Britton Tallar Profile picture
Just a Girl....With Two Large Dragons
Oct 9, 2018 31 tweets 18 min read
Newsday --- October 9th, 2018 --- Tues

Nov 6th, 2018
28 Days Until Mid-Terms

Daily Reminder That Democrats...

1- Are Socialists
2- Want your guns taken away and your family killed.
3- Protects millions of Mexican Illegals
who will hurt your daughters (Mollie Tibbetts) 1/
Newsday --- October 9th, 2018 --- Tues

Nov 6th, 2018
28 Days Until Mid-Terms

Daily Reminder That Democrats...

1- Are Socialists
2- Want your guns taken away and your family killed.
3- Protects millions of Mexican Illegals
who will hurt your daughters (Mollie Tibbetts)
Oct 1, 2018 25 tweets 30 min read
@unseen1_unseen @im2b @bscottnewskona @ARmastrangelo 1/
Kavanaugh Lied

Let's talk specifics on Ford....shall, we?
Why don't Democrats want to talk about her anymore?

1st, Ford LITERALLY can't name the House.
2nd, Ford LITERALLY can't say how she got there/back. @unseen1_unseen @im2b @bscottnewskona @ARmastrangelo 2/
Kavanaugh Lied

Let's talk specifics on Ford....shall, we?
Why don't Democrats want to talk about her anymore?


Smyth, Judge, Kavanaugh, ad Keyser all said, "Nah."
Oct 1, 2018 33 tweets 350 min read
@davealvord164 @JayVanorman @VenettasComment @travlnjak @EdenWilds88 @CoffmanFrenk @JTaylorCrew @BaderAbrahams87 @vnranger1069 @adamdrakon @LJT_is_me @MrFudd1 @XBaderAbrahamsX @Axman06883241 @1falmu @jihadaeon1 @TonyPerkisjr @AbrahamsBader @Noncon49285 @supersteak @Zegrinder @LazarusDelarge @Ausman_86 @mmitoptech4 @MargaretTrucks @Alkofide @TheRealJonAdams @HNI87 @ThomasWictor @farjad99 @Mr_Alex_Graham @battlefrontgen1 @Krissy_Caster @Sheikh3ziz @Claudio_Hndz @KayCee335 @SpayMsm @SpayYoMama @matheuscruz21 @UrUnpaidPundit @AHappyPatriot @MSMEnemedia @RebelSmith626 @In2HotH2O @Jonatha43796370 @TheHeraldReport @HeshmatAlavi @BanEnemedia @YemeniFatima @TonyPerkisSr 1/
Checking my "Smart Canadian" List (233x)

they are SO ought goto the list and see for yourself

MSNBC on Trump’s USMCA deal:

“Big win,” ”promise made, promise kept” “
opens Canada up to [U.S.] farmers”

@davealvord164 @JayVanorman @VenettasComment @travlnjak @EdenWilds88 @CoffmanFrenk @JTaylorCrew @BaderAbrahams87 @vnranger1069 @adamdrakon @LJT_is_me @MrFudd1 @XBaderAbrahamsX @Axman06883241 @1falmu @jihadaeon1 @TonyPerkisjr @AbrahamsBader @Noncon49285 @supersteak @Zegrinder @LazarusDelarge @Ausman_86 @mmitoptech4 @MargaretTrucks @Alkofide @TheRealJonAdams @HNI87 @ThomasWictor @farjad99 @Mr_Alex_Graham @battlefrontgen1 @Krissy_Caster @Sheikh3ziz @Claudio_Hndz @KayCee335 @SpayMsm @SpayYoMama @matheuscruz21 @UrUnpaidPundit @AHappyPatriot @MSMEnemedia @RebelSmith626 @In2HotH2O @Jonatha43796370 @TheHeraldReport @HeshmatAlavi @BanEnemedia @YemeniFatima @TonyPerkisSr 2/
Oct 1, 2018 58 tweets 23 min read
Newsday --- October 1st,, 2018 --- Mon

Nov 6th, 2018
35 Days Until Mid-Terms

Daily Reminder That Democrats...

1- Are Socialists
2- Want your guns taken away and your family killed.
3- Protects millions of Mexican Illegals
who will hurt your daughters (Mollie Tibbetts) 1/
Newsday --- October 1st,, 2018 --- Mon

Nov 6th, 2018
35 Days Until Mid-Terms

Daily Reminder That Democrats...

1- Are Socialists
2- Want your guns taken away and your family killed.
3- Protects millions of Mexican Illegals
who will hurt your daughters (Mollie Tibbetts)
Sep 15, 2018 31 tweets 11 min read
Newsday --- September 15th, 2018 --- Sat

Nov 6th, 2018
52 Days Until Mid-Terms

Daily Reminder That Democrats...

1- Are Socialists
2- Want your guns taken away and your family killed.
3- Protects millions of Mexican Illegals
who will hurt your daughters (Mollie Tibbetts) 1/
Newsday --- September 15th, 2018 --- Sat

Nov 6th, 2018
52 Days Until Mid-Terms

Daily Reminder That Democrats...

1- Are Socialists
2- Want your guns taken away and your family killed.
3- Protects millions of Mexican Illegals
who will hurt your daughters (Mollie Tibbetts)
Aug 16, 2018 93 tweets 58 min read
Newsday ---- August 16th, 2018 -- Thursday

26 idiots show for up #UniteTheRight2
Literally costs DC 2.6$ Million
It Literally cost 100k per idiot.

Can't wait until #UniteTheRight3 in 2019
👇… 1/
Newsday ---- August 16th, 2018 -- Thursday

26 idiots show for up #UniteTheRight2
Literally costs DC 2.6$ Million
It Literally cost 100k per idiot.

Can't wait until #UniteTheRight3 in 2019