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Joseph Behan ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Profile picture Twitter author Profile picture LanSTORM ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Profile picture Andy Profile picture Red Hatty Profile picture 6 subscribed
Oct 9, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
I hope the MSNBC checks are worth smearing everyone you used to be aligned with as a bunch of bigots.

Not much difference between WaPo's "conservatives" and the standard smear merchants who work at Think Progress. That whole article is full of smears and history re-writes that dishonest leftists have been using for years to avoid actually debating people on the right.

He literally just copied them word for word.
Oct 7, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
1) No, it doesn’t. This was by design. Go read Federalist 62.

2) You’re just upset that all your hard work trying to smear a good man didn’t pay off. Every time you guys lose, you want to change the rules.

3) How does NBC have someone this openly partisan “report” for them? Seriously, NBC identifies Ken as a reporter. His byline was on several embarrassing stories over the last few weeks. His commentary has been shameless, partisan, and dishonest.

Are there no standards?
Oct 6, 2018 7 tweets 4 min read
Any objective person could see that last few weeks have been among the worst for the media in recent history. They abandoned all standards & started acting out as activists. Much of that was on Twitter which I won't rehash, but I want to put some of the worst examples in 1 place: NBC News was the worst outlet by far. They had 4 awful viral stories that fell apart and were embarrassing. Notice the overlap in reporters.




Oct 5, 2018 9 tweets 2 min read
Official vote isn't until tomorrow and things can always change, but there are a few things I want to say: The last few weeks have been exhausting for everyone. I want to thank all the people that tried to get the truth out there and that sent encouraging tweets/messages. A media/Dem-led mob tried to destroy a good man because he had a judicial philosophy they couldn’t accept. Good people chose to stand against the mob and prioritize the truth. The last few weeks have been terrible for the country, but confirmation is the best possible outcome.
Oct 5, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
Wow. That last paragraph.... Just going to leave this here:

You will note that one of the witnesses that the FBI interviewed was an attorney for another witness. Ask yourself why that might be.

People might start connecting some dots here.
Oct 5, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
😂😂😂 In terms of the worst outlets over the last few weeks, NBC News is leading the pack by a mile.

New Yorker, WaPo, CNN etc. all deserve honorable mentions, but NBC reporters have embarrassed themselves on an almost hourly basis.
Oct 4, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
Because none exists. At least we got our share of HS yearbook and college drinking stories in the meantime.

Time to vote. The reactions today are very telling. The people in the media and on the left who demanded the FBI investigation who are now dismissing it had no interest in the truth. They wanted to find dirt on Kavanaugh. That was the only goal here.
Oct 4, 2018 12 tweets 3 min read
The past 2 weeks have provided an overwhelming number of examples of terrible journalism, but the two hit pieces from Jane Meyer and Ronan Farrow in the New Yorker have to rank near the bottom.

Given how many other journalists shared them uncritically, worth going through them. First, it’s rather obvious that these pieces were only publishes because of 1) Farrow’s reputation as a fair journalist that brings the goods (which he has sadly now destroyed) and 2) Each article essentially debunks itself (not sure why others think this is praiseworthy).
Oct 3, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
This tweet is 100% false, and yet a bunch of reporters decided to retweet it without watching video.

Quote is from James Carville’s defense of Bill Clinton in the 90’s and Graham was distinguishing that from GOP treatment of Ford. It’s whataboutism, but not an attack on Ford. If you want to see just how incestuous the relationship between left-wing media and mainstream media is:

This lie was retweeted by Yahoo journalist @alexnazaryan. 20 minutes later, Yahoo News posted the same exact lie:
Oct 1, 2018 13 tweets 3 min read
The media is the enemy. No other way to put it. They have lied intentionally over and over again in the last few weeks.

And no one bothers to check. I just got home and see a DM about a new breaking story from NBC that supposedly makes Kavanaugh look bad. I see every reporter in my timeline tweeting it so I decide to check it out.

