Anons discuss the flag #Q posted today, which has been posted a few times before. They theorized that there was a hidden image or data within the picture.
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by @realDonaldTrump view original on Twitter
In his #NRA speech, #Trump vows to protect #2A and bashes the Mueller witch hunt stating, "we're all fighting battles, but I love fighting these battles."
This theory was posted by @intheMatrixxx earlier this week. Is @POTUS going to us the powers granted to the Presidency, and open the proverbial floodgates? I certainly hope so! #ReleaseTheTexts#NoRedactions
Pieces of the chess board are moving as we speak. Lisa Page has resigned from the FBI. This leads one to believe that her cooperation in the investigation is no longer needed. Another indication we've entered the next phase - JUSTICE.
Lisa Page was a cooperating witnesses during the investigation & based on previous #Q posts, provided intel/access to all comms including gmail drafts with "R" (Renegade-Obama) & "EG" (Evergreen- HRC). Her resignation signals we're on to the next phase. #JUSTICE
Following Page's resignation, the resignation of James Baker, former FBI chief legal council was announced today. "Baker going to work for Wittes...indicates he has NOT been granted prosecutorial immunity."
Mr. James Comey had this to say about his pal, James Baker. Yes, I'm sure both Mr. Baker AND YOUR FREEDOM will be missed, Mr. Comey. #LockThemAllUp#JUSTICE
#Q instructs us to reread drops re: JK-John Kerry stating "Today: JK & Iran Important- context for future news." Q asks why JK, Hussein, the Clintons & others are "racing around the world pre/post POTUS."
Q's most recent post refers to a CONFIRMED report from 1/25/18, in which John Kerry reportedly coached Palestinians not to 'yield' to #Trump in peace talks, stating "Trump would not be in office for long, suggesting he could be out in a year." #QAnon#MAGA…
Q states "Re_read drops. Today: JK & Iran. Important context for future news." Apparently, JK was recently in Iran attempting to salvage the Iran nuclear deal.
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by @WiredSources view original on Twitter
This anon made a susinct analysis. These powerless fools are racing around the world, attempting to convince other heads of state that (((they))) are still in control & to procede with their evil plan.
In other news related to the JUSTICE theme, General Flynn has updated his cover photo, indicating that his vindication is on the horizon. #WatchTheWater
Meanwhile, the Mueller Probe continues to unravel. A federal judge busted the Mueller team unlawfully using the extremely intrusive FISA Title 1 warrant on Manafort, instead of Title 3.
In a desperate attempt to cover up damning evidence, the FBI will not collect or release the Page & Strzok messages. Will @POTUS use the power granted to the Presidency to #ReleaseTheTexts#NoRedactions?
Perhaps when @POTUS stated in a recent tweet "At some point I will have no choice but to use the powers granted to the Presidency and get involved!" he was referring to this. We can hope, right?
This thread has some excellent information from the House Intel Committee's report on the corruption in the DOJ & FBI, as well as the reason why Flynn took a (rubber) bullet for the greater cause.
It was all part of the plan to expose them. #QAnon#MAGA
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by @seanmdav view original on Twitter
Here's a great graphic posted by @intheMatrixxx earlier noting the correlation between Justice themed #Q posts and @realDonaldTrump tweets.
In closing, it is clear that we've entered a new phase of JUSTICE. But we can't rest now. No; there's still work to do. This is a time for patriots to unite & fight for Truth, Justice & the American way. #WWG1WGA#PatriotsFight
"We'll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we'll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness."
-Ronald Reagan
[Picture Repost]
A picture is worth a thousand words.
See EVIL in the face of FEINSTEIN?
See FEAR & EMOTION in the face of MURKOWSKI?
A phone was present.