I'm becoming ever more - furiously I must attest - convinced I'm right about something.
First, read this. It's a quote today from @theresa_may in front of the Liason Committee. Read between the lines and you see a transition period lasting well beyond 5 years.
There was zero chance that the UK would be ready for Brexit by March 2019, nor frankly by 2020. And we told you all that would be the case and lo and behold it's now appearing.
So this means that the UK will be stuck like a lame duck in the "transition" period - a colony of the EU - until at least 2027. Why? Three words. Multi-Annual Financial Framework.
Thread: I'm so genuinely pissed off with @theresa_may's bare-faced lies on how much she wants EU migrants to stay in the UK - reiterated last night - that i've gone back and read her 2015 Speech to @Conservatives Party Conference. So, lets look at this Caring Tory said.
No @theresa_may, we don't know anything of the sort. There is NO evidence of immigration to the UK hurting the poorest paid. There just isn't.
So in 2015 @theresa_may claimed immigrants were behind the housing and schools crisis. Not cuts or lack of investment or Tory voters refusing schemes due to Nimbyism. Immigrants. Caring wasn't she.
Thread: as a former Conservative, I'm amazed at how little the Left seem to understand how to beat them. A few key insights based on how Conservatives really think.
Let's start with the easiest mistake.
Stop calling them evil. Whether they are or not, what you're doing is telling Conservative voters they're evil too. And you need to flip them.
Call then incompetent. That is what resonates. "Shower, shambles" etc. These are all good words.
People don't like paying tax. People are very happy for someone else to pay for public services but not them. The number of people who pay tax "for civilisation" is vanishingly small. Accept it.