Dannielle (Dossy) Blumenthal PhD Profile picture
Oct 5, 2018 104 tweets 34 min read Read on X
1) Brett Kavanaugh and the lynch mob.

It's an emergency session of coffee time.

Friday, October 5, 2018.

2) Am I able to Tweet?
3) OK for a couple of minutes there I thought Twitter suspended me again.
Back to coffee time.
4) So there was a lapse of about 17 minutes between my first tweet in this thread and my second, because I was arguing with my Facebook friends. I think I will let them stew for now, and share some snips from the exchanges.
5) Sorry, this is taking me some time as I am taking extra time to let people know that I respect their views even if we disagree.
6) Sabbath (Shabbos in Hebrew) is tonight. This lady is a total stranger to me. We wish each other Good Shabbos.
7) I want you to see the kinds of things normies are saying. Because they think we are crazy for supporting Judge Kavanaugh and the man deserves to have his reputation back.

We are not crazy.

He is 100% innocent.
8) I tend to agree with something @cronsell said about the anti-Kavanaugh witch hunt as a calculated attempt to discredit "old accusations." @SaRaAshcraft and @cronsell have plenty to say on thFkC2hsMEPm
10) "Toxic men." I feel bad for these women - they are completely branPwFJAbLd4
11) The Palestinians use their own children as a child sacrifice because the terrorists who run their lives tell them to. The anger begets anger begets hatred begets the demonization of Jews. It is an easy, easy and very well-practiced terrorist tactic. SEE THE PARALLELS!
12) The so-called feminists (who are actually ignoring COUNTLESS actual victims of child sex trafficking worldwide, even as we speak, so they can LYNCH Brett Kavanaugh) see themselves as standing up against despicable, entitled frat boys.
13) Women are so caught up in this thing, they can ONLY see how bad they feel about being harassed, assaulted or raped and they CANNOT see that BRETT KAVANAUGH IS INNOCENT!
14) At a certain point, this blind and willful so-called "feminist" hatred made me angry and I lostHjZlfuMHEw
15) I especially hate this tactic where they say, even if he didn't do anything wrong, if there's a hint he did something wrong, we don't confirm him. What a cruel mental game.
16) Look at this interesting mental tactic. On the one hand the person says I can't know if Brett Kavanaugh is innocent, because I don't know him. (I don't.) On the other hand she says, she knows he's guilty because "plenty of people have attested to his drinking..." S8bvfwXpXs
17) This is the reality of Holton Arms.
"Parties weren't always that easy to control, but you only live onrzSjioTMFi
18) "Unsticking your feet from the marshy floor, you make your way towards the keg where one or two senior boys huff and puff but the tap only trickles. Then it's off for conversation, smiles, people, and careful maneuveriWDPA7Dv7Ih
19) Now what do you think those yearbooks are referring to?
20) sex
21) i don't even want to caption this
22) Everything they accuse him of, is what they themselves did.
And they know it.
23) @bigleaguepol found yearbooks from UNC Chapel Hill around the time Christina Blasey Ford went to college.

24) "Big League Politics has obtained photographs from the 'Yackety Yack' yearbooks from 1986, 1987, and Ford’s graduation year of 1988. The yearbooks are stored in the University of North Carolina archives."
25) "Ford was a member of the Kappa Delta sorority, listed in the Greek organization for her last two years on campus."
26) “Christine Blasey Ford was a classmate of mine at UNC...I want to ask Christine if she remembers partying at Trolls, drinking at He’s Not Here. Hooking up with guys at Henderson Street.” -- DC McAllister
27) Is this Christina (Chrissy) Blasey in the yearbook photo?
28) If it is her, then what are we to make of this statement? "“First off, many of us didn’t drive. Secondly, there were those of us who did drive but couldn’t drive. Christine ran into her garage the first time she triethewashingtonstandard.com/christine-ford…8Xwy5okiBmF
29) "Christine ran into her garage the first time she tried. (She tried to convince us the garage was moving at the time.)”

