At a moment in time when Trump has poll numbers at historic lows, he’s going to cold call America and remind everyone how much he sucks.
/1 #TrumpEmergencyTexts
Is there anything more invasive? Or a more appropriate reminder of how this lunatic is creeping into every part of American life?
So what if we used that as a reminder to register?
Or check voter registration?
Or get voter ID if needed? #TrumpEmergencyTexts
Surely once Trump annoys you on the phone like the skeevy telemarketer he is, we can reply on and flood twitter with appropriately mocking Gifs.
/3 #TrumpEmergencyTexts
The thing about President @BarackObama’s birthday is every year, it forces us to both appreciate what we had and - even if you had issues with the man - respect the intelligence, care and decency in which he handled his terms in office. /1 #HappyBirthdayBarackObama
It makes us compare and contrast between two years ago and the shambling, sad, treasonous sack of terrible that sits in the oval right now.
Trump, basically: #HappyBirthdayObama
Do you want to get President @BarackObama a gift?
Register others.
Help people get IDs.
Make November 6th a day of action.
Protect and defend his legacy.
Good morning.
Yesterday sucked.
What did you do?
Did you take the punch in the #KennedyRetirement and call it a day?
Did you rage about it here or IRL?
That here is no right answer,
There is a WRONG answer.
Good morning.
If you had the luxury to turn of the internet and not feel the impact of yesterday, fortunate.
But if you can live in a regime targeting people who don’t get a break and go “I need a break..."
Are you okay with that?
I’’m not. #SCOTUS#KeepFamiliesTogether
Good morning.
What did you do last night?
I picked up dinner hearing Trumpers end zone dance over #SCOTUS.
And #TrumpConcentrationCamps.
And #BabyJails
And a million other things I disagree with.
It sucked.
I just wanted dinner.
Let’s say I owned a restaurant. “Steve’s International House of Pancakes and/or Burgers.”
Here’s how I’d handle things. 1) Come in wearing your MAGA hat? Welcome. Sit. Enjoy a pancake or a burger. I might not LIKE your hat but I can judge that in the privacy of my own mind.
There is a chance I might put on my 2008 “Obama” shirt (it’s shrunk a little, I’ve grown a little) out of my own pettiness, but you’d be served with great service. Also: If anybody who worked at my "IHOP and/or IHOb” was a jerk to you, I’d have a problem with that. But...
…if you were crappy to one of my hypothetical employees because of race/creed/faith? If you picked fights with other customers because of theirs? You can leave. And if somebody filmed you being terrible? Thems the breaks. That seems fair, right #PermitPatty? /3
We've been listening to the right, the NRA, to Fox News angrily scream for decades.
And we let it go.
Or took the high road.
What's great about people like @Emma4Change, @davidhogg111 and the #Parkland students... is they are voicing THEIR anger.
They won't be shouted down by Wayne or Tucker or Rick or internet trolls and they're not going to pretend they're not pissed off.
That was OUR mistake.
WE assumed dead kids would make people step back and be civil.
The generation born after Columbine has had #Enough. /2
Somebody needs to be screaming back, and I'm glad it's students who want a safer future.
Let them lead.
Let them lead LOUDLY.
Let them lead by example.
That's what's freaking the gun lobby out right now.
The usual tactics aren't working. #MarchForOurLives /3
Actually, I don't want to diminsh this with a joke.
This is significant.
This is the NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS taking a stand against school shootings with both their brand AND their pocket book.
They're going to catch heat for this.
/1 #MarchForOurLives
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I mean, you know some mutton heads are going to be burning their season tickets and jerseys over this.
Or firing their AR's into autographed helmets, right?
Like anyone who supported #MarchForOurLives there will be blowback.
And yet there it is.
The Patriots plane.
Carrying PATRIOTS and survivors.
To take a stand against school shootings.
And gun violence.
As the NRA and their surrogates do what they can to demean the Parkland survivors and anyone involved in #MarchForOurLives.