Matt Couch Profile picture
Feb 27, 2018 154 tweets 82 min read Twitter logo Read on Twitter
Let's talk about Seth Rich, shall we... I guess its' time to inform New followers.. We've had lots of requests..

Consider this an Official Seth Rich Thread..


Seth Rich was the DNC Data Director of New Voter Registration for the Democrats..

He was NOT a "Staffer" as the Mainstream Media has reported repeatedly.

According to original reports, Seth Rich was at Lou's City Bar on Saturday Night July 9th, 2016.

We'll now walk you through that timeline.

Joe Capone, the GM of Lou's City Bar originally stated in a September 2016 Crime Watch TV Interview that Seth Rich was at Lou's City Bar that night.

Capone stated he offered to get Rich a cab, or told him he could stick around and get a ride home.

Rich declined per Capone.
Joe Capone stated that Seth Rich told him that he was going elsewhere that night..

Capone states Rich never said where he was going... Yet they were buddies according to Capone..

Lou's City Bar was hosting the UFC 200 PPV that night, featuring the return of Brock Lesnar.
A Packed Bar, UFC 200 PPV.. Largest Grossing UFC PPV of all time, and no one besides Staff at Lou's City Bar saw Seth Rich that night?

Joe Capone stated that Seth Rich was sitting inside the bar in his normal seat..

You're about to find out, that wasn't the case at all. Capone lied..

Joe Capone, after stating on National TV about Seth Rich's whereabouts that night, would change his story.

Now Capone claims he wasn't even at the bar that night.

Was on Vacation with his Family..

But Joe, we have the video..

Both Videos..

Which is it?

America First Media has learned from highly credible sources that Seth Rich wasn't sitting inside at Lou's City Bar that night at all.

Seth Rich was sitting outside on the Patio.

Who was he with.

We know, it's why we need to return to Washington, D.C.

According to our sources, Seth Rich left the Bar around 10pm that night..

Where did he go?

Why did Joe Capone Lie?

Why did the Staff Lie?

Why were ATM Machine Videos on Irving Street wiped?

Why did Police never ask for Video from Lou's City Bar that night?

In fact,

Our Team when last in Washington, D.C. walked Irving Street for days..

We talked to Bar Owners, GM's, Retail Managers, and none of the businesses from CVS to The Wonderland Ballroom said anyone asked for any video's what so ever..

Why would Police not track this?
I mean, in an unsolved murder, with no suspects..

Wouldn't you go back to where he was that night?

We have REAL Homicide Detectives and Private Investigators on our Team.

This is what we do.

We're doing what they won't.

It's why it's imperative to get our team back.
There were rumors that Seth Rich went to the Wonderland Ballroom after he left Lou's City Bar.

Bill Pierce and I spoke to the GM of the Wonderland Ballroom.

He stated that he knew who Seth Rich was.

He also stated he couldn't remember if he was or wasn't there that night.
The walk from Lou's City Bar to The Wonderland Ballroom was about 4 blocks.

We walked it, during the day. Was fairly sketch at that time of day.

Can't imagine walking that at midnight or later, although some in DC say that's the norm.

Some in DC said no way they would.
We then walked from The Wonderland Ballroom to Kelsey Mulka's house.

It was about a 2 block walk from The Wonderland Ballroom.

It's apparent when they were a couple, they would have came here, it's fairly close.

If Seth Rich were to walk from Kelsey Mulka's house to his home back over on NorthWest in D.C, it's about a 1.7 Mile walk..

The Walk from Lou's City Bar to his home, about 1.8 Miles.

Spoke to cab drivers, and others after midnight who said they wouldn't walk it at that time..
Walking to Seth Rich's house, the most feasible way on foot/bike or Car for that matter due to construction during that time..

You would have went right by MedStar Hospital.

According to CIC Shotspotter, the program used in some of the Major Metropolitan Cities that can trace gunshots by sound, Seth Rich was shot at 4:19 AM

Shots Fired were picked up, which alerted Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police to his location.

America First Media would learn that Ambulance #17, which rolls up to Engine 6 would be the First Responders along with 6 Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Officers.

DCFEMS would arrive at 4:33 AM and transport Seth Rich to MedStar Hospital by 4:48 AM

Dr. Christine Trankiem,

A Trauma Surgeon, who also operated on Congressman Whip Steve Scalise would perform Emergency Surgery on Seth Rich.