Look at the picture. Is that Christina Blasey?
Shouldn't she be cross-examined about that if she said "I only had onthewashingtonstandard.com/christine-ford…t.co/8XtOM0Plx2
30) "Then comes the infamous BEACH WEEK, where the supreme challenge is how much partying you can fit into 7 days. Who is going to win this yeathewashingtonstandard.com/christine-ford…8mIfUJlPxF0
31) Who is "Blas?"
32) "pass out in John"
"wizz in showers"
"pass out on garage floor"lifezette.com/2018/10/previo…'/t.co/adQhcL6fsx https://t.co/i8q9s1zbC5
33) "This deserves scrutiny, given that Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh is currently being raked over the coals about his decades-old yearbook from his years at Georgetown Prep."
34) Vanity Fair: "To many Holton students, Ford’s description of the party she attended in 1982 felt familiarvanityfair.com/news/2018/09/h…LsCrXKRbFk
35) "at big houses set back from winding, dimly lit streets. There was money to get alcohol. Parents were absent. The homes had pools and movie theaters and sweeping yards. They were teenagers in a candy store."
36) I only had one beer.
37) we discussed the federal deficit
38) "A woman who graduated from Holton in 1988, and lived down the street from Ford, recalled students from the boys’ schools pulling up to parties with duffel bags full of alcohovanityfair.com/news/2018/09/h…LsCrXKRbFk
39) “I never went to a party where there wasn’t alcohol; it was a drunk fest.&quvanityfair.com/news/2018/09/h…KRbFk
40) Sorry the internet here is a little slow.
41) Witness tampering?

"A friend of Christine Blasey Ford told FBI investigators that she felt pressured by Dr. Ford’s allies to revisit her initial statement that she knew nothing about an alleged sexual assault by a teenage Brett Kavanaugwsj.com/articles/frien…J65XExMhbs
42) Leland Keyser "felt pressured by Dr. Ford’s allies to revisit her initial statement that she knew nothing about an alleged sexual assault...she later updated to say that she believed but couldn’t corroborate Dr. Ford’s account, according to people familiar with the matter."
43) It is not enough for Justice Kavanaugh to be seated.

44) "Ford associate Monica McLean had pressured her to change her denial of the alleged assault, which had hurt Ford’s credibilitbreitbart.com/big-government…TOMUSLH7fx
45) Who is Monica McLean?
46) Let's head over to The Conservative Treehouse.

47) "Retired FBI Agent/DOJ Lawyer Ms. Monica McLean Attended Kavanaugh Hearing With Blasey-Ford."74NVCUeRx6
48) Would this be the same Monica McLean that Blasey-Ford coached to pass a polygraph, and then conveniently lied about on the stand?
49) "Christine Blasey Ford ex-boyfriend says she helped friend prep for potential polygraph; Grassley sounds alarm" per @foxnews.com/politics/chris…XJIw9sL56m
50) You remember @ChuckGrassley .... the Senator who tried to get justice for Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and ICE Special Agent Jaime Zapata, murdered in cold blood because of Obama's "Fast & Furious&qu.co/xdMDHt1KEU
51) You know ICE...it's that agency that Miranda from Sex and the City wants to abolish. nypost.com/2018/06/22/cyn…
52) But why bore the world with facts?
53) You see because my thing is, if you're telling the truth, you really don't need to "pressure" people to lie for youi2ywy6RUX3
54) "In a written declaration released Tuesday and obtained by Fox News, an ex-boyfriend of Christine Blasey Ford, the California professor accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, directly contradicts her testimony under oatfoxnews.com/politics/chris…XJIw9sL56m
55) "The former boyfriend....said he saw Ford going to great lengths to help a woman he believed was her "life-long best friend" prepare for a potential polygraph test. He added that the woman, Monica McLean, had been interviewing for jobs with the FBI & U.S. A https://t.co/FdPwQAkxRA
56) Funny, they kind of look alike.
57) You're almost tempted to think that one could pass for the other.
58) Isn't it a bit odd for Ford's lawyer to release a photo of "her" taking a polygrausatoday.com/story/news/pol…9mSio8JW17p
59) Transparent, yet evasive.

