Davie Incorrect English ASD🦄 Profile picture
Boy. The Last Unicorn. Language student. Drama school Failure. #ActuallyAutistic. Non-binary/masc 🏳️‍⚧️ They/he/es. Polyam. #FinalSayForAll
Aug 15, 2018 11 tweets 2 min read
I feel like a few things need to be cleared up among fellow Remainers, regarding the differences/similarities in loss of rights depending on who could/couldn't vote, or where they are/are from. It's been sad to see so much fighting about this. 1/ There are several groups of people, all Remainers, but all affected very differently by Brexit. It's not to say that people with less to lose are less important- that's absolutely not the case. But there are differences that we need to be respectful of 2/
Jun 27, 2018 14 tweets 4 min read
Here come some thoughts. Haven't actually talked about my own feelings for a while so bear with. I think especially since the #PeoplesVoteMarch at the weekend, and the sad spate of infighting that came after, I'm taking stock. 1/ When I first saw the Brexit referendum result, I didn't know anything about the dark money, the gerry-mandering, the manipulation. I just knew that many people had suffered too long from UK policies, and felt they needed to send a message. For better or worse. 2.
Jan 31, 2018 10 tweets 2 min read
Ok, a few point about this that seriously need to be discussed. This is the think-tank's proposals for post-Brexit low-skilled immigration in the UK theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/j… 1. The biggest point in the article is about the "anti-social hours visa", so basically we only want you if you are willing to work at night, away from the rest of us. And you will be fingerprinted AND carry an ID card for the 'privilege'. You're fucking welcome.