How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App other races revolved around 'whiteness' as Hathaway proclaims, then there would be white power structures in every country on every continent. However, there aren't, they structured by the most populace race of those countries. Thomas was nominated by George HW Bush in 1991 and the Democrats screamed it would be the end of Roe v. Wade. That was 27 years ago & abortion is still here and SCOTUS rejected Arkansas' restrictions on abortion in May 2018.’s directive indicates that the Obama administration has not only begun to view the huge number of clearances as a security risk, but a serious budgetary stress. The federal government spends about $1 billion a year on background checks, according to the GAO. Clinton's impeachment proceedings dealt with his perjury before a grand jury. Trump has not perjured himself to warrant anything similar. Articles of Impeachment for not liking a president won't get farther than 50-75 votes, all Democrats. Nowhere near 2/3 requirement. media started losing credibility 20 or more years before Trump even ran. People get sick of the news media dissecting every word a person says for some hidden meaning or that some salacious gossip must be true & you feed the beast with more innuendo & nonsense.