"Grassley charged that Ford has been “withholding” material evidence in the case, in spite of “multiple requests” for her to hand over any evidence that she may have to his commmitteheavy.com/news/2018/10/r…cKxvjWl2AD
60) Isn't it a bit odd?

She's texting @washingtonpost about the therapy notes...but won't release the therapy notes.

She's releasing a photo of the polygraph to @usatoday, but won't release the videorecordings.

61) How would you react if you worked your whole life to achieve something, and a sick, deranged, lunatic tried steal it away?

62) "I wanted to be truthful about what I know," says Blasey-FEryHMKJI8W
63) The Bible tells us explicitly: "Do not stand idly by as your brother's blood is shiRSiOpgqfb
64) Talmud, Sanhedrin, 73a.
65) Exodus 23:3 "do not show favoritism to a poor person in a lawsuit."

It is wrong to favor Blasey-Ford because she appears to be a victim.
66) Do you know why I had to pause this thread for a few minutes?
67) Because the motherfucker who ACTUALLY took my husband as a child to a known pedophile has been outed BASED ON THE FACTS.
68) You see, the cruelty of this lynch mob that has come for Judge Kavanaugh is that they use up all the sympathy of advocates....on a false accusation.
69) That way, when the real victims come forward, they can say it's all another lie.

Get the picture?
70) "the woman, Monica McLean, had been interviewing for jobs with the FBI and U.S. Attorney's office." This same McLean:

--lied and said the polygraph prepping never happened.
--showed up at the Kavanaugh hearing.
--may have been photo'ed w Avfoxnews.com/politics/chris…Xj7GknWJDxf
71) Same lady?
What would an expert think?

(the original tweet has been deleted.)

72) UK's Daily Mail: "EXCLUSIVE: 'Christine Ford threw her under the bus.' Strained 'sex assault' witness Leland Keyser is seen for the first time as close family member confirms she did NOT corroborate school friend Ford's story to FBIdailymail.co.uk/news/article-6…95WNXbwZRz
73) “'It really felt a lot like Christine was the one called to the principal’s office to give an account of something and just threw her under the bus,' this person said, adding, 'You know, just reached for a name.'”
74) Why doesn't your friend remember going with you to a party where you were almost raped and you left her there all alone to get raped herself?

"Leland has significant health challenges." - Blasey-Ford

What, like Alzh0UwG45Kf3e
75) But Alyssa Milano.
76) Someone should really ask Dr. Ford why, if she lived in Potomac, she went to the Columbia Country Club as a teen.

Looks like a good 20 minute drive.

Nowhere closer to swim?

77) Monica McLean put her name on the "we believe her" letter.

But how credible exactly is Monicatheconservativetreehouse.com/2018/10/03/chr…2buzzfeednews.com/article/tasnee…zqCti86nkYU
78) (By the way - if you wanted to endorse her side of the story - they're no longer taking your help.)

79) CNN: "Monica McLean, a retired FBI agent and friend of Ford, told CNN that the 'allegations [about the polygraph coaching] are completely false.'"

Who do you cnn.com/2018/10/03/pol…dbdxpP5VBd
80) They're not gonna get away with what they do, which is to SCORCH a decent person's life and then skulk away like rats.
81) "Some research into Ms. Fords life-long friend from school, Ms. Monica Lee McLean...reveals an almost guaranteed likelihood the polygraph assistance had something to do with the career path Ms. McLean would taktheconservativetreehouse.com/2018/10/03/chr…2Ceh8YDeUZ
82) "Monica Lee McLean was admitted to the California Bar in 1992, the same year Ms Ford’s boyfriend stated he began a six-year relationship with her best friend."
83) "According to her LinkedIn background, Ms. Monica Lee McLean, was a 24-year employee of the Department of Justice and FBI from 1992 to 2016. According to public records Ms. McLean worked in both Los Angeles, CA and New York, NY."
84) "In a 2000 Los Angeles FBI declaration Ms. McLean describes herself as a Special Agent of the FBI, Associate Division Counsel, in the Los Angeles Division Legal Unit."
85) "Sometime between 2000 and 2003, Ms. Monica L McLean transferred to the Southern District of New York (SDNY), FBI New York Field Office; where she shows up on various reports, including media reports, as a spokesperson for the FBI."

Southern District.
86) "After 2003, Ms. Monica L McLean is working with the SDNY as a Public Information Officer for the FBI New York Field Office, side-by-side with SDNY Attorney General Preet Bharartheconservativetreehouse.com/2018/10/03/chr…2www1.nyc.gov/assets/doi/dow…uV9zNAZkrJ0
87) Who had Anthony Weiner's laptop, which contained evidence of sex crimes against children (DOJ Inspector General report, page 291)?

Preet Bharara.
88) "Federal sources said the FBI field office in New York, who handled the original Weiner warrant for then-US Attorney Preet Bhararatruepundit.com/insurance-hour…mWhPULTMS4
89) "--reported to Strzok and McCabe that they had found evidence pertaining to the Hillary Clinton email case on Oct. 12, 2016, federal sources said."
90) "Hours After FBI Found Classified Hillary Emails on Weiner Laptop, Peter Strzok’s Wife Was Promoted to Director of SEC Enforcement."

But Harvard students are going after Kavanaugh.
91) You see how easy it is to destroy a man's life?

92) "A good name is better than a fine perfume," said King Solomon in Ecclesiastes.

How does Judge Kavanaugh get his good name back?

By proving that the case against him was a DELIBERATE SMEAo9Y2mqHr1F
93) Now, we don't know if Blasey-Ford actually went to Monica McLean's house on July 26th, when she took a trip to Rehoboth Beach.

She could have been at her parents' home.

94) But her father has been extremely weird about endorsing his daughter.

He uses the words "any father" to refer to his washingtonpost.com/local/christin…EY1oD1wQ7d
95) So I suggest we handle this the way the rabbi handled the bad guy -- who wouldn't go away -- in "The Frisco KG955TtJokv
96) Send the satanic, cannibal, cult-goddess-worshiping freaks back to the Hell they came from.
97) Tell Matt Damon and @nbcsnl and their child molesting robots to go fly a kite.

98) Let's apologize to these good people, on behalf of our Nation.
99) Let's apologize to this independent and impartial Judge.
Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
100) And let us swear the man in already.
Our Nation has waited for Justice long enough.
101) "Are you ready to see PAIN?
Are you ready to be part of histVdZC4WDFw0
102) (Sorry, missed a question mark there and need to credit #QAnon.)

103) In the words of @LindseyGrahamSC --

"If you don't like me working with @POTUS @realDonaldTrump to make the world a better place, well, I don't give a shit."

"And there you haveps://t.co/Eklvyh68Zw

• • •

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She talks about being a localization specialist because they're good at blackmail. That doesn't make any sense. Localization has to do with creating strategies that appeal to local populations. From a development perspective it is correlated with resilience. There is no magic.
In her words: "What I did was something called Localization or L-10N. So localization strategy is you find a group of people...you kind of try to get in their mind...you use that to your advantage...so if I wanna blackmail you...I will know your deepest, darkest fears"

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--> You are here: 9/1/2020 update 2
"Sophie, 9 yo, has disclosed...domestic violence, sexual grooming, and most recently molestation/rape in her primary residence. Her father is fighting for her life while her abusers pull every resource to get their hands back on her."
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3) “The White Angel of Death Dr. Josef Mengele 2001. Notice the large red anthrax sore on Mengele's swollen left hand.”
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Oct 9, 2018
1) Starting a near-midnight thread, basically to help me collect my thoughts on a variety of related topics.
2) I would really prefer to just do research and then go out with that. But oh well
3) When you see all this I think you'll understand why my head is exploding a little. And it's hard to just stay focused on one thing.
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Oct 8, 2018
1) Should we alter the historical narrative to make its victims feel better?

It’s #coffeetime
Monday, October 8, 2018
2) I remember when the local school changed Columbus Day to Indigenous People’s Day.


Hard to spell.
3) So I guess this is how you have to teach it now.
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