How to get URL link on Twitter App my subsequent exchange with @UCL_UCU that begins with the embedded tweet, I demonstrate that it is just as clear that they refer accrual rate to JNC as that they refer cost-sharing to JNC. 2/2 employers call for a cut to DB accrual from 1/75 to 1/80 in order to keep employer contributions down to 19.3% on a 65%/35% employer/member cost-sharing basis, would that also be consistent, in you view, with acceptance of the JEP recommendations in full? 2/2 see that the pdf is protected in a manner that makes it impossible to cut and paste. Gratuitous and annoying. I'm now wasting time creating a cut-and-paste-able version. 2/ also this reader-friendly version of @JeanFind's comments in the thread (tagging JNC negotiators @Sam_Marsh101 @carlomorelliUCