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Aug 29, 2017 171 tweets 59 min read Twitter logo Read on Twitter
2 PART 1- RECOGNIZING imposters & collaborators & their motives.
3 My father passed an anti-Fascist legacy with a duty to speak up when someone’s dignity is under attack.
4 He taught me never to be intimidated by bullies. In the face of aggression, silence is simply not an option.
5 My Dad, who was a Holocaust survivor, was also a child #Resistance fighter. At 8 he was part of a secret cell in the Dutch Resistance
6 Like all conflicts & resistance efforts his #Resistance was plagued by traitors & collaborators. Their motives were wide ranging.
7 Some collaborated for survival, profiteering, sabotage, political agendas. Some were sympathizers supporting fascist ideology.(True today)
8/ Collaboration/Sabotage has a murky & paranoid quality. It can be hard to detect. Who can you count on? What info/intel can you trust?
9 This is the last picture of my family before deportation, hiding & execution during Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. Dad is middle kid.
10 My Aunt & Uncle (behind my elderly Opa) were ratted out by Nazi Collaborators, that were very close & trusted friends of theirs.
11To save themselves their close friends betrayed them. Their son (little guy) was scooped away by a heroic family before the Nazis got him
12 My Aunt & Uncle were detained & transported to Auschwitz where my uncle (a gifted musician) was murdered. My Aunt miraculously survived.
13 Their friends, also survived. After the war collaborators were often publically humiliated & punished for cooperating with the Nazis.
14 During their arrest there was gunfire. The wife was paralyzed. Her husband jailed. Astonishingly my Aunt took pity on the wife.
15 She sat at her bedside every day, until her husband was released. Once he came home my Aunt left. She never saw or spoke to either again
16 Another Uncle (far left in the back) was himself a Collaborator. He had a job in the Joodse Raad. (Jewish Council) formed by Nazi gov’t.
17 The Jewish Council was deeply controversial in the Jewish community. Many felt pressure to collaborate.
18 It was difficult to survive the war with your morals & integrity intact. But heroes refused to serve or be corrupted. My uncle did not.
19. It was his responsibility to select Jews for transport to the camps. After the war my uncle was ostracized by the Jewish community.
20. His son, the tall guy in the back was fervently anti-Nazi & a #Resistance fighter. He never forgave my uncle for his Collaboration.
21. In complete repudiation for his part in sending Jews to their death my cousin never spoke to his father again.
22 My Dad was ratted out by an infiltrator. It nearly cost him his life. It cost the collaborator his. More here 👇
23. My Dad small kid 2nd row with glasses. Photo taken after cell was ratted out. Another Dutch hero hid Brits, & Dad's Resistance cell.
24. I asked my Dad how did they know who was a trustworthy ally and who was not. His advice is relevant today for our #Resistance.
25. People who were Cowards & Liars before the occupation were Cowards & Liars that'd be pressured into collaboration. NOT TO BE TRUSTED.
26. Those who were anti-Semitic & believed “Jews had it coming,” before war were Nazi sympathizers during the occupation. NOT TO BE TRUSTED!
27. Cowards, Racists, Bullies, Liars, Manipulators, Profiteers before war DIDN’T SUDDENLY CHANGE & become heroes/allies to the #Resistance.
28. They were the collaborators and imposters. They worked in league with the Nazis. They were NOT TO BE TRUSTED.
29. It was obvious who the enemy was. Nazis. But the other enemy, the Collaborator, was far more pernicious. They came cloaked in “disguise”
30. Some were familiar-friends, coworkers, neighbors, leaders. These enemies pretended to be an ally, someone fighting on your side.
31. These collaborators/saboteurs were the traitors who ratted on people & put lives in danger, created chaos & poisoned the #Resistance.
32. They spread phony intel/info to trap people or to confuse lines of communication or made false accusations about people. (True today)
33. Detecting saboteurs is vital for our #Resistance as it was for my father’s. Be wary of skilled propagandists, dividers & bullies.
34. The #Resistance must be vigilant & identify controlled opposition whose motives are to tear us down and who are playing a long game.
35. There are many bad actors, who create chaos in the #resistance with their fabricated narratives. They are Disinformation specialists.
36. These people mean to weaken the #Resistance. They mean to pit us against one another. These people are not our allies.
37 PART 2- TIME FOR SOME SOUL SEARCHING -Why is the #Resistance embracing someone with Alt-Right beliefs as a "source" & ally for our cause?
38 Jan 2017, behind the safety of her computer Mensch rebranded herself morphing from Alt-right conservative into an anti-Trump/Russia ally
39 Since Mensch sucked people into her toxic orbit (me included) peddling Disinfo, false promises, & creating Chaos for the #Resistance.
40. Mensch tries to shape the narrative, attacking real journalists’ & Scholars' reputations & disparaging legitimate news outlets.
41. She has harassed & maligned dozens of prominent voices accusing them of being Putin shills when they challenge her garbage heap stories.
42. Louise & her coterie have attacked 200+ people. Politicians, scholars, journalists & hard working activists labeling them Team Deza.
43. You can read more about her attacks here.
44 This is how colluders work & propagate. Without a shred of evidence Louise falsely accuses people who question her conspiracies & motives
45. This bullying from Mensch must be repudiated by the #Resistance. We must stand in solidarity against this kind of subversive aggression.
46. I stand in solidarity with True Resistance voices who have been attacked @AndreaChalupa @C_Stroop @JoyAnnReid @MalcolmNance @olgaNYC1211
47 I stand in solidarity with True Resistance voices who have been attacked @4everNeverTrump @SethAbramson @SheWhoVotes @puppymnkey
48. I stand in solidarity with True Resistance voices who've been attacked @DragoonZytl @mikefarb1 @FraudeTaylor1 @iamwood79 @leahmcelrath
49. As Trump attacks all our institutions, real journalists who toil to get at truth are our allies. They R holding a thin line of defense.
50. Mensch is a corrupter of truth. She fabricates false conspiracies for the left’s consumption the way Alex Jones does on the right.
51 Mensch tweets details of criminal inquires that don't exist to 267,000 followers.
52 Louise is an imposter. She’s cog in an intricate an Alt-Right Conservative network who used militarized propaganda to help elect Trump.
53. Louise took part of spreading that RW propaganda before the election. The Right did not stop their attacks or propagandizing on Nov 9th.
54. When Mensch rebranded herself & deleted 100K+ tweets what was she purging from her TL?
55. Mensch had to cover up the glaring hypocrisy and deception or her ruse to dupe the #resistance would have never work.
56. Her old Twitter bile like this to Rose needed a clean up ( This is Targeted cruelty meant to wound deeply. It's vile)
57. What kind person tweets this kind of toxic garbage? We need leaders who lift up our #Resistance not tear our people down.
58. What kind of person tweets this, quietly deletes it & uses the very person who was the target of the attack to advance her agenda?
59. Louise has long history with bullying. She using the same kind of bullying tactics as Trump publicly attacking and shaming people.
60. It’s no secret to Brits that Mensch is conservative UK politician turned Tabloid writer who has a long espoused anti-humanistic ideology
61. She is adverse to the left and to the #Resistance going as far as to claim the entire #Resistance is a Russian Info Service Op.
62. Mensch loathes & is adverse to the left. She is in league with Murdoch, Cruz, Ryan, Pence, Devos, Kochs Mercers, Breitbart, FOX, etc.
63. Her anti-Trump jag comes from a belief he’s a “radical left wing Democrat” who’s “insincere” in his HARDCORE STANCE ON IMMIGRATION.
64. Mensch despises immigrants, refugees, Muslims. She is Transphobic. She was an avid spox for the anti-globalist Brexit movement.
65 Mensch is virulently anti-immigrant/refugee. In FOX interviews & posts she spews hateful Alt-Right rhetoric. Calling refugees "rapists"
66 Murdoch owned Sun published this article Mensch wrote. Does that “millions of fraudulent voters” Alt-Right talking point sound familiar?
67.Mensch also purged all her repugnant tweets that show her to be fervently anti-Muslim. Astonishingly I can't fit them all in tweet.
68 Mensch is no ally to LGBT community. She mocks & laughs at the use of gender fluid pronouns in FOX & Heat Street post. Alt-right playbook
69 Mensch wrote a piece for Heat Street that Pence's support of conversion therapy is "fake news" despite many REAL reports to the contrary
70. Mensch demeans #BLM movement, accusing activists of being Soviet/Russian agents. Tweets about “lawful killing.” #PhilandoCastile
71. Mensch supported #Gamergate and the disgusting online harassment of women.
72. Dear #Resistance allies & good people who believe in basic human rights & decency, I repudiate Louise Mensch & everything she stands for
73. How do #Resistance allies endorse/defend Mensch, and justify overlooking her deplorable track record? It's like excusing Trump regime
74. Excusing Mensch’s track record is akin to excusing Trump’s Alt-Right spox. She's could be a poster girl for the hate mongering Alt-Right
75. The #Resistance needs to reflect why it has embraced someone who has a long history hateful rhetoric as an information source & leader.
76. We are better than this.... ❤️
77. PART 3- AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH: Louise Mensch is cozy as fuck with #TeamMurdoch, the Alt-Right & a Xenophobic global cabal.
78 Aside from Mensch’s Alt-Right zealotry there is another TRUTH that should raise alarms for the #Resistance.
79 Mensch not only espouses Alt-Right ideals but has had long & direct ties to Alt-Right interests that are entwined with Trump's circle.
80 Trump was not dumped on us by Putin alone. Mensch is part of an interconnected group that has inundated us with alternative facts.
81. Mensch is part of this group that has worked in a “militarized” effort to manipulate opinions with Fake News.
82. TY @pragmaticleft for this stellar graphic! Super helpful! Open & you can see how Mensch ties into this web.
83 Mensch has long been a staunch defender, associate, & employee of Rupert Murdoch’s, one of Trump’s propaganda patrons.
84 Mensch has played on #TeamMurdoch. Murdoch is Fox News, News Corp, NY Post. Wall Street Journal, Sun.
85 Mensch is a fan girl of FOX NEWS’ sexual predator pig, Roger Ailes. According to Louise he was a “GENIUS.” #TeamMurdoch
86 Mensch’s HEAT STREET wasn't a grass roots start up. That was a façade. It was a multimillion News Corp site. CONTROLLED OPPOSITION
87. Heat Street resided in the News Corp building with the rest of #TeamMurdoch Fox News, NY Post & The Wall Street Journal. Cozy as f**k!
88. Part of the strategic Mission was to smash MSM & replace it with sites like Heat Street to disseminate Alt Facts & Rightwing Propaganda
89.Mensch was the good RW soldier. Mensch who is an avid supporter of Cruz used her platform during to repeatedly tweet/report on Cruz.
90 Cruz lost the primary, but Mensch’s support for zealot Cruz didn’t end there. She personally urged Trump to appoint CRUZ to SCOTUS.
91 Let that sink in. Mensch used her news platform to endorse Cruz to the Supreme Court. Mensch wants Justice Ted Cruz! This is who she is.
92 Mensch now pretends to respect Obama but she repeatedly demeaned him & his presidency by propagating the nasty Obama #. (Via @atleecs )
93 Despite Mensch’s claims she's RepforHillary she repeatedly posted #TeamMurdoch news as part of an organized assault to damage HRC.
94 / Mensch reinforced the false Hillary narrative in multiple tweets which she has since deleted. She was part of the effort to damage HRC
95 Mensch identifies as a “Constitutional Conservative.” Constitutional Conservative =Tea Partier. Bachman, Rand Paul & Sarah Palin are too.
96 Myriads of conservatives R part of the #resistance. I will join hands with anyone who is for basic human rights & decency. Louise is not
97 This fight is not partisan. But this fight is against a sect of extreme conservatism with a predatory agenda. Louise endorses them.
98 She enthusiastically praised Ryan and McConnell & Trump’s cabinet picks. This included Flynn, Priebus, Scaramucci, Devos, Pruitt, Bolton
99 Before rebranding Louise praised Trump's pics. They share a political agenda. She backed Trump & claimed he got "more votes" than HRC.
100 Like Devos & the CNP who want to bring back Judeo Christian principles into schools, Mensch feels Christian family values are threatened
101 Louise thinks Scaramucci is a fantastic guy. He wants to ease Russian sanctions. During his 10 day tenure she propagated TeamMooch #.
102 Louise Mensch’s complex nexus is a Gordian’s knot between UK Alt-right influences & Trump’s circle. They R inextricably tied.
103 Mensch was an strong advocate of Brexit. She was in league with “the Bad Boys of Brexit” who then joined team Cruz and then Team Trump.
104 Breitbart London’s s**tlord Raheem Kassan ( a Bannon protégé) is Louise’s friend. She worked with him on Brexit.
105 Here is Louise cozying up with Breitbart's Raheem Kassan. He liked this pic so much- used it as an AVI. She praises his work. Breitbart!
106 In June Louise was asking Raheem to tea. Raheem is a provocateur like her friend Milo Y who also has ties to Mercers/Bannon/Breitbart.
107 Another Bad Boy is Andy Wigmore. Wigmore introduced Farage & Leave EU to Mercers & Cambridge Analytica. Wigmore is Louise's Friend.
108 Wigmore who brought Cambridge Analytics to Trump team & Mensch R lunching post election. She orbits the Mercer/Bannon/CA/SCL circle.
109 Wigmore helped deliver the election to Trump, invites Mensch on Jan 4th to a party. MIKE PENCE is tagged on tweet. Not on our team!
110 Mensch friend & Bad Boy, Arron Banks was called to Washington to testify about ties between Kremlin/Brexit/Trump
111 @malcolmnance says "Coincidences take a lot of work” CAMBRIDGE/SCL ELECTIONS’s offices were in the News Corp/Fox/Heat Street building.
112 Here is a superb must read article for the #Resistance by @carolecadwalla to grasp what Cambridge/SCL does/did.
113 SCL is Cambridge's parent company. CA owned by Mercers. They helped Trump win with militarization of people’s personal info. Chilling 👇
114 Before coming to Trump’s team, Cambridge Analytica/SCL was working for the Cruz campaign. Once they came on board Cruz surged in Iowa.
115 Julian Wheatland is Chairman of SCL Cambridge Analytics' parent company. He follows very few people. 200. One of them is Louise Mensch.
116 Like Mensch, Wheatland propagates anti-Globalization ideals. Trump & his circle pander same propaganda that Christianity is under attack
117 Before Wheatland took over SCL for Tchenguiz family he worked for INVESTEC. (also Tchenguiz family owned) Refer to @pragmaticleft chart
118 Mensch's FATHER, Nicholas Bagshawe was a director for years at INVESTEC the Tcheguiz owned company when Wheatland was working there. 🤔
119 Tchenguiz brothers have ties to Dimitry Firtash. Yes that Firtash with ties to the Trump Campaign. chicagotribune.com/news/chicagoin…
120 Why does anyone in the #Resistance trust Mensch who has deep connections to the secretive web that helped hand the election to Trump?
121 PART 4--Louise Mensch co-founded a nonprofit whose sponsors include FINANCIAL CONDUITS to the KOCH BROTHERS.
122. In 2001 Louise Mensch co-founded a club the Oxonian, since renamed The Hudson Union Society. She is still President Emerita today.
97 This fight is not partisan. But this fight is against a sect of extreme conservatism with a predatory agenda. Louise endorses them.
98 She enthusiastically praised Ryan and McConnell & Trump’s cabinet picks. This included Flynn, Priebus, Scaramucci, Devos, Pruitt, Bolton
99 Before rebranding Louise praised Trump's pics. They share a political agenda. She backed Trump & claimed he got "more votes" than HRC.
100 Like Devos who wants to bring Judeo Christian principles into schools, Mensch feels Christian values are threatened. She endorsed Devos.
101 Louise has long propagated for Scaramucci who wants to ease Russian sanctions. During his 10 day tenure she promoted the TeamMooch #.
102 Louise Mensch’s complex nexus is a Gordian’s knot between UK Alt-right influences & Trump’s circle. They R inextricably tied.
103 Mensch was a strong advocate of Brexit. She was in league with these "Bad Boys of Brexit” who joined team Cruz & then the Trump campaign
104 Breitbart London’s s**tlord Raheem Kassan ( a Bannon protégé) is Louise’s friend. She worked with him on Brexit.
105 Here is Louise cozying up with Breitbart's Raheem Kassan. He liked this pic so much- used it as an AVI. She praises his work. Breitbart!
106 In June Louise was asking Raheem to tea. Raheem is a provocateur like her friend Milo Y who also has ties to Mercers/Bannon/Breitbart.
107 Another Bad Boy is Andy Wigmore. Wigmore introduced Farage & Leave EU to Mercers & Cambridge Analytica. Wigmore is Louise's Friend.
108 Wigmore who brought Cambridge Analytics to Trump team & Mensch R lunching post election. She orbits the Mercer/Bannon/CA/SCL circle.
109 Wigmore helped deliver the election to Trump, invites Mensch on Jan 4th to a party. MIKE PENCE is tagged on tweet. She "liked" the tweet
110 Mensch friend & Bad Boy, Arron Banks was called to Washington to testify about ties between Kremlin/Brexit/Trump
111 @malcolmnance says "Coincidences take a lot of work” CAMBRIDGE/SCL ELECTIONS’s offices were in the News Corp/Fox/Heat Street building.
