David Jonathon Blake Profile picture
Author of Loaded for Guccifer2.0: Following a Trail of Digital Geopolitics.
Sep 6, 2018 33 tweets 11 min read
1/ Another Skripal thread.

From the ludicrous to the impossible. 2/ I've been busy so forgive me if these points have been made better elsewhere. This is crazy.

The Police have provided us with some CCTV images and claimed timings for the #doorknobdesperados, just as they previously did with Sergei Skripal's movements.

There's a problem.
Jul 14, 2018 21 tweets 8 min read
THREAD on Mueller & Guccifer2.0

1/ Mueller has gone on a Phishing trip, and like most anglers likes to boast about the size of the big one. But there's no evidence of the catch, not even how he reeled them in. We are expected to take his word that "It was *this* big". 2/ I have a *long* standing project in the works looking at Guccifer2.0's documents which is proving to be more than interesting. It should settle it once and for all.

But in the meantime I'd like to look at a few aspects of the new indictment that do not compute.
Jul 12, 2018 11 tweets 6 min read
Another #Amesbury / #Skripal thread

1/ You must read the superb series of articles on Amesbury and Skripal written by Rob Slane at the Blogmire. He leaves no doubt that the government has got it wrong

I want to look at one possibility that's not covered 2/ In part 3 Rob draws on a Daily Mail report about the Skripal's visit to an Italian restaurant.


After a 20 min wait for his meal Skripal becomes agitated and wants to leave. Rob speculates that it's because he has to go and meet someone. But who?
Jul 10, 2018 11 tweets 5 min read
THREAD 2 on #Amesbury:

In the last thread I pointed out that the Amesbury tragedy, and the Skripal poisoning had many clues which pointed to Fentanyl overdose being the culprit rather than Novochok.

2/ Since then more detail has come in about the symptoms of the deceased Dawn Sturgess and her critically ill boyfriend Charley Rowley.

Many papers report that they were "gurgling" and "foaming at the mouth".

The Times, is paywalled, but the the Sun thesun.co.uk/news/6693507/n…
Jun 12, 2018 8 tweets 4 min read
THREAD on Guccifer 1.0. and the Clinton Server.
The awesome @tracybeanz has done some awesome research on timings and co-incidences about Marcel Lazar's (Guccifer1.0) hacking, and timeline meshing with the Page/Strozk texts. Go Read It.

2/ There's a 2017 story by Fox news about Lazar. We see something very interesting: he handed over 70 Gb of data to the FBI, which Fox say is equivalent to 1.75 million pages to the FBI of text.

But Fox are missing one vital detail.
May 23, 2018 25 tweets 14 min read
1/ A thread on the curious tale of dcleaks.com. To which I have no firm answers, just some anomalies and leads I'd like to share. 2/ The spooks are sure about dcleaks in 2017:

dcleaks.com and Guccifer2.0 were named with "High Confidence" as key outlets for stolen DNC data in the 6th January 2017 Intelligence Community reports on Russian interference.

FBI's Priestep testified a direct link