Jo Grady Profile picture
General Secretary of the University and College Union @ucu | unrepentant dyslexic
Sep 14, 2018 6 tweets 3 min read
UCU members have already demonstrated significant compromise. The ballot that ended strike action was a massive act of compromise. That compromise produced the JEP, & the JEP has vindicated & endorsed the position of UCU members. It has demonstrated the necessity of #USSstrike The #USSstrike resulted in many of us losing 14 days pay. It required emotional support from loved ones. In some cases it diminished us in the eyes of some colleagues, and in other cases it resulted in punitive actions or threats from our employers.
Sep 13, 2018 11 tweets 5 min read

Initial thoughts in thread to follow👇 #USS… As ever, the excellent @JosephineCumbo has provided a succinct summary of what the recommendations are, & I don't see any need to reproduce that.
Apr 12, 2018 34 tweets 11 min read
"The great strike 2018" session at #AAG2018 IS OPEN! When I can I'll tweet here. Follow the hashtag #NotAllGeographers speaking about what happened on social media during #USSstrikes via 3 slices. Slice one: EARLY
Apr 5, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
Unhappy about proposed #USS pension cut?

Not convinced current #UUK offer protects you from significant & long term pension cuts. What if I told you that it's not the only cut your #USS pension has experienced 👇👇👇 #USSstrikes Cut 1: Employer pension contribution holidays

Between 1983-1997, employers cut their contributions from 18.55% to 14%, resulting in an estimated £7 billion being lost from the value of the fund.
Feb 23, 2018 9 tweets 2 min read
As an industrial relations expert I've studied a lot of industrial disputes & have a few thoughts about this request from UUK. Join me 👇 We might personally be eager to get back to work & end the strikes. This is understandable. But without any reassurances that we will maintain our DB pension, no strike action should be halted in order to return to the negotiating table.