Seth Rich received multiple gunshot woulds to the Torso.

Dr. Trankiem would pronounce Seth Rich on the operating table at 05:57 AM
Dr. Trankiem is a renowned surgeon.

Joel Rich also admits to ABC 7 in Washington D.C. that his son died on the operating table.

NBC Washington also reported the same after talking to Joel Rich.

There would be rumors circulating about Dr. Jack Sava.

Dr. Jack Sava is married to Lisa Kountoupes, the top Clinton Fund Raising Administrator.

There is no evidence of foul play at the Hospital.

There was a reddit story of an Intern, our Private Investigators and @Larry_Beech @egraham_cracker dug in.

Intern doesn't exist.
Worded that wrong.. "Resident"...

Again, we tracked them all down.. That person doesn't exist.
Our own Bill Pierce spoke to the Medical Examiner that did the Autopsy on Seth Rich.

We received a very vague email, it's all he would release in the case.

Even though D.C. Police admit they have exhausted all leads in the case.

Here's the email.
As you can see, it states "gunshot wounds to torso"

It doesn't same "shot in the back" as has been reported over and over and over again.

Keep in mind, everyone involved in this case has lied to some degree.

We'll explain more later in this thread.

This is our own Bill Pierce, 24 Year Licensed Private Investigator going into the Church of the Medical Examiner in Washington, D.C.

He's a Pastor as well.

We're not fly by night Investigators America. This is what we do.

Thank You for your support.

According to Joel Rich, Seth Rich was on the phone many times that night.

The only problem is that Joel Rich was told this information. This isn't Joel's fault, but he's being deceived by those around him.

Joel never had the cell phone records..

Others did.

If you go off of what Joel told the Media, and what he was told. It goes like this.

Seth Rich made several calls and received several call the night of his murder. Or early morning hours, however you want to look at it.

He received one call that lasted about 12 minutes.
The Problem with what Joel Rich was told by those that had Seth Rich's Cell Phone... aka Aaron and Kelsey is this..

Joe Capone's story of when Seth Rich left Lou's City Bar has already fallen to shreds.

Joe Capone isn't credible at all, he's flip flopped on everything.
I'm going to say this one time in this thread.

MS13 had nothing to do with the murder of Seth Rich.

This isn't how they operate.

They use Knives and Machetes.

They don't use guns, hardly ever.

Q didn't say MS13 killed him. Q has Disinformation included on purpose.
Joel Rich,

Based on the Information that was told to him, believes that the call Seth Rich was on to a person who wishes to remain anonymous ended at 1:33AM


At 2:05, he called his girlfriend, who was in her home state of Michigan.

They spoke for 89 minutes. Then the call dropped. A few minutes later, he called her again, and they spoke for 43 more minutes.

At about 4:19 a.m., Rich told his girlfriend he was almost home and said, “I gotta go,” according to Rich’s father, who has spoken with his girlfriend.
Rich didn’t sound alarmed. His girlfriend, according to a person familiar with the events of that night, went to bed thinking there was nothing amiss. (Per Washington Post)

We'll be dealing more with Kelsey and the deceit along her story soon in this thread.

Joel Rich Received a call a few hours later,

Joel Rich learned his son was found around the corner from his house, at the intersection of Flagler Place and W Street NW — about 300 steps from his front door in the rapidly gentrifying Bloomingdale neighborhood.

By Tuesday, barely 48 hours after Seth Rich’s death, his name was being spoken on the presidential campaign trail, as Clinton referenced him while arguing for legal steps to limit the spread of guns.

When Hillary Clinton mentions you less than 48 hours after your murder.. yeah..
This Thread will resume in the AM, Just getting started.

Thanks for those that have RT'd and shared the information our Team has compiled.

God Bless Everyone.

Less than three weeks after the Murder of Seth Rich Hillary Clinton made an unscheduled campaign stop at a High School In Omaha, Nebraska.

The entire purpose of this trip was to speak with the Parents of Seth Rich.

What was discussed..

On the last night of his life, Rich stayed at the bar until it closed around 1:30 a.m., according to a Lou’s bartender. -The Washington Post

Well, we now know this isn't true.. Joe Capone changed his story.. The person everyone got their information from flip flopped. #SethRich
WAPO: A log of Rich’s phone calls, compiled by the family, accounts for a large chunk of that time in regards to where was Seth Rich from 1:30 AM to 4:19 AM..

If that's the case, then why won't Aaron Rich release the phone records?

What are they hiding America?

Rich placed at least five calls and received two incoming calls, according to the log. The first three were placed before closing time — two to his father, who’d gone to bed early and didn’t hear the ring, and one to a friend; they lasted only a minute. #SethRich

Phone Records?
When the Family Spoke to Police, the day after it happened, who suspected a botched robbery, and other emergency responders.

Now how in the hell did they suspect a botched robbery within 24 hours?

Why did they get a Search Warrant and seize his Computers and Phones?
Police told the family, Joel Rich said, that a security camera from a small convenience store across the street captured a grainy image of their son collapsing and the feet or legs of two other people — possibly his killers.

Officials with D.C. police declined an interview request. A police spokesman would not confirm the existence of a video or reveal what Rich may have said after he was shot, saying that that information could compromise an ongoing investigation.

Just like everything else in this case..

The Police took the video that existed from the Flagler Market..

Now they claim it may or may not exist..

But if it does.. they can't say..

Just like everything else..

You know, Conspiracy sh*t..

The Riches also learned that their son’s watch and wallet had not been taken, although the watchband was damaged.

-Credit Cards
-Jewish Chai Pendant

You know... A Robbery with nothing taken, you hear about them all the time America.. Oh wait.. NM..
There was something else that wasn’t taken: an expensive Jewish chai pendant that Mary Rich had initially given to Joel, inscribed with the word “ditto,” an inside joke from their courtship.

Officials told the Riches that their son, who died at a nearby hospital less than two hours after being shot, didn’t know he’d been hit in the back by two bullets.

This is interesting, because in multiple video Interviews Joel Rich stated he didn't know where Seth Rich was shot
He wasn’t in pain, they were told. But he was confused. When Seth Rich was asked where he lived, he gave a previous address, Joel Rich said.


Joel Rich stated on multiple video interviews. "I don't know where he was shot."

So which is it.. What changed? #SethRich
30 days to the day that Seth Rich was murdered, Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange would mention Seth Rich unprompted on a Dutch TV Program.

Julian Assange: "There was a 27 year old who works for the DNC who was shot in the back for unknown reasons."

Host: "That was just a robbery wasn't it."

Julian Assange: "No, there are no findings."

Host: "What are you suggesting."

Julian Assange: "I'm suggesting that our sources take risks, and they become concerned to see things happening like that.

Host: "Was he one of your sources?"

Julian Assange: "We don't comment on who our sources are."

Host: "Why make the suggestion about a young guy being shot in the streets of Washington."

Julian Assange: "We have to understand how high the stakes are in the United States Election. And that our sources face serious risks. They come to us so we can protect their anonymity. "
Host: "That's quite something to suggest a murder, that's basically what you're doing."

Julian Assange: "Others have suggested that, we are investigating to understand what happened in that situation with Seth Rich. I think it's a concerning situation."

Julian Assange: "There's not a conclusion yet we wouldn't be willing to say as conclusion, we are concerned about it. More importantly a variety of Wikileaks sources are concerned when that type of thing happens."

Here is the full video of when Julian Assange mentioned Seth Rich to the World, 30 days after his murder. See for yourself. #SethRich…
Less than 24 hours after Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange mentioned the name Seth Rich, The DNC hired professional crisis fixer Brad Bauman to represent the Rich Family.

We're sure this is just more "conspiracy" nonsense..

Brad Bauman, a founder of The Pastorum Group is a DNC Operative.

Bauman Is a Crisis Communications Expert Who Works for a Firm With Progressive Ties & Urged Civil Disobedience to Force an Independent Investigation on Russia....

Brad Bauman was the Director of the Congressional Progressive Caucus from 2011 through 2014 in Washington D.C.

In that job, he was “responsible for overseeing all legislative, communications, outreach and political programs for the second largest caucus in Congress.”

Bauman told NBC News that the person who urged the Rich family to hire Wheeler and offered to pay for his services was a Breitbart and Fox News contributor from Dallas named Ed Butowsky.

Trying to hurt Butowsky's reputation.

The facts are, Ed Butowsky is an American Patriot and responsible for getting the Benghazi truth out to The American People.

He's been an enemy of the Clinton's ever since.

They will do anything to hurt the reputation of Butowsky.

Butowsky kept Benghazi & Seth Rich alive.
Bauman is responsible for shutting up Private Investigator Rod Wheeler.

