Propane Jane™ 🔥💣 Profile picture
Apr 9, 2018 19 tweets 5 min read Read on X
They could just as easily have called them diversity deserts, because the issue above all else is these White rural communities don’t just lack accurate news, they lack *people of color*. They’re racist, sexist and ignorant in general due to segregation, not just fake news.
My word, did @mattyglesias just delete the damn tweet?! You were actually on to something, man...
I’m not sure why he deleted it but here’s the screenshot. Clearly I can and will carry on without him though...
How Trump thrives in ‘news deserts’… h/t @mattyglesias
For starters, @mattyglesias is right that this analysis is screaming for statistical controls. There are people of color all over America who don’t have access to reputable tv news/the internet but they KNOW Donald Trump is a racist crook and would NEVER have cast a vote for him.
The expansion of broadband internet access in rural communities was supposed to give them broader access to the world around them, but instead they used it as a spigot for information that validated and affirmed their deep seated prejudices and fear of people outside their world.
Likewise, because they live in highly segregated communities they’re highly unlikely to interact with people who would contradict the bigoted stereotypes they see on their chosen TV shows or internet sites. They’re mired in confirmation bias.
In other words, you can sit these folk down in front of factual news and information all you want to, but they will willfully reject it because it doesn’t confirm or conform to their insular worldview. Trump spoke to their fear, bigotry and ignorance and that was enough for them.
White journalists and talking heads need to stop searching for alternative explanations to the White American majority’s racism and misogyny. Y’all are wasting everybody’s time and it’s pathetic.
Every few weeks they release yet another lukewarm take on how there must be a “good” reason for these people to have thrown the country away on November 8, 2016. Wake the fuck up already y’all, ALL the reasons are deplorable. Stop putting lipstick on this ugly ass fucking pig.
You aren’t helping to solve the problem if all you’re gonna do is keep giving the White Americans who voted in majority for apartheid easy outs for their betrayal. Ignorance isn’t an acceptable excuse, and neither are racism and misogyny. The three go together.
The fact that these people have no basic moral intuition or power of discernment to the extent that they would even fall prey to blatantly racist and sexist fake news and propaganda IS the problem. They choose to be ignorant and hateful, stop absolving them of it.
Fox, Sinclair, Drudge, Infowars, Breitbart, AM hate radio etc, NONE of that shit would exist or be as profitable as they all are if there weren’t millions of White Americans consuming and proliferating their bullshit. Stop pretending they don’t exist, stop ENABLING them.
The bottom line is STILL that millions of predominantly White Americans are bigots, and it’s so patently obvious to the point that Russia exploited their bigotry and ignorance to sabotage our election/install Donald Trump. They know us better than we do, and excuses won’t fix it.
While y’all are out here making weak ass excuses for the deplorables, our adversaries (foreign and domestic) are busy creating ever more racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic propaganda to serve them ahead of our next election.
Spend more time highlighting the folk who had good sense enough not to vote for this fucking atrocity. Amplify the voices of people who aren’t one fake news headline away from voting for the Klan. Stop glorifying ignorance and hatred.
It isn’t a “news desert”, it’s segregation. #protip
Because there’s always a blast from the PJ past for these occasions, check out this thread from July 2016. The basic gist was the White majority was susceptible to propaganda due to lack of sufficient diversity online and in real life. 💅🏾

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Oct 9, 2018
I don’t begrudge their secrecy either, but how exactly are the ~60% of White men who vote GOP ever going to evolve away from misogyny if not even the women in their lives feel safe enough to speak their minds? This is the American Taliban.
No one is explicitly addressing the narcissism and sociopathy of *mainstream* White American male culture from within its ranks. It’s literally shooting up the public square, desecrating the US government, waging endless war abroad/at home and killing the planet with IMPUNITY.
It’s already painfully clear they won’t listen to the marginalized groups they’re oppressing, but the fact that there’s literally been no appreciable impact of White on White peer pressure on the WM majority for so long in this country should be cause for much greater concern.
Read 14 tweets
Oct 8, 2018
How are they possible Democratic voters if a) they don’t know or care what the party stands for b) they can’t be bothered to listen to or be intersectional with the marginalized groups that ARE the Democratic base c) they can’t tolerate confrontation of White male supremacy? 🤷🏾‍♀️
Listen Bros, I understand that you haven’t had a party to proudly call your own since GWB irreparably destroyed the GOP in the 2000s. I’ve documented it at length. None of this means you get to commandeer a coalition you don’t even actually support.
Rather than work internally to change the GOP or establish a viable 3rd party for Bros who are aware enough to be embarrassed by the GOP, they seek to meet their ends on the backs of the women, POC and LGBTQ who anchor the Democratic Party. HELL NO, Bro.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 8, 2018
Respectfully, what you also aren’t getting is that the White privileged psyche of MAGAts, Klansmen, Nazis and other GOP isn’t unique to them or completely absent from the folk on the Left who routinely thwart Democratic objectives out of spite for women and POC. Slash that.
@philip_md1 I don’t make exceptions for racist/misogynist fuckery on the left. If these people want to actually join the Democratic Party, they need to listen for once in their lives and learn how to be RELIABLE allies to the base of the party. If not, they can GTFOH.
@philip_md1 You really need to take the time to read MLK’s Letter from Birmingham jail because if you still don’t see how White “moderates” are equally responsible for this disaster, you’re aiding and abetting it.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 4, 2018
LOL if I’m honest I’d say I’m struggling to even figure out which one you’re referencing because aren’t they all?! 🤷🏾‍♀️🤪 Either way you’re guaranteed to find it on a) my wakelet page (link in bio) or b) my Moments tab #onhere.
@noralove It’s gonna irk me until I figure it out though 😂 is it this one?
Read 5 tweets
Sep 28, 2018
Seriously though, where is Mark Judge? WTAF?!
I thought it was so disingenuous how Kavanaugh cited Mark Judge’s substance addiction as a reason why he shouldn’t be brought into this as if their mutual relationship with beer isn’t at the heart of this controversy.
Not only that but it’s also highly plausible that the sheer stress of keeping his and Kavanaugh’s dirty secrets concealed over the last few months triggered a relapse or exacerbation of Judge’s addiction.
Read 13 tweets
Sep 24, 2018
I love how people keep declaring a constitutional crisis every day as if we haven’t already been in one perpetually since 1/20/17. 🙃
Who would’ve guessed that the illegitimately installed sociopath would behave like an illegitimately installed sociopath every fucking chance he gets?! Who would’ve guessed that his Republican enablers would actually use the rubber stamp they nominated?
Every Congressional Republican who’s up for re-election in November should be VOTED OUT simply on the grounds that they’ve aided and abetted Trump’s illegitimate and illegal occupation of the White House for going on 2 years. Mueller shouldn’t have to be doing their job for them.
Read 6 tweets

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