How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App do I keep objecting to claims that Trump "wants to do the interview?" Because Rudy is right to think that what the public thinks about the Mueller investigation, and Trump's "cooperation," (or lack thereof), matters. It matters a lot - not to Mueller, but to the ultimate 1/, Trump borrowed over $750M from Deutsche real estate. In same period, Justin Kennedy was Managing Dir/Global Head of Deutsche Real Estate Capital Markets. Kennedy left DB in 2010. Trump began borrowing from DB private wealth bankers in 2010.…
These are the elements of the crime of hostage-taking in violation of 18 USC 1203(a): 1/
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by @rgoodlaw view original on Twitter
Now, I hope you go to… and read the entire piece, called "This is Just the Beginning." Then follow @hamiltonnolan, but, because people seem to like to read things in little bits nowadays, I am (with apologies & respect) going to do just that. 2/
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by @Elise_Jordan view original on Twitter
90 past USAttys to AG: "When parents & their children arrive at our border, particularly when they come seeking the protection of the United States under our asylum laws, we witness a universal story of humanity: parents willing to face all odds to protect their children." 2/
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by @YesMomsCan view original on Twitter
OSU Prof Shane also said he found OLC opinions that indicting POTUS wd be too disruptive "not very persuasive," given that Constitution clearly allowed disruption by impeachment, would an indictment be “more destabilizing than impeachment?” 2/
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by @Delavegalaw view original on Twitter
More on preemptive pardons: Except for amnesties (e.g. Carter's draft resister pardon), the only so-called preemptive pardon that did NOT involve charged crimes was Ford's pardon of Nixon. Ford pardoned Nixon for all federal crimes during his presidency, a five year period. 1/
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by @AmandiOnAir view original on Twitter
Here is what Putin said about the Rosneft deal on December 7, per MarketWatch, but sources advised that it functioned as an emergency loan: 2/
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by @Delavegalaw view original on Twitter
Here is what the DOJ Conflicts Rule, 28 CFR 45. 2, says: 2/
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by @CREWcrew view original on Twitter
But my focus is far wider than the memo. How would prosecutors view Nunes’ conduct? They’d consider his pre-campaign alliance w/Flynn; his Trump campaigning, intel briefings & minimizing Russian interference; and his role as Transition Exec Comm member, starting Nov 11, 2016. 2/
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by @StevenJHarper1 view original on Twitter