My Compassion for Humanity is in Conflict with my Hatred of Dumb Asses! *Follow at Your Own Risk!*
Sep 19, 2018 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
You know as people still try to justify why Hillary Clinton was not good enough for them. And how happy they are about how we are resisting this current mess now. I want to briefly remind you of all the burdens you placed on many American's for your purity! /1
First off as a Black woman and a mother of a son both of us with serious illness (me Schizoaffective) my child Autistic, I had enough woes and worries on my mind. But now thanks to the Trump administration I have watched the following: /2
Aug 11, 2018 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
The sad truth was people who are looking for the next Barack Obama, fail to understand that to win Mr. Obama had to be damn near perfect. And had it been Michelle who ran first she would have hit the same wall as Hillary even though she is on her husband's level! /1
The fact is instead of striving for another Barack Obama how about being okay with a politician with experience? How about getting them a house and senate that will work with them instead of obstructing them? /2
Jul 23, 2018 • 22 tweets • 5 min read
Thread: on this #MentalHealthMonday I want to get a bit personal and describe what is is like to have my disorder. I hope that by taking a chance and doing this it opens people's eyes to what this feels like. And helps those who still are not sure about speaking up. /1
Hi I'm Tynisa and I have Schizophrenia. But I also get a double whammy of having Bipolar tendencies as well. The doctors officially call this condition SchizoAffective Disorder. I know there are technical ways to describe this illness. But id rather show a more human view. /2
Jun 28, 2018 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
I weighed whether to tweet this or not but I am in total fuck your feelings mode tonight!
If you are calling yourself "resistance" if you are crying out for a "blue wave" yet all you fucking do is continue to back old white men you are not on the same side as me. /1
I am so fucking tired of people supporting white patriarchal fuckery because you are all still too secretly scared to embrace diverse politicians. And even though we had eight good fucking years of democracy. You are all still willing to go for leaders who look like you! /2
Jun 9, 2018 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
Thread: "Of Tantrums and Threats" Democrats we need to realize we are being put through an abusive situation. And we need to walk away from those who keep trying to tell us we cannot go on without them!
On the heels of the DNC vote to have Democrats only able to run in our Primaries, we are seeing an influx of folks saying "this is suppression, or we are gonna split your party then you will be stuck with Trump for another four years!" They sure do love whining and threatening.
May 25, 2018 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Dear Meghan McCain,
As a fellow child of a war time service member, you spazzing out the other day about patriotism makes me roll my eyes. If you truly grasped the depths of sacrifice your own father made. Youd understand the right to protest injustice.
Trump's threat to mess with the tax breaks the NFL has was the reason for their terrible call. Its not about the flag, the anthem. It sure as heck is not about patriotism. It is about putting black folks in "our place." For you to act otherwise is disingenuous.
May 13, 2018 • 19 tweets • 4 min read
Someone tweeted to me last night about our need of a healthy two party system, and I was already agitated from the long move and seeing stupid tweets from people defending legalized lynching so I did not want to rudely clap back on that tweeter due to that. /1
But I did want to eventually respond to my thoughts on anyone who claims to want change after Trump who still believe in the Republican party, conservative agenda Pre Trump. Or the remnants of fossilized dust that will hopefully be the only thing left after this mess. /2
Apr 6, 2018 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
This coming at me with a self righteous tinge Bernie Sanders fans, will not get empathy from me. Not anymore. Your favorite politician continues a narrow minded path of divison. You may still view him as the choosen one, but I do not and never will. /1
I have made it very clear why I will not get behind his tone death message. Why I wont play the game of if he wins the 2020 primaries I will hold my nose. Right now we are in a constant crisis. The most corrupt, inept government in the history of our country. /2
Feb 1, 2018 • 20 tweets • 4 min read
Despite it being our country's patronizing month towards my peoples historical contributions. And since we are as a nation in the grips of Fascism. I want to drop a few things here. Some of this has been said but I really want to repeat this. The average Nazi of 1930-45...
Were everyday German citizens. They felt disinfranchised by war (WWI) was struggling economically. There was a need to shift the blame of failure. Not only on the war's outcome, but of the economic instability of the country.