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WE ARE NOT THINGS! Liz Sherman is so done w tyrants & their minions. *Transcription services for podcasts/webcasts, $1.00 audio min, quick turnaround (DM me)*
Jul 8, 2018 30 tweets 15 min read
@ukobserver That brings me to another point that's long troubled me: alone out of all the Allies - and Germany itself! - the US culturally invested a huge amt of energy for decades in denying that & saying that 1920s-40s Germans as a whole were innocent pawns of Hitler & his appointees. @ukobserver There was pushback, songs like 'My Name is Lisa Kalvelage' for one, but until the book 'Hitler's Willing Executioners' opened the door, the received popular view was that 'Nazis' were a breed apart, almost aliens, who had mysteriously conquered 'Good Germans' & brainwashed them.
Jun 20, 2018 40 tweets 8 min read
Any American who says 'this is not US(A)' does not know their own history.
One place: Sand Creek, CO.
One name: John Chivington.
Three words: 'Nits make lice.'
Col Chivington was not hanged for war crimes, nor his men. Congress did issue a finger-shaking condemnation, though. #WhereAreTheGirls? Why do you care? They're only cunts, born w that extra hole that means both 'less than fully human' & 'threat,' bc cunts make nits. Thus Col Chivington's men took dead women's labia as trophies, bc sexism & racism are 2 inextricably twined strands of 1 hate.