Trump Protest Rapper
Stood against Nazis on the streets of DC and told them #Trumpanzee jokes. They didn't laugh.
Nov 23, 2017 • 47 tweets • 11 min read
Overheard at Mar-a-lago
45: "So, agent L (I only use that cuz A thru K are taken) How is operation #BlockedByChiefCofveve coming along"
L: "Not great sir, some kid up north in his mom's basement blew it wide open"
45: "NOT GOOD L NOT GOOD. Sooo, U wanna pee on my bed?"
Overheard at Mar-a-lago
45-Agent L, sit on my bed
L-Sir it's soaking wet
45-Right, well join me in the bathroom then, it's safe I had it swept for Transgenders
L-You know statistically speaking sir, women are more likely to be raped in the bathroom by YOU than a transgender
Nov 21, 2017 • 238 tweets • >60 min read
Thread: Since being released from the #BlockedByChiefCovfefe BLOCKLIST I have been inundated by confused Tweeters asking me this question:
Northern Resistance, how do I know if I'm a #Trumpanzee ?
So I have created this thread to try and help, cuz I'm nice like that!!
If you're getting ready to go to the polls in Alabama and cast your vote for a child molester...