Moths in a human suit Profile picture
Interdisciplinary artist & biosci escapee. Always drawing. Made of moths, lichen, & pencils. Cryptic creatures, chronic pain, & spoonie life chats (they/them)
Nov 19, 2017 39 tweets 23 min read
Today I'm going to tweet a bit on #mypainday about my experience with chronic pain, bc I think it can be hard to understand if you don't have it.

I'll add some drawings from my pain sketchbook too. Because pictures! ✏ A colour pencil drawing on plain paper, of a fallen field maple leaf with a grey pigeon feather threaded through it in two places, via holes on either side of the midvein. The leaf is yellow, brown, and green, in a state of partial decay. I have chronic pain because I smooshed 2 arts of my spine - the lumbar part at the bottom, and the cervical part at the top (my neck). This affects the spinal nerves that control my legs + foot, & arms + hands. So those are the parts that hurt.