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Aug 4, 2018 25 tweets 14 min read
Politicians aren't leaders or rulers. They're puppets on strings. They have been ever since the signing of the Declaration of Independence, which was made invalid a few decades after it was signed. The United States OF America ceased to exist. The United States FOR America alive. The Crown of England financed both sides of the Revolutionary war. When all said and done, threatened the newly formed United States OF America to a new war, which USofA couldn't afford. To avoid such war, a treaty was signed instead. After that, USofA became USforA. #US Corp.
Jul 22, 2018 25 tweets 14 min read
Politicians aren't leaders or rulers. They're puppets on strings. They have been ever since the signing of the Declaration of Independence, which was made invalid a few decades after it was signed. The United States OF America ceased to exist. The United States FOR America alive. The Crown of England financed both sides of the Revolutionary war. When all said and done, threatened the newly formed United States OF America to a new war, which USofA couldn't afford. To avoid such war, a treaty was signed instead. After that, USofA became USforA. #US Corp.