Executive Dir @lgbtbarny. @LambdaLegal vet. “Best LGBT Lawyers Under 40.” Host/Producer LeGaL LGBT Pod. Prof of Law & Sexuality @ Hofstra. Huz: @clearlycearley
Jul 11, 2018 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
Trump issued an EO turning Administrative Law Judges from independent civil servants into political appointees. Impartiality will be replaced by loyalty. Qualified candidates replaced by campaign donors. Unqualified judges mean unfair rulings. #FairCourtschcoc.gov/content/execut…
Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) were appointed under the Administrative Procedures Act (APA). Federal agencies like DoL, SSA, DEA, DoA, have numerous ALJs. They were hired by OPM based on qualifications and under the APA had substantial decision-making independence. No more.