2/ Discipline is our control over how long it will take to climb the wall
3/ Hard work, consistency, and goal setting are ways to measure our progress up the wall.
4/ Fear is what prevents us from beginning to scale the wall. Fear is the freezing motivator when you look down from a good climb and see how far you can fall.
5/ Excitement is when you can envision and feel the feeling of climbing higher. You know what that looks like for you because you can look inside yourself and imagine YOUR version of your better you. #ThursdayThoughts#ThursdayMotivation
6) Love gives you the courage to continue to climb the wall even if only a select few care that you are climbing it.
7) Love gives you the confidence to continue climbing if you slip
8) Everyone has this wall. Nobody is their ideal self today. That includes you. That includes me. We can all do better somewhere.
9) Jealousy is the thought that occurs when we see someone higher than us up their wall. What we don't consider is the effort they've put in to climbing. The fear they've faced. Their wall may be different than ours. Their ideal self will absolutely be. We forget this.
10) This will take a lot of innovation and creation on the part of technologues, but if we set up a web of trust and reputation amongst ourselves voluntarily, we can now begin to bring others up that previously, we would have had to compete against.
11) When resources were scarce and when we mainly competed for rivalrous goods, we had to worry about who got to the top of their walls, because chances were, if we didn't get there before someone else, we may not be able to feed our family and we would perish. (cont.)
12) @jgreenhall has put together a great video on the history of this concept here: and it covers what he describes as Rivalrous (water, oil, steel) vs Anti-Rivalrous goods (information, digital media, etc)
14) I'm working on exactly that. One early challenge is to collectively and with utmost adherence to fairness and logic determine what every actor in a system would view as a 'positive' outcome for themselves while simultaneously not decreasing any other actor's 'positivity'.
15) I think I'm well on the way to solving this issue, and it will just require more reaching out to learn from experts, more patience, and more iterative thinking as well as some mocking up of prototypes. (NOT MVP - MVP is overused term and misleading)
16) MVPs are for when you've decided you completely understand your problem, your approach to solving it, and can proceed with a complete picture confidently of your project. It assumes to much in too many cases. Much more thought than is given needs to be given for an 'MVP.'
17) Thinking, brainstorming, and discussing these ideas are much more important than we currently act. We act now that first to market is most important, that 'beating out the competition' is most important. Revolutionary ideas can be put out there but only implemented by few.
18) In this brilliant Interview, @kanyewest mentions that @elonmusk could share all of his plans for @SpaceX but only he (and perhaps a few others) could make them happen.
19) From here, it follows that great ideas are worth sharing, even in an economy where competition incorrectly breeds proprietary creations.
20) Going to end this thread now but may add more to it later and RT it.
This is a great question that I don't think there exists a great answer for. @BretWeinstein and @EricRWeinstein coined the term and it stuck (I think more than they intended)
I first heard the term #GameB in @joerogan's Joe Rogan Experience
I love the freedom of not having to worry about the need for me to participate in a rat race of 9-5 anymore and I hope the same feeling for all of my peers and friends.
It’s as if you’ve been told you have to keep running on the hampster wheel all of your life to keep your lights on and to stay fed and then you realize you don’t need to do that. We can take our passions and our skills and our creativity and we can do all of these things
On our own time, on our own schedule, when it works for us. And we can create beautiful new things. And we have time to think for ourselves. And we innvote. And we learn. And we fail. We improve. We communicate. And we live a truly human life. When we run the rat race