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Animal Rights 🐳 Climate Crisis #Screenwriter #Screenwriting #Films
May 7, 2018 22 tweets 10 min read

There’s an old saying. ‘You are known by the company you keep.’

So, who has Trump’s fixer been keeping company with throughout his career?

Here’s a look at just some of the close, personal company that Michael Cohen keeps. 1/22

#CohenRaid #CohenCrimeFamily

Dr. Morton Levine
(Cohen’s Uncle Morty)

🔒Doctor for Lucchese crime family.
🔒Aided illegal activities for Lucchese crime family.

Apr 23, 2018 10 tweets 6 min read
DC Comics may have the fictional League of Justice to fight criminals, but we have the real life


With wit & wisdom, these tweechers offer insight into the twisted, tangled world of the Trump admin & their satellites.

Here are some of my favorite Tweechers.1/9 Seth Abrahamson - Sometimes controversial, his long threads are a great source of new information and interesting legal perspectives. He expertly introduces us to all the players and provides in-depth evidence. Additionally, he’s often months ahead of the MSM.
@SethAbramson 2/9
Apr 22, 2018 9 tweets 2 min read
This Earth Day, EPA Chief Scott Pruitt is under investigation for ethics violations, excessively spending our money and inappropriate relations with lobbyists.

Do you know what he’s NOT under investigation for?

Please bear with me. This partial list is long and shocking.

-Removing a number of species from the endangered list.

-Overturning a ban on the hunting of predators in Alaskan wildlife refuges.

-Withdrawing proposed limits on endangered marine mammals caught by fishing nets on the West Coast.
