Ash Sarkar Profile picture
Contributing Editor @novaramedia. Views my own. Literature bore. Anarcho-fabulous. Muslim. THFC. Kebab aficionado. Luxury communism now!
Sep 18, 2018 11 tweets 3 min read
We talk about race and class being co-constitutive in the UK, but my
God, the relationship between race and abject poverty in NYC was just on a whole other level. Social stratification plays out in the very architecture of the city. From my 23rd floor window in Midtown, you could look into the apartments across the street. These flats were absolutely palatial, they’d cost millions to buy outright.
Sep 13, 2018 7 tweets 4 min read
Harlem has declared war on my arteries, and yet the mainstream media remain silent? Shameful. Carbs Rule Everything Around Me
Sep 11, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
There’s another way to look at this story - that the rigid structures of Labour Party comms is being superceded by voices from the movement and/or membership.

That’s not “fringe”. That’s what growing a culture of active and informed democratic participation looks like. Personally, what I find more interesting are the moments of divergence between movement voices and Labour leadership, and how latent differences in organisational and political visions might be resolved in the coming months.
Sep 9, 2018 13 tweets 1 min read
Alright lads, let’s play a game. Guess the iconic poem from my summary and you’ll win absolutely nothing but a sense of self satisfaction. 1. “Ngl my girlfriend is clapped, but she’s a real one still.”
Aug 31, 2018 33 tweets 6 min read
In 4 days time, it's likely that Labour NEC will adopt the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism (text:…) with caveats added to protect freedom of speech re: Israel/Palestine.

I don't think this is a good idea. Thread incoming, mea culpa, me paenitet.. Firstly, I recognise the necessity of tackling antisemitism in the Labour Party head on - not just out of electoral strategy, but because Jews once again are being painted as rootless cosmopolitans and subverters of democracy in Europe (see Nick Timothy's article, etc).
Aug 14, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
I've got a lot of respect for @pollytoynbee, but her article on the veil (where, annoyingly, niqab and burqa are referenced interchangeably) embodies so much of the intellectual incuriousity surrounding this discussion.… Why not include or reference interviews with women who veil?

And as for this part ("But the few women who are educated, liberated and free to choose the niqab as a religious symbol of an extreme fundamentalist creed are almost certainly a minority")...
May 31, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
Great thread from @MikeSegalov, taking apart Jonathan Arkush’s interview with The Telegraph 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 To claim, as Arkush does, that criticism of Israel’s violent, racist and expansionist policies is antisemitic, is a clear attempt to cast solidarity with the Palestinian people as an act of hatred.
May 3, 2018 6 tweets 5 min read
Listen up, you dogs! Today we’re gwarnin canvassing in Wandsworth and Westminster, so come join me, @OwenJones84 and every other babe you can think of and #Unseat Tory councils across London!

Also it’s bare early so someone bring me a pastry??? Nahhhh how cute is @AydinDikerdem? Come join us canvassing in Battersea this morning! #unseat
Apr 12, 2018 20 tweets 3 min read
Been thinking about antisemitism a lot these past couple of weeks, in particular, why it can be such a blindspot for people and organisations with otherwise decent race politics. Thread incoming, me paenitet. What are the specifics of antisemitism as opposed to other forms of racism? Beyond historical origins (more on that later), it makes itself known through street mobilisation (vandalism, slurs, violence) and politicised imagery (tropes, visuals, framing, conspiracy theory).
Jan 23, 2018 19 tweets 4 min read
Quote-tweeting the response, not to instigate a pile on, but because I reckon it’s useful to respond to this visibly. Okay, so, here’s the thing... Racism isn't the result of a majority vs minority dynamic in Europe or America. It's possible to know this for two main reasons. The first is that since Roman times at least, there's been contact between people we'd now racialise as white & those we'd racialise as non-white.