How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App's a truth that's as American as apple pie: You're going to have a hard time convincing ~50% of WW to give up their promixity to the most powerful group in the nation., this is why I spent time in #TheDarkFantastic examining the construction of race in the Western speculative imagination, and left Afrofuturism -- which I do value as a Black American, and a Diasporan -- alone. and content warnings, pls mute) The vast majority of women who came of age before 1990 did not have adequate terminology or definitions for sexual violence. *My cohort was the first to have them, but there were violent sanctions & even social death for women who dared.*'s nothing I've heard Black folks from outside the USA say about BAs in 45 min away from 41 years that would ever make me throw them under the bus. Douglass never laid eyes on the 20th century, let alone the 21st. And he been done told y'all. that LRT for posterity: it's especially irritating when they're extra woke. Yelling at me about capitalist exploitation one day, and then, off for vacations, massages & facials the next. If you point this out? More yelling. Americans are some of the best in the world at separating a flawed person from a message, an acting role, etc. A degree of magnanimity has always been required of us ("When they go low, we go high"). it’s especially egregious when you come after vulnerable untenured Black women faculty. It’s bullying, plain & simple, and as @stichomancery & others have documented, some have honed their bullying skills in fandom. are professors of children's literature. It is a real shame when a icon of science fiction like William Shatner characterizes Black women professors as trolls, simply because we have informed opinions that he disagrees with. Story of Little Black Sambo was originally published in 1899. It will be 120 years old next year.