1. FOX "News" is playing at white Christian persecution complex, so let's give #GoodChristian™ Douglas MacKinnon a little of the "persecution" he so craves. Because, believe me, calling out someone's #ChristianAltFacts is obvs equivalent to them being murdered for their faith.
2. Guess what? Your friend is either delusional, stupid, or dishonest. Unless you made up said "friend" like many of the "facts" in this article. Hey, I'm just asking questions. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
3. Granted, Christians are persecuted in some parts of the wold, although your adjectives are not exactly quantifiable. But more to the point, you know where that's definitely not happening? In America. Hard to believe, I know.
4. Let me fix this for you. Here in the United States, transgender women are regularly kicked out of their homes, mocked, and even murdered (especially trans women of color) by right-wing Christians. This is a bigoted practice that is being encouraged by many on the Right.
5. You rang, my #GoodChristian™ Sir? But I must protest that I only deem toxic Christianity, of the sort that you practice, as unworthy of respect. I respect the Black Church, for example. Tell me, do you? #EmptyThePews#WhiteChurchQuiet#BlackLivesMatter
6. Okay, I refuse to give my consumer dollars to anti-gay Chick-Fil-A, but even I have to admit that @NewYorker article was over the top, if not quite as over the top as yours here.
7. Most of Trump's cabinet, and the VP, attend a weekly retrograde Bible study hosted by Ralph Drollinger of Capitol Ministries, and almost 70% of the U.S. population is Christian (the brown and liberal ones count), but sure, go on believing Christian privilege is not a thing. 🙄
8. Only if you define Christianity in a narrow way. Most of us are clear to say we mean white Evangelicals/fundamentalists and traditionalist Catholics, and in that case it's overwhelmingly true. #EmptyThePews#HowToEvangelical#HowToCatholic#Exvangelical
9. You are opposed to the First Amendment. Got it. I'm glad we have that cleared up. Just remember that you have no right to complain about freedom of religion being under (fictional) attack ever again.
10. "Citation needed."
11. Know what? When I was in Indiana over CHRISTMAS (not the holidays, as I wasn't there for New Year's), practically every other yard hosted a nativity display of some kind. Where are these Christians to scared to display them?
Much evidence. Very honesty. Wow.
12. To the extent that any of these stories may be true (citations needed, my #GoodChristian™ dude!), I'm certain the events in question are much, much more complicated than you're disingenuously making them out to be.
13. You're off the hook on this one from me, because I'm not reading your whole stupid book just to decide whether it's worth joining in the ridicule.
14. White Christians do sometimes still terrorize African-American churches. You should really do something about this white-on-black crime committed by your coreligionists. #WhiteChurchQuiet#WhiteChristianTerrorism#EmptyThePews
15. Maybe the Rome of Constantine. Definitely not the Rome of Marcus Aurelius. #SorryNotSorry, but I'm even less a fan of your Christian empire than I am of your phony persecution complex.
16. Signs point to "no."
17. Seriously, citation needed. I'm beginning to think you're just making shit up. Just kidding, I've known all along you're just making shit up.
18. Nervous you're not going to be raptured before the tribulation, are you? It's okay, my #GoodChristian™ Sir, everyone has #RaptureAnxiety. Except, you know, for those of us who have moved past #ChristianAltFacts, or never believed them in the first place. You should try it!
19. Why do I not believe this?
20. Because when it comes to your very narrow, specific, type of Christian faith, we understand that we don't owe our abusers respect. Though @TheAtlantic and @washingtonpost are constantly giving it free PR, so what are you complaining about?
1. I just sent out this month's newsletter for all @Patreon patrons who support me with a $5 or higher monthly pledge. If you find my work valuable and would like the inside Stroop scoop, please consider joining them!
2. At the end of the last academic year, I faced a choice--move back in with my parents in Indiana to pursue the freelance writing and speaking opportunities I was getting more of, or adjunct at the University of South Florida for low pay and no benefits. Or find something new.
3. Here's a thread with some of my life story up to the present. The travel to Austria next spring to do a semester of research mentioned in it fell through despite me having been promised it for years.
Another reversal of an improvement for LGBTQ acceptance in an evangelical institution (World Vision is the other one I have in mind). Evangelicalism doesn’t change its patriarchal ways. It just casts out the people who would make it better.
I also RT requests for financial help fairly often. Unfortunately, many in the #Exvangelical community have needs and are hampered by lack of education, meaningless degrees, or lack of professional experience outside evangelical institutions. The social costs of leaving are high.
I don’t want or expect anyone who can’t afford it to give, and I don’t want anyone to feel obligated; even just RTing those requests is immensely helpful. It is my hope that someday we’ll have some kind of foundation to fund #Exvangelical projects and meet needs. #EmptyThePews
Sometimes crowdfunding is all that stands between an #Exvangelical and homelessness, or being forced to return to a toxic, abusive living situation. That’s the uncomfortable reality. I do make small donations myself to almost every fundraising request I amplify.
September is a big month! I’m at the airport on my way Florida for The #Exvangelical Community: Paths, Projects, Prospects. In the last two days I’ve filed two pieces with editors, and this week I did podcasts w/ @NiceMangos and @kitchencultpod (@haettinger and @mxdarkwater). #FF
Next weekend I’ll be in Charleston, South Carolina to give a talk for @CHShumanists, and am very much looking forward to that! October is also pretty full!
1. A few thoughts on Trump's dinner in honor of evangelicals, which I'll be discussing with @RickSmithShow later. Key context to consider is that fascism is concerned with defining who belongs to "the nation" or "the people," and who doesn't. Internal enemies (Others) are needed.
2. This dovetails neatly with the way in which fundamentalist believers police who does and does not count as a member of their religious confession. This is critical to understanding the Christian Right's politics of "religious freedom":
3. Indeed, as I have written elsewhere, "Fundamentalism is authoritarianism in microcosm, or on the margins. Fascism is essentially fundamentalism in power." The vast majority of white evangelicals are authoritarian and fundamentalist.