Wheeler had been hired to Investigate the Murder of Seth Rich, but faced Road Blocks everywhere he turned by the family.

When Wheeler went on Fox News and CNN, the Family sent Cease and Desists per Bauman
Rod Wheeler was silenced by the Rich family once he realized that everything lead back to Wikileaks.

The Family immediately because of Wheeler signing a contract, pulled a cease and desist to keep him from speaking.


Rod Wheeler went on the Sean Hannity show and talked about Seth Rich being the Leaker..

Within 24 hours Media Matters and David Brock tried to crucify and destroy Sean Hannity..

The next evening Sean Hannity came on and said he wouldn't talk about Seth Rich anymore.
Sean Hannity was the only conservative voice on a Mainstream Level that ever had the courage to talk about the Seth Rich Murder, and he was silenced.

The powers that be are doing all they can to sweep this under the rug.

America First Media won't stand for it.

In June of 2017 America First Media Group would break the story of the Break Up between Kelsey Mulka and Seth Rich..

Talking with Family and Friends on conditions of anonymity they told America First Media that they had been broken up for weeks if not months.

Why did Kelsey Mulka, the Ex Girlfriend of Seth Rich continue the charade like they were an actual couple?

Why was she at the Press Conferences with the Family?

Why was she in the September 2016 Crime Watch TV Interview?

Lying in a murder investigation, that makes you a...
Frank Whalen on our Team. 23 Years Head of NYPD Homicide Division.. Now Private Investigator..

What do you call someone who lies in a murder investigation?

Answer: A Suspect

The Family continued to have Kelsey Mulka at all of the Press Conferences, even knowing that she and Seth Rich were not a couple at the time of the murder.

Kyle Mulka the brother told me via Text Message..

“What difference does it make what their relationship status was”...
It means everything Kyle... Why deceive in a Murder Investigation..

Many questions, and Kelsey Mulka refuses to do anymore Interviews in regards to this case..

Less than three weeks after the murder of Seth Rich, Kelsey Mulka was in Washington, D.C. hosting a make your friends squirm party..

Yes, this really happened..

I’ll be breaking out some new intel soon and pics of all of this

So now that we've put the GM of Lou's City Bar lying... We've got the Ex Girlfriend lying about the relationship status.. What's next you ask..

Well, here we go..

Let's talk about Dov Friedman..

The Roommate of Seth Rich..

Who worked for the Shell Company Middle East Petroleum Ltd. in Turkey.

Dov just happens to move into the Seth Rich home right as CrowdStrike is working on the DNC servers.

Coincidental right?

Dov Friedman started making Pro Hillary Clinton for President Accounts in June of 2016.

Yet he claims that he didn't know that Seth Rich worked for the DNC..

He worked for the Democratic Party of Virginia as well..

Again, more "conspiracy" stuff.

On July 13th, 2016 Dov Friedman would post on his personal Facebook Page that he had no idea that Seth Rich worked for the DNC..

Yet he had all of these Pro Clinton Accounts.. Was creating them, has degress from Columbia and Yale.. Dov wasn't a dummy folks..

Less than three weeks after Seth Rich was murdered. His roommate would go to work FULL TIME for Hillary Clinton's Presidential Campaign..

But he didn't know Seth worked for the DNC... Or so he says..

Do you believe this America? We don't.

Seth Rich's roommate Dov Friedman seems so kind here.... #Sarcasm

Why did Fox News and others Silence Sean Hannity from talking or speaking about Seth Rich?

They went after his Employer, his Sponsors, and literally shut him up.

This is the story the Left doesn't want out.

Because it destroys their narratives.

I wonder who Julian Assange is talking about..

*cough* Aaron Rich *cough*

A list of Camera's...

None of them magically spotted Seth Rich on this dreadful night and early Sunday Morning hours..

Here's a copy of the Washington, D.C. Police's own General Orders on body cams when Murder is involved.

Liz Lyons, Privacy Officer of Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police, where are they?

Misplaced, Not Relevant.

Your excuses don't cut it. We want answers.

Wikileaks in August of 2016 would offer a $20,000 reward for information regarding the murder of Seth Rich.

This is the first time in 11 years they've ever done this.

On April 27th, 2017 Andrew Therriault the Data Science Director of the DNC would make this dreaded Tweet that would hurl the Seth Rich Investigation back into the light.