112 Here is a superb must read article for the #Resistance by @carolecadwalla to grasp what Cambridge/SCL does/did. theguardian.com/technology/201…
113 SCL is Cambridge's parent company. CA owned by Mercers. They helped Trump win with militarization of people’s personal info. Chilling 👇
114 Before coming to Trump’s team, Cambridge Analytica/SCL was working for the Cruz campaign. Once they came on board Cruz surged in Iowa.
115 Julian Wheatland is Chairman of SCL Cambridge Analytics' parent company. He follows very few people. 200. One of them is Louise Mensch.
116 Like Mensch, Wheatland has anti-Globalization ideals. Like Trump regime they pander the same propaganda. Christianity is under attack
117 Before Wheatland took over SCL for Tchenguiz family he worked for INVESTEC. (also Tchenguiz family owned) Refer to @pragmaticleft chart
118 Mensch's FATHER, Nicholas Bagshawe was a director at INVESTEC for years when Wheatland was working there. It's a Tcheguiz owned company🤔
119 Tchenguiz brothers have ties to Dimitry Firtash. Yes the Oligarch Firtash with ties to Manafort/Trump Campaign.
120 Why does anyone in the #Resistance trust Mensch who has deep connections to the secretive web that helped hand the election to Trump?
121 PART 4--Louise Mensch co-founded a nonprofit whose sponsors include FINANCIAL CONDUITS to the KOCH BROTHERS.
122. In 2001 Louise Mensch co-founded a club the Oxonian, since renamed The Hudson Union Society. She is still President Emerita.
123 The Hudson Union Society hosts a “range of leaders regularly visiting, speaking unfiltered, and challenging conventional beliefs.”
124 Mensch's Non-profit, The Hudson Union Society is thinly veiled organization that provides a platform for neocon proxies.
125 Louise's Non profit hosts a wide variety of speakers from all walks. Among the luminaries, Coulter, Hannity, O'Reilly, Dershowitz
126 Louise Cofounded & is President Emerita of a Nonprofit that hosted Gen Flynn as a speaker. So whose sandbox is she really playing in?
127 James Woolsey sits on the board of Mensch's nonprofit. She tweeted "she MET him & thinks well of him. Woolsey = Trump's transition team.
128 Woolsey, a principal in Flynn Intel Group is also on the board of the Saipan Casino run by Trump protege that is under investigation
129 Among Louise nonprofit sponsors/funders & patrons are Koch Brother backers W.P Carey & the Donald and Paula Smith Family Foundation
130 Smiths sponsor Mensch's nonprofit. Smiths=Dark Money. Federalist Society, Cato Institute. Whose sandbox is L playing in?
131 Here's the Koch Cabal. Donald & Paula are mega dollar donors to the Koch Brother interests. They also sponsor Louise Mensch's nonprofit
132 Another patron member/Sponsor of Louise Mensch's nonprofit is Steve Forbes. He's another conduit to Koch Brothers and Mercers.
133 LM Nonprofit sponsor Forbes sits on the board of The Heritage Foundation. Heritage Foundation is a Koch Funded right-wing think tank.
134 Forbes who sponsors Louise Mensch's Nonprofit sits on the board of Koch's Heritage Foundation with Rebekah Mercer & William Simon.
135 Louise's nonprofit The Hudson Union Society is also Sponsored by WP Carey which has ties to #KochBrothers.
136 Louise Mensch is linked directly or indirectly to a vast group of the most powerful players in Extreme Right Wing American politics--
137 Their aim is to hijack the US. Take it from a democratic society, trash the middle class & hand over control to handful of billionaires
138 Louise is an imposter & interloper. She has never been aligned with the #Resistance. She's always held a hardcore RW political agenda.
139 Louise is an expert manipulator who plays peoples emotions, pulling them in & keeping them on an emotional leash with BS conspiracies.
139 #Resistance peeps you are intuitive & smart. Use your critical thinking. Be self reliant. But also be someone other allies can rely on.
141 Don't participate in the aggressions towards each other that Mensch instigates in our #Resistance. We have far more important work ahead
140 Be smart. Be courageous. Be kind to each other. Be Well. ✊✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿❤️
140 #Resistance peeps you are intuitive & smart. Use you critical thinking. Be self reliant. But also be someone a other allies can rely on.
141 Don't participate in the aggressions towards each other that Mensch instigates in our #Resistance. We have far more important work ahead
140 Be smart. Be courageous. Be kind to each other. Be Well. ✊✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿❤️

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More from @nadinevdVelde

Oct 6, 2018
THREAD 1.Soros has long been hate figure for Putinites & nationalists like Trump. #NeverTrumper Louise Mensch pushed the same antisemitic trope. Watch at 4:18 Louise on FOX. “We were lined up to join the Euro & we were bounced out of it by George Soros”
2. Brexiteers like Trump repeatedly blame Soros a wealthy Jew for their problems. #NeverTrump Mensch at 1:12: “Soros--As a Greek American he should look at the disaster in Greece.” Louise knows Soros is NOT Greek but a Jewish Hungarian Holocaust survivor video.foxbusiness.com/v/484438137100…
3. 3rd time #NeverTrumper Louise Mensch takes a dig at Soros on FoxNews. At 1:18 “The pound was shorted by George Soros” Louise promulgated the Brexiteer's antisemitic myth of “the Soros web” while reinforcing it on Trump's station FoxNews here in the US.
Read 4 tweets
Sep 20, 2018
1. #NeverTrumper Rick Wilson likes to use the expression "I like the cut of your jib..." The term was being used figuratively used to express like or dislike for someone like... Pompeo in 2015.... or
2. #NeverTrumper Rick Wilson 'liked the cut of Rep Ron Desantis' jib" Ron spoke at an event hosted by a White Race Theorist and was administrator on a racist Facebook page.... or..
3. #NeverTrumper Rick Wilson likes the cut of Tom Marino's jib. Marino's career is clouded with corruption charges. He gave an earlier endorsement to Trump and denied Trump was racist. Marino himself is a nativist and opposes a pathway for citizenship for illegal immigrants.. or
Read 5 tweets
Aug 31, 2018
Darn I missed this... I have SO many questions...
1. Who is Rick going to work to elect in the FL GOV's race. Servile racist Trump GOP sycophant DeSantis or Democrat Gillum. If it's DeSantis then EVERYTHING Rick and his #NeverTrump posse has touted for two years is utter BS.
2. In 2005 Rick worked on virulent bigot and legal architect of Trumps anti immigrant voter laws. Rick Wilson endorsed Kobach's voter ID law proposals in 2011. Is Rick still a fan of "strong conservatives" aka: racists Kris Kobach and Sam Brownback?
3. Rick Wilson has used the word "illegals" for years to describe undocumented immigrants . Is Rick Wilson aware that illegals is a racist and derogatory term and that when he uses this Trumpian term it perpetuates negative stereotypes against Latinos?
Read 4 tweets
Aug 20, 2018
1. Remember how those #TeamPatriot #NeverTrump-ers Louise Mensch and Rick Wilson assured us Bolton was a solid? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2. Just this last March Rick Wilson was defending Bolton. According to Rick Bolton is fine as long as he is working with a "rational president."
3. Louise Mensch enthusiastically endorsed Bolton on her NewsCorp platform HeatStreet. Like Rebekah Mercer Louise wanted "heavyweight" Bolton to be named Secretary of State.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 17, 2018
1. 🔥 Louise Mensch & Rick Wilson personally vouched for this fraud. "Information War Expert" Molly McKew also legitimized it. #TeamPatriot are insidious liars deliberately weaponizing frauds to poison the truth & to spread disinformation. How many others? thedailybeast.com/resistance-twi…
2. Here are the blue-checked #TeamPatriot leaders Louise Mensch, Rick Wilson & Molly McKew validating Guardian Rover. They trotted GR out to the #Resistance as a valuable source when in fact he's a pro Trump gamer. When Louise "turned on him" she further corrupted the truth.
3. You are smart & intuitive my fellow #resistance peeps. Use your critical thinking skills. Make objective analyses & evaluation of people you follow. Be your own leader. Don't fall for intel hawkers poisoning the truth because truth is the foundation for successful resistance
Read 5 tweets
Aug 17, 2018
"Who told you to have faith in McConnell?" Rick Wilson that's who.
Wake up Wilson fanboys/girls. He opposes Trump, not his vile policies or the GOP congress. He's long been part of the machine that has put the politicians at the core of this atrocity into office. #NeverTrump 🙄
"While Obama's a** is on fire why wouldn't we distract ourselves by turning Mitch McConnell into greatest monster?" asks RW political strategist Rick Wilson in 2013. Y'all can thank Rick who helped create the Mitch monster to enact the corrupt GOP's hateful policies. #NeverTrump
Nov 5. 2014 GOP takes back the Senate. "McConnell is this close to Maximum trolling achievement." cheers Rick Wilson who helped unleash McConnell one of the biggest GOP "trolls' to inflict terrible harm on the American people. #NeverTrump
Read 5 tweets

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