ClimateChange