What the Trump admin did to immigration while everyone was busy with #StormyDaniels and the $hitshow that is this presidency:
👏 @AmericasVoice
1-ICE ended policy of presuming release for pregnant detainees;
ICE detention centers (and the for profit ones) are ill-equipped to treat medical issues pregnant women face.
Ice stating fear of flight. We tax payers pay for ankle monitors-Cheaper
This is the previous policy
2- Considering a policy to deny legal residency-deport legal immigrants who rely on Earned Income tax credit &health insurance subsidies (Tax paying immigrants) not to mention undocumented immigrants leave $10 billion in taxes they never file to collect.…
3-Terminated Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) for Liberians affecting thousands.
also ended TPS for Salvadorans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Sudanese.
Effectively creating tens of thousands of new $150/day bodies for the private prison industry donors.
4-Added a new citizenship question to the 2020 Census to screw with the power of diversity.
5-Blaming immigrants for crimes related to:
-Sanctuary cities
-Chicago ( whatever the fuck that means)
and bunch of facts-free slander to make the case for more $$ to expand deportation aparatus
6-Mentioning they are deporting people with criminal record. BullShit.
Arrests deportation of people without a criminal record increased by almost 200%. Why?
Because these people are easy to find keeping regular jobs, stables homes, participating in their community. Lazy @ICEgov
7-These @ICEgov goons are effectively becoming the Political Enforcers for Trump nativism, not protecting you and defending LAW & Order.
They are especially targeting immigration activists. They target families they can tear apart on purpose to kiss the dear leader's ass.
8-That is why they removal eliminated enforcement priorities. The excuse is they are removing criminals. that requires hard work. They are a lazy bunch, they grab whatever passes by, slap some bullshit nonsense excuse detain and deport
9-Separating children from parents caught crossing the border including those asylum seekers FLEEING VIOLENCE AND MURDER, as a punitive means of deterring others who might follow. ( Gen Kelly's words)
10-Allow a @CBP border agent with elementary legal education to decide who qualifies for asylum and who doesn't at the border. Effectively turning them into judges.
11-Lazy ass brown shirts have been nabbing immigrants who show up to ICE check-ins as part of their release conditions. Why go out to the field to catch them when they walk right up to you. If you are after criminals, someone voluntarily checking in every week isn't one.
12-They have deported business owners with 40-50 years in this country, people who positively affect their communities, FFS they even deported Syrian/Iraqi Christians back to Syria knowing damn well they are likely to be targeted and killed.
13-ICE and CBP have turned into an Army operating within our borders.
With a lie detector failure rate of 60% ( not a typo), these two have been handed a lot of power that we should RECONSIDER.
14-All these fringe policy nuts who were always ridiculed/rejected by other administrations BECAUSE THEY ARE CRAZY found refuge in this admin.
just fluff the dear leader a bit, contribute $, talk about genes & BOOM: they are everywhere in our immigration system affecting POLICY
15- I do not care where you get immigrants from and what color they are, you will have a 3% to 4% who will find their way into a life of crime.
Wait a minute, the 4% is OUR crime rate, undocumented immigrants are close to 2%.
16- The @ACLU@AmericasVoice and other non profit immigration advocates are doing god's work helping folks with DUE PROCESS and protecting basic human rights. Find a local legal clinic or find one online, give them a buck or two, you ll be affecting lives positively.
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Hello America,
I know a lot of you are pumped to vote because you are naive enough to think it will be fair and there is a wave.
But will your vote be counted?
Good night.
Let me elaborate:
Voting machines still have remote management.
Secretary punch out at 4 pm for happy hour thinks there is no thread to our voting systems.
70000 voted changed the last elections.
Somehow you think a third party will allow endless investigations by a dema house?
Hate me all you want for that tweet. I want to be wrong. Every time I wish i was wrong, the republicans were like hold my beer.
The rigging has been going on since 2000.
1/ I want to say something about voting and how some take it for granted:
In a country far away, each poltical party had a designated color. vote purple, blue or yellow for the corresponding party. Many eligible voters couldn’t read & only visual medium was a state tv channel.
2/ early morning on election day, local party officials, escorted with very scary thugs, went door to door, shack to shack, vendor by vendor, forced their way in, and just confiscated something valuable from the house. This was a 3rd world country. A shoe was valuable.
3/ they took your id, keys to your motorcycle, your shoes, your tools, jewelry, anything that these people would struggle without. If any resisted they would get a beating. They threw that stuff in a van waiting outside.
The first tweet did not get enough attention, therefore I will scream it out;
That is all folks. Nothing to see.
It took me longer to investigate where my keys are.
It took me longer to find my mojo after a brief bronchitis
Did you ever go to the 7-11 after some medicinal maryhouanna, walked in, opened cabinets, made your own coffee Brazilian roast coffee ( because 12 am), ate 6 glazed donuts waiting for coffee. Poured coffee, went to pay and the clerk says: free if you go back and make 2 more pots
New request for BID for @DHS on behalf of ICE
Estimated at over $100 MILLION of your tax dollars for a BRAND SPANKING NEW DETENTION FACILITY IN DETROIT for 200-600 people.
2/ BUT wait t'here are 3 more at over $100 million ( there is no telling what the exact cost will be)
planned for 2019
these 4 will end up coasting over a billion $ once said and done.
Money taken from @FEMA and @USCG
The @gop know the party is almost over if they lose a majority in house or senate. Their one & only certain gift that will keep on giving is KAVANAUGH seated at SCOTUS.
They will confirm him.
Because they don’t give AF about us peasants.
My 2 cents.
I want to be wrong.
The fuxkers know we will get busy with Halloween within2 weeks, then Xmas season... and all will be forgotten until next year when the United States Department of Vaginas is established. With a vaginal enforcement sub agency.
as soon as he is confirmed, the ideologue nuts will start loading federal courts with bullshit lawsuits they will intentionally lose to get to SCOTUS: vaginas, minorities, birthrights, human rights, corporate welfare you name it. All Karl rove’s initial 2000 plans but on steroids