Here is the story:…
Oct 1, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
Either you don’t understand how background checks work or you are intentionally misleading your audience. These limits were always clear for this type of investigation. This was explained repeatedly. It’s why many people opposed an FBI investigation. This is not a criminal investigation. The FBI does not track down leads of evidence to corroborate stories in this type of investigation. They interview direct witnesses. That’s it.
Sep 29, 2018 9 tweets 4 min read
I have some time while watching Football so I will just go through these and show that it is actually @pbump that has repeatedly "stretched and misrepresented the truth" in this article. Calling into question whether he should be disqualified from being labeled a journalist. On the left is Bump's article claiming to show a falsehood in BK's testimony. On the right are my comments.
Sep 29, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
Here is a thread responding to my thread arguing that calls for an FBI investigation from Dems were a delay tactic and that some people supporting this tactic under false assumption that such an investigation is likely to produce evidence relevant to the actual alleged assault. The main divergence between me and @OrinKerr seems to stem from disagreement over the type of investigation the FBI would conduct. As I tried to point out in the original thread, a report adding to the background check != to a typical criminal investigation from the FBI.
Sep 28, 2018 12 tweets 2 min read
In case there are any honest brokers out there actually calling for more investigation (seems doubtful), I will do a final thread explaining why this is a dishonest tactic that isn't meant to lead to the truth. 1) What the committee has been doing in the last week (getting testimony etc) is an investigation. That was the whole point.

2) False testimony to Congress includes similar legal penalties as lying to the FBI. We now have sworn testimony from all known witnesses.
Sep 26, 2018 16 tweets 4 min read
A few months ago Kavanaugh was a respected and known circuit judge with no allegations of wrongdoing. Now he is being accused of everything from sexual assault to running a gang-rape ring. All accusations are from ~35+ years ago and not one of them has any corroboration. The Ford allegation deserved serious review. It was possible that he had attempted to do something terrible back in HS. People could then decide if it was disqualifying. Any fair person would look at the evidence and try to see if there is corroboration.
Sep 25, 2018 7 tweets 2 min read
I concluded the allegations against Kavanaugh aren’t credible based on evidence related to actual allegation. However, you will notice I’ve never gone after Ford personally or suggested aspects about unrelated her life/character somehow prove her allegation false. That’s the exact opposite of what the left/media has done with Kavanaugh. Because of lack of evidence for actual allegations, they have instead resorted to focusing on his character and other aspects of his (& his friend’s) life unrelated to the actual allegation.
Sep 10, 2018 10 tweets 2 min read
Enough with this shit. This is such a transparent smear. This is why everyone on the right, even Trump critics, think the media lack all credibility. They act like they are Dem activists.

It’s David Horowitz’s conference. Horowitz started out as a far-left activist and was friends w Black Panther leaders, then turned right.

Yes, he has said plenty of dumb things over decades of political activism, but that conference was always mainstream. Almost every major figure on the right had spoken at it.
Sep 8, 2018 14 tweets 3 min read
I try not to make too many personal posts on here, but have to make an exception today.

Today the world is a little bit worse off as it lost a great man. He’s not someone you will read about in history books, but he made a real difference in my life.

RIP Grandpa My Grandfather was born in Belarus in 1929. Obviously I loved him as anyone would his or her grandfather, but far more importantly… I admired him. I know I could never become 1/100th the man that he was, but at least he set an example that I can strive to emulate.
Sep 7, 2018 7 tweets 3 min read
Kamala Harris was the AG for California. She knows Kavanaugh is specifically citing the terminology from the case. This isn’t just a mistake out of ignorance, it’s an intentional dishonest smear against BK. One of several from her this week. This smear started with Think Progress and then was picked up by several Dem Senators and mainstream outlets without any pushback. This keeps happening.
Aug 26, 2018 9 tweets 5 min read
I will note that many of us still remember how many on the left and in the media smeared McCain in 08. There were those that even tried (& still try) to twist what he said here as something bigoted.

That treatment of McCain and Romney 4 years later helped Trump tremendously. Ok since some people seem to doubt this, I decided to look at just the HuffPost media account going back through late September of the 08 campaign. To start, here is how this moment was twisted:
Aug 23, 2018 9 tweets 2 min read
I have a lot of respect for Tom, but I have to strongly object to this on several counts. Thread to follow: 1) Most of this article is an argument over the possibility of the nominee serving as a judge in a potential future case involving Trump. That is an argument for potential recusal in that case, not for the nominee not being seated.