It's a true statement, but was he trying to shed light on Seth Rich? Or was it meant as an insult? #SethRich
The Liberal Media went into full meltdown mode trying to discredit Conservative Media when Rod Wheeler came forward. Here's one of the darling dbags trying to say its' a Conspiracy Theory.

It's not a Conspiracy Theory, Seth Rich was Murdered, Shot in the Back.

People ask, How do you know Seth Rich was Panda...

Trust us, We know..

This is the official Police Report in the Seth Rich Murder Investigation.

Sonya TrierWeiler worked for the DNC, now works In New York for a Progressive Democratic Firm.

She was at Kelsey Mulka's Make Your Friends Squirm Party less than 3 weeks after Seth Rich was murdered.

Good Ole Andrew Therriault, Former Data Science Director of DNC likes me to!
We went to the Flagler Market, one of our Security Details took these pictures and made a collage for us.

Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police, where is the video you took from the Flagler market?

They told us you took it, we'd like to see it. So would America.

Cameras that somehow didn't see Seth Rich July 9th or 10th in Washington, D.C.

This was the Flagler Market,

You can clearly see that it's a clear view to the Intersection, and as we've shown you the Camera system was there.

The Police took the Video.

Where is it?

America First Media in the fall of 2017 would release the name of a so called Police Witness not known to the Public.

Her name.. Kristin Oland.

She had worked a decade with the CIA...

Was a Pilot

Was a Vet Tech

Worked in Navy Intelligence..

You know, normal stuff..
We're sure it's merely coincidental that the "Police Witness" that they never followed up with just happened to work for the CIA in the past, was a Pilot, A Vet Tech, Navy Intelligence, A Pro MMA Fighter..

Oh, and Volunteered at the same Shelter as Seth Rich

Our Private Investigators left cards at all of her addresses in the D.C. Metro Area.

Emails and Calls went un-returned to our Professionals.

When we broke the Article in late Fall of 2017, Kristin Oland the CIA Operative who was a witness, deleted all Social Media & went dark
Cathy Lanier,

Washington, D.C. Chief of Police when Seth Rich was murdered resigned 30 days after the murder.

She went from $250K a yar to a 7 Figure salary in the National Football League.

We were told by sources it was a Clinton favor called in for the job.

What did some Rich Family think of this you ask...

Kelsey Mulka hosting a Make your Friends Squirm Party..

Notice the day...

Quick Rebound from the death of Seth Rich..

Quite the Face these DNC'ers are making one day after their colleague was murdered in the Streets of Washington, D.C..

This is the only known Picture of Seth Rich the night he was murdered..

The most guarded city in the World.. this is it..

Do you believe that?

Can you imagine saying this after one of your neighbors was brutally murdered and shot...

Neither can we..

Robert Alder, The Assistant Chief of Police when Seth Rich was murdered, and over the ISB (Investigations Services Bureau resigned in May of 2017.

Robert Alder also works with Cathy Lanier now at the National Football League

He went from Captain to Asst Chief of Police in 2yrs
Speaking with multiple Officers and Higher Ups with Metropolitan Police Departments around the Country, they found it staggering how Alder went from Captain to Asst Chief in less than 2 years.

He also has a track record of calling unsolved murders "Botched Robberies"

Now is it coincidental that the people who were the Chief of Police and Assistant Chief of Police for the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department both resigned from the Department less than a year after the murder?

One 30 days, one 11 Months..

Why did Joe Capone, General Manager of Lou's City Bar visit the White House on July 6th, 2016... Just 3 days before Seth Rich was murdered in the streets of Washington, D.C. ....

Why did Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser visit the White House on July 8th, 2016. Just two days before Seth Rich was murdered...

Why did Liz Lyons the Privacy Officer for the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department visit the White House on July 12th, 2016... Just two days after Seth Rich was murdered?

She's over the body cams for Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police.

Why did so many people in Authoritative positions or involved in this Investigation visit the White House before and after the murder of Seth Rich?

Seth Rich also cancelled a White House visit on July 4th, but critics have claimed that was due to weather.. Was it?

A Direct quote from Private Investigator Rod Wheeler before the family hit him with a cease and desist.

Strange Miles..

I've yet to see a social media post from you in the last year and a half asking for Justice or to find the killers of your "friend.."

This is the Flyer from Lou's City Bar when they remembered Seth in Washington, D.C.

If you were at this event, our team would like to speak with you.

