Mancunian @haaretz writer - @TheEconomist correspondent - Biography of Netanyahu out Spring 2018 in @BasicBooks and @HurstPublishers
Sep 18, 2018 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Netanyahu and Putin are both heavily invested in their strategic relationship. This a severe test of the relationship, but I'll be surprised if they don't find a way which will allow both sides to save face and for Israel to continue operating against Iranian targets in Syria.
Worth noting that Putin, since he's been in power, has made a point of regularly meeting not only Netanyahu, but all Israeli leaders (Barak, Sharon, Olmert, Peres). Someone close to him told me "Putin's analysis of the USSR is they made a fatal mistake by being Israel's enemy".
Aug 13, 2018 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
This may be an unpopular view on the left but I'm not entirely convinced that Israel has suddenly and radically changed its border-control policy towards Jewish activists and journalists, critical of Israeli policies. Am basing this both on anecdotal evidence and my sources >>
I know a number of Jewish journalists (including a couple who were very well-connected) and Jewish activists who have been detained for hours for questioning at Ben Gurion Airport, going back 10 years at least. Neither are black-lists of pro-BDS activists, including Jews, new. >>
Jun 21, 2018 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
Just finished reading the 19-page Sara Netanyahu indictment. A few thoughts. 1. If it took the State Prosecutors office & Attorney-General 3 years to indict on a relatively simple fraud case. It will take years for indictments in Netanyahu's much more complex investigations. >>
2. The details are important but read them on @haaretzcom
The underlying picture of Sara, the mistress of a state-funded household being constantly informed she can't have whatever she wants and still finding fraudulent ways of getting her way is by now sadly very familiar. >>