Atul Gawande Profile picture
Surgeon, Writer, Researcher, CEO....
May 22, 2018 7 tweets 4 min read
I am at #WHA71, the 71st World Health Assembly @WHO. I see a striking pattern that is a major shift in global health: a greater focus on advancing individual systems of care—for primary health, childbirth, surgery, diagnostics—and not just controlling individual diseases. 1/6 To succeed, “vertical” programs (such as polio eradication, HIV treatment, TB care) commonly worked outside existing medical systems, because they are so broken. Expanding the efforts, however, requires making basic systems work. And the world is starting to define how. 2/6
Oct 1, 2017 10 tweets 2 min read
What I learned from asking struggling people back home in Ohio: Do you think health care is a right? @NewYorker My tl;dr: Many said no. A right to health care sounded like a demand to pay for others’ needs, when they don’t have enough for their own. /1