Americans across the country can’t be fooled: the debt-exploding GOP tax scam puts Medicare and Medicaid on the chopping block and ultimately raises taxes on 86 million middle class American families: 2 #GOPTaxScam#Medicaid#Medicare#ProtectOurCare
#GOPTaxScam Raises Taxes on 86 Million Middle Class Families – the GOP tax scam’s meager, temporary benefits for the middle class evaporate in a few years, and the scam ultimately raises taxes on 86 million middle class families. 3 #GOPlies#VoteThemOut
#GOPTaxScam Gives 83 Percent of the Tax Cuts to the Wealthiest 1 Percent – the GOP tax scam puts corporations and the richest ahead of everyone else. 4 #RiseUp#RepublicanGreed (Cartoon by Monte Wolverton)
$1.3 Trillion Tax Rate Break for Corporations – instead of simplifying the tax code or making it fairer, Republicans handed permanent tax breaks to big corporations, rewarded corporations shipping jobs overseas & added even more loopholes for special interests to exploit. 5
#GOPTaxScam Explodes Debt by At Least $1.8 Trillion, Targets Medicare & Medicaid – Republicans have stuck our children with the bill for their debt-exploding giveaways to the wealthiest/will use the debt they created to justify ransacking the future of all Americans 6
Already, Trump has proposed his budget that cuts $500 billion from Medicare, $1.4 trillion from Medicaid, $72 billion from Social Security disability and $214 billion from SNAP. 7 #GOPTaxScam#GOPEvilBudget#ProtectOurCare.
#GOPTaxScam After receiving massive windfalls from the GOP tax scam, corporations are overwhelmingly pocketing the benefits themselves – instead of sharing them with hard-working Americans: 8 #GOPGreed (Cartoon from
Morgan Stanley analysts estimated that almost two-thirds of the corporate windfall from the GOP tax scam will be spent on buybacks, dividends, mergers and acquisitions. Just 13 percent would go toward bonuses and raises. 9 #GOPTaxScam#GOPGreed
Many corporations are even laying off thousands of workers as they pocket massive tax breaks for themselves; 10 #GOPTaxScam#GOPGreed#TreatOrTrick
True to form, Republicans delivered their wealthy donors a massive tax break on the backs of hard-working Americans – and their donors are giving them even bigger campaign contributions to seal the deal. 12 #GOPTaxScam#GOPGreed#Corruption
#ABetterDeal to Rebuild America
After a year’s worth of promises to deliver a big infrastructure bill, the President finally released a puny infrastructure scam that utterly fails to meet the needs of America’s communities. 14 #Infrastructure#GOPLies#GOPFail
Instead of renewing America, the Trump plan raises costs for consumers, increases the burden on cities & states, sells off essential infrastructure to Wall Street, ends vital worker & environmental protections & cuts almost $170B at the same time it proposes $200 billion. 15
Democrats have #ABetterDeal to Rebuild America – our $1 trillion national commitment to rebuilding America’s broken infrastructure that is five times larger than President Trump’s puny plan. 16 #DemsWork4USA#BlueWave2018#Infrastructure
#ABetterDeal to Rebuild America will create 16 million American jobs rebuilding and modernizing our crumbling roads, bridges, transit, airports, ports, waterways, rail, transit and schools, and will bring high-speed Internet to every corner of the country. 17 #DemPartyPlatform
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So Mr. Trump is visiting the beautiful Dakotas and the ego fluffing rallying continues without pause. Just like yesterday, Trump will continue his rants and attacks on the media and spread lies about Democrats./1 #TrumpEgoRallies#CultureOfCorruption#Cult45
But here's what know he won't do or say: address the real issues facing hard-working North and South Dakota families. He will also fail to talk about the continued #Republican war on health care coverage for 130 million Americans with pre-existing conditions./2 #GOPCorruption
The American people are confronted with a #GOP Congress and Administration that are relentlessly ransacking the futures of American families and seniors, all to further enrich their lobbyist and special interest friends, big corporations and the wealthiest one percent. /1
From health care, to taxes, to good-paying jobs, to critical consumer protections, President Trump and the #Republican Congress are selling out the American people at every turn: /2 #ARawDeal#CultureOfCorruption#RepublicanGreed
It is imperative we expose the ongoing #GOP narrative that uses Leader Nancy Pelosi as a lightening rod for misogynistic, ageist and partisan attacks and what motives and attitudes lie behind it. /1 #IStandWithNancy#GOPLies#DemocraticPrincipledLeadership
In order to get at that truth, it is vital for voters to meet Nancy Pelosi, understand her background, accomplishments and values as well as her vital importance to the Party of the People./2
Nancy Pelosi has consistently put her constituents first and foremost and as Speaker and Minority Leader she has served all Americans with the same commitment and intensity./3 #PrincipledDemocraticLeadership#IStandWithNancy
This week’s indictment of #GOP Congressman Chris Collins shines a stark light on the rampant culture of corruption and self-enrichment among #Republicans in Washington today/2 #Collins#CorruptGOP#SwampThings
..and the story continues to widen as reporters unearth at least six other #GOP current and former Members of Congress who have recently owned or sold stock in Innate Immunotherapeutics, the Australian company at the center of the arrest of Rep. Collins./3 #GOPCORRUPT#Collins
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) allowed some individuals who were brought to the US illegally as children to receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation and become eligible for a work permit in the U.S. #DemHistory#WhyIVoteDemocrat
The DACA policy was announced by President Barack Obama on June 15, 2012, and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) began accepting applications for the program on August 15, 2012. #DemHistory#WhyIVoteDemocrat#DACA
Studies have shown that #DACA increased the mental health outcomes for DACA-eligible immigrants and their children.There are no known major adverse impacts from DACA on native-born workers' employment, and most economists say that DACA benefits the U.S. economy #DemHistory
This Republican control over all parts of our government defies comparison. On second thought, it feels like a Biblical punishment..Remember the 10 Plagues of Egypt? #RepublicanPlague#CrimesAgainstHumanity#RiseUp
First, the waters of the land of Egypt were to be turned into blood....
The Clean Water Rule protected smaller bodies of water, like streams and wetlands, from discharges of all kinds of pollutants. But not anymore: #RepublicanPlague#CleanWaterAct
The EPA has delayed implementation for 2 years as the agency “clarifies” (read: eliminates)the rule.The decision is a clear gift to industrial polluters who loudly protested the reg in 2015 & GOP lawmakers who have falsely claimed the rule regulates “puddles on private property.”