Adam Parkhomenko Profile picture
Dem Strategist. Dad to Cameron and Paxton. My better half: @Ally_Sammarco. Advisor to @MeidasTouch & more.
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Jul 16, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
If you are watching the Trump-Putin press conference, there is ZERO daylight between these two. We already knew this, but it is confirmed in person after major indictments from DOJ. Putin doesn’t even have to say anything. Trump is the one doing all of Russia’s work. Trump says he doesn’t have any reason to believe it would have been Russia meddling in the election. Says the word server over and over. Once again talks about Hillary Clinton’s emails, which Trump previously asked Putin to hack.
Apr 20, 2018 21 tweets 3 min read
Thread: Americans who masquerade themselves as patriots but are truly Kremlin backers are in full meltdown mode over the DNC lawsuit announcement. Will add more here shortly on everything you need to know about this lawsuit. First: It is important to remember there is a difference between conspiracy theories and criminal conspiracies.
Mar 5, 2018 7 tweets 1 min read
Sam Nunberg is stating live on CNN that Mueller wants him to testify to the grand jury that Roger Stone colluded. I’m sorry but this is fucking incredible Sam Nunberg: “Donald Trump treated me like CRAP!”
Feb 18, 2018 5 tweets 3 min read
Interesting email from Kilimnik, Manafort business partner, written in August 2014 w/ their email url appearing to focus on a smear campaign plan towards then-new Ukraine President Poroshenko, while also working on taking care of Yanukovych (PRU) allies post his escape to Putin. Worth noting, for reporters validating authenticity of email, it was interestingly posted on pastebin ( on November 12, 2017 out in the open for an unknown individual. On that same date, November 12, there was an update made to the Kilimnik/Manafort domain
Jan 31, 2018 17 tweets 2 min read
The facts you need in advance of the #SOTU

Throughout his presidency, Trump has repeatedly and shamelessly lied and exaggerated about the economy. At his first State of the Union tonight, we can expect more of the same. Trump launched his presidency by promising America that the “forgotten men and women will be forgotten no longer.” It’s now clearer than ever that those words represent a central lie of the Trump presidency. 2/
Jan 19, 2018 15 tweets 2 min read
Thread: Trump Shutdown

Republicans control the House, the Senate, and the White House. Any government shutdown falls 100% on the Republican Party, the party in power. At no point in this country’s history have we ever seen one party control all levels branches of government and still fail to do their basic job of keeping the government open. 1/
Jan 16, 2018 8 tweets 4 min read
Six key special election follows: 1. Iowa: TODAY! Tuesday, January 16, 2018:

State House, District 6: Democrat @RitaDejong #IAHD6
Jan 7, 2018 16 tweets 5 min read
“Vladimir Putin’s former media czar was murdered in Washington, DC, on the eve of a planned meeting with the US Justice Department” 1/ “multiple intelligence and law enforcement officials suspect it was a Russian hit. The government is withholding information so today BuzzFeed News has filed a lawsuit to pry the records loose.”
Jan 5, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
Hey @Nick_Ayers, Chief of Staff to Mike Pence…the VP who was picked by Paul Manafort.

Nick, can you tell us, the American people, more about your ties to Russia through the church? Thank you. So many interesting things about Nick. Here is one from Politico that when unnoticed: "Ayers received a waiver from the White House allowing him to communicate with former clients, an arrangement that could otherwise constitute a violation of ethics rules."
Dec 26, 2017 61 tweets 9 min read
Some background everyone should know here: Navalny replaced Boris Nemtsov as leader of Russia's democratic opposition following his 2015 political assassination in the shadow of the Kremlin. 1/ Navalny has proven to be an UNSTOPPABLE CRITIC of thievery and widespread Russian corruption (Putin's after 18 yrs is estimated as high as $200 billion). 2/
Dec 7, 2017 4 tweets 1 min read
1/ Breaking per CNN: Previously undisclosed emails show follow-up after Trump Tower meeting 2/ The British publicist who arranged the June 2016 meeting with Russians & Trump Jr. sent multiple emails to a Russian participant and a member of Trump's inner circle later that summer, multiple sources told CNN, the first indication there was any follow-up after the meeting.
Dec 5, 2017 4 tweets 1 min read
1/ Ummm 2/2 since you are no longer going to sleep tonight, you can read more here:…
Dec 4, 2017 26 tweets 3 min read
1/ Here are some key events worth noting as they relate to Michael Flynn: 2/

June 2015
Flynn Promotes Joint US-Russia Nuclear Project in Mideast

Summer 2015
Trump Campaign Reaches Out to Flynn

December 2015
Flynn Receives Money From RT

January 2016
Flynn applies for a five-year renewal of his security clearance.
Nov 29, 2017 26 tweets 11 min read
1/ Turning this into a thread to keep things in one place. One interesting note that I haven’t seen anyone pay attention to or report as it relates to @DCleaks_ 2/ The @DCleaks_ twitter account was created on June 8, 2016, which, of course by coincidence, is the day before the Trump, Jr. & Russia meeting.

Here is what is interesting: the first follower of the DC Leaks account is @ixaos. Also known as “Ivan” from “Russia"
Nov 27, 2017 7 tweets 2 min read
Trump does not like Trump, Jr. Trump is mad at Ivanka
Nov 26, 2017 4 tweets 1 min read
Quick Thread/Action Re: Net Neutrality 1/ DNC CTO Raffi Krikorian released the following statement in response to reports that Donald Trump’s FCC will reverse net neutrality rules:
Nov 14, 2017 17 tweets 4 min read
1/ Important, please read. Don’t jump to conclusions. Give me a chance to rant. 2/ There are a ton of individuals, yes Democrats are in this column, who attack GOP operatives and Republicans that have spent their life working for the Republican Party.
Nov 9, 2017 29 tweets 6 min read
1/ Everything you need to know about the new organization @PartyMajority which you can join at 2/ Incredibly grateful that one of the individuals that stepped up to be an early founder of this organization is Mike Lux @ProgressiveLux, who is a major progressive leader and diehard Democrat.
Nov 4, 2017 11 tweets 3 min read
First account to welcome Guccifer 2.0 to Twitter was, well, Guccifer 2.0

@GUCCIFER_2 hasn’t tweeted since January, @Guccifer2 remained. The Associated Press has now connected Guccifer 2.0 to the Podesta leaks. It appears Guccifer 2.0 never really stopped tweeting.
Sep 25, 2017 14 tweets 2 min read
1) In case you missed a few things around Trump and Russia last week as we head into this week: 2) Revelations about Paul Manafort's dire legal situation are just further confirmation that this is a serious investigation,
May 28, 2017 25 tweets 10 min read
Two twitter accounts that have never tweeted since Trump took office: 1/ Turning this into a thread to keep things in one place. One interesting note that I haven’t seen anyone pay attention to or report as it relates to @DCleaks_