Jessica Schubel who used to work for HHS, now works for Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) which happens to be a 501c3, meaning they are tax exempt, ave most likely why they felt the need to call themselves nonpartisan. @paulacblades001@LisaMei62 @occulturalism
Sep 20, 2018 • 14 tweets • 12 min read
SOS Kerry remarking that he and Frist created PEPFAR.
I’m not sure it’s mentioned in here but apparently the IG expects indictments😎
Sep 5, 2018 • 4 tweets • 8 min read
Anybody know anyone who would be interested in S.Pacific Tuna fishing industry. 🌟kist?
The right hand delivers to left hand.
Shame shame Nancy.
It looks like 2(b) is saying that these funds aren’t bound by those pesky acts. They’re so above that.
Since comms have come up again I figured I’d post some interesting HAM radio licenses again. I’m not sure the people are who they look like yet..interesting none the less.
Some are repeated because the license type is different.