The Red dot indicates where Seth Rich was shot and murdered.

The Green Dot shows where his house was..

Now why would he have been walking around there at 4AM...

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser visiting the White House two days before Seth Rich's Murder...

By now, we're sure you all know what John Podesta said..

Private Investigator Rod Wheeler went on multiple networks explaining his findings..

Shortly after he was served a cease and desist by Attorney's of Brad Bauman... "Representing the Family" aka the DNC.

Our Good Friend and Attorney suing the DNC in the DNC Fraud Lawsuit Jared Beck makes a very interesting point now doesn't he.. :)

Julian Assange is very right..

Because there goes the Russian Narrative and story they've spent two years lying to you about..

Proof showing that Seth Rich cancelled his White House Visit on July 4th...


Andrew Therriault.. Data Science Director for the DNC.. The Internet is forever man..

What did you mean here buddy..

Seth wasn't a Bernie Bro eh?

You, the DNC, the Obama Administration, the Clinton's... All Lying..

We now know in our Investigation that Shawn Lucas and Seth Rich knew each other.

Shawn Lucas was found dead at 38 years old face down in his bathroom by his girlfriend.

Shawn served the DNC papers for the Fraud Lawsuit for Attorney Jared Beck a week before Rich was murdered.
The signs are all there America.

Sean Hannity made these tweets, and within 24 hours they were trying to take his job from Fox News.

Sure... Just a Conspiracy...

Who smiles at a press conference to find their brothers killers?

Would you walk this in Washington, D.C. from 1:30 AM to 4:19 AM...

According to Washington, D.C. Police, The Clinton's, The DNC, the Mainstream Media..

They all think you would..

We spoke to those in D.C, it was a definitive NO!

Why was Aaron Rich in February of 2017 asking for people who had contacts with the Israeli Digital Forensics Company named Cellebrite?

On his personal Facebook page?

Cellebrite unlocks computers and phones for Governments and Government Agencies.

Here is the Court Document from Oct 30th, 2016 when Aaron Rich (brother of Seth Rich) received control of Seth Rich's Estate.

There were also things sealed in this Court hearing.

The Judge, Appointed by one William Jefferson Clinton.

Is it normal to seal things in a court hearing when it was a botched robbery?

What are they hiding?


Why did Washington, D.C. Police get a search Warrant on Sunday Morning around 9AM and seize Seth Rich's Computers and Devices from his home?

I mean, they were spewing this botched robbery theory within 24 hours to the parents..

So what's with the Warrant?

Seymour Hersh Pulitzer Price winning darling of the Left... Explains that he knows Seth Rich was killed.. He even mentions the CIA and Brennan..

Sy Hersh didn't know he was being recorded..

He does now :)

Why did one of the Responding Officers, Officer Wingate Robinson's sister work for the Clinton Foundation..

Here she is on the Payroll...

More Conspiracy's...

On September 21st, 2017 America First Media's Eddie Graham would uncover payments from the DNC to Crowdstrike. Large 6 Figure Payments.

One the day after Seth Rich was Murdered

One the day after Shawn Lucas was found dead.

That's awfully coincidental wouldn't you say America?

Two Large 6 Figure Payments..

Both one day after the Murder of Seth Rich, and the mysterious death of Shawn Lucas.

In the next few tweets, we're going to show you Camera's that should have picked up Seth Rich if he walked home the night he was murdered..

Stay Tuned, there's quite a few..

Here's the list of Camera's that should have caught Seth Rich walking home..

These Cameras didn't pick him up...

These Camera's didn't see Seth Rich either..

Amazingly enough, these camera's didn't see Seth Rich either..

I know this will totally shock you, but these camera's somehow didn't pick up Seth Rich either..

Amazing how the "story" of a crime wave started to come into play only after Seth Rich was killed... Thus, here comes their BS narrative America..

Amazing how CrowdStrike drops this gem a month before Seth Rich was murdered..

They knew... They knew...

Notice the date..

Brad Bauman was assigned to the Rich Family less than 24 hours after the Julian Assange mentioned the name Seth Rich.

There are NO Coincidences in this situation America.

Please RT this, Wake People Up!

Joe Capone...

Doing off limit things in the White House..

Nothing to see here America.. Move along..

Now why would Aaron Rich in February of 2017 be asking if anyone had connections to the Israeli Digital Forensics Company known as Cellebrite? The same group that Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police have a Cyber Branch of trained people on this software..

