How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App Reminder: Halper has had a variety of contracts - it appears to start in 2013 and last one ended March 2018... 99% of the ‘inter-webs’ are already familiar with this topic, but for those that aren’t: Here is the video - @replouiegohmert gets straight to the point about the ICIG findings that Strzok ignored. The portion of article I’m referencing is below - it identifies that FBI sent a liaison to the Trump Transition Team
Here is reference: 8-19-2016
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by @tcleveland4real view original on Twitter
2. With that in mind, I’d like to point out an interesting portion of the Strzok/Page texts that no one seems to have picked up on yet.
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by @justiceoig view original on Twitter
2/ Some housecleaning:
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by @cynacin view original on Twitter
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by @wendysiegelman view original on Twitter
2/ First I want to say:
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by @allenwest view original on Twitter
2/ Earlier today I was pissed bc MSM never talk about Sen. McCain’s role in the dossier, so I did a small thread regarding #MccainInstitute
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by @chiiium view original on Twitter
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by @2xwide_dreaming view original on Twitter
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by @2xwide_dreaming view original on Twitter