How to get URL link on Twitter App satu lagi, makan ayam tak akan membuat luka jahitan gatal ye. Selama saya jadi doktor and operate orang, tak pernah pulak saya tak bagi pesakit saya makan ayam. Kena makan healthy meals, fruits and veggies kena makan (nanti kena sembelit, lagi lah memudaratkan badan). maybe this patient has some other contraindications to laparoscopic surgery that we don’t know about. 🤷🏻♀️ consultant always tell me, treat your patients like you treat your own parents and siblings, you always want the best for your own patients like they’re your families. Have that attitude in you, and you will do your best everyday! did you have to relate my explanation to a certain celebrity? I did not mention anything about that. treat everyone equally despite their beliefs and background. However, I also would like to be clear that you shouldn’t lie about your medical history as you might put the general population at risk, the rule is there not to discriminate but to protect the public.