Ohh. Ohh.... :)
Here's when Fox News basically became the World's biggest scared Sh*tless Network in America..

They folded like a cheap card table..

Forgot to add the fun information about Washington, D.C. 3rd District Detective Antoine Weston attacking me on social media.

Keep in mind Seth Rich was murdered in the Fifth District of DC, and Weston is NOT a Homicide Detective, Just a regular detective.

Here's an Article from Big League Politics written by @CassandraRules about the incident on Twitter.

Now why would a Detective from the DC Police attack America First Media on Twitter?

Especially one that doesn't work in the district where Seth Rich was murdered? #SethRich
Here's Weston starting to attack yours truly on Twitter right after our Team returned home from Investigating in Washington, D.C. last Summer. We broke the Break Up, Doctor, Ambulance, and many other things on that trip..

Did we strike a nerve uncovering things? #SethRich
Here's Detective Weston saying all leads have been exhausted in the Seth Rich Murder Investigation by D.C. Police..

Well if that's the case, then give my Team of professionals the Autopsy, Phone Records, Bank Records, Laptops, Phones, Video, Body Cams, and get out our way!
This is a tweet before we realized that Weston worked for Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police..

He has since blocked people from Twitter, and made his account private.

Thanks Detective for showing us we are over the target! We appreciate it!


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Oct 7, 2018
⚠️**Official Seth Rich Thread** from America First Media Group
1) Seth Rich was the Data Director of New Voter Registration for the Democratic Party.

He was NOT a "DNC Staffer" as the Mainstream Media would love you to believe, along with the Democrats.
2) Seth Rich was shot at 4:19 AM on the morning of Sunday July 10th, 2016.

CIC Shotspotter (A D.C. Surveillance system on buildings that monitors gun shots and locations picked up the shooting and alerted Police.
Read 27 tweets
Oct 4, 2018
I’m sorry you feel that way John. We’re the only team in America fighting for the truth in multiple cases. We’re on the ground in Las Vegas right now with Licensed Professionals Investigating. We don’t just make YouTube videos.. We actually do the boots on the ground work. -MC
Furthermore we’ve been In Vegas working for a week, we’ve raised $320... not sure where you or anyone else thinks our team is “making money”

All of our Funding is public on Go Fund Me And Fundly.

Plane Tickets, Hotels, Meals, Travel, FOIAs, etc. are you trolling Tom Fitton to?
And Yes, this turned into a thread. We have hundreds of thousands of followers and the only people who ever complain about our Funding have never donated, they don’t share or retweet our Intel, they just complain. We have less than 500 donors in 1.5 years.. those are the facts.
Read 8 tweets
Oct 4, 2018
This card was left in US Marine Lieutenant Colonel Matt Meck’s Door. He’s not an ATF Agent, he’s an FBI Agent. Colonel Meck is blowing the whistle on Fast and Furious. We are going to help him anyway we can. #FastandFurious
They are trying to silence Colonel Meck
This was found in Colonel Meck’s mailbox...
Read 6 tweets
Sep 20, 2018
The President said release the Carter Page FISA and the Text Messages of Comey, Page, Strzok, McCabe, And Ohr to the PUBLIC!!

Any member of Congress or Senate on either side of the political aisle not okay with that, is a traitor to the Republic.

Are you fed up yet America?
This is why I only trust Trump and no one else! The evidence of corruption on both sides is overwhelmingly obvious..
If you don’t trust Trump by now you never will. There is no place in this movement for Never Trumpers like Joe Walsh, Trish Regan, Ben Shapiro and others.

They are bought and paid for opposition period!
Read 23 tweets
Sep 18, 2018
In just a few minutes I will have an Exclusive LIVE Interview with Former Navy SEAL and founder Craig Sawyer. It's going to be heart wrenching, and I'm truly honored Craig has entrusted my team to do this story. @CraigRSawyer We will not let you down.
You will be able to listen LIVE on all of our platforms, and I encourage you do to so.

You can listen LIVE on Periscope @RealMattCouch

You can listen on Spreaker at…

You can listen on YouTube at…
Again, this will be the first time that anyone will hear what Craig Sawyer, Former Navy Seal is about to reveal.

I know the back story, and I'm crushed for Craig and his family. I am however proud of their courage, fight, and God loving spirit to want to get this out
Read 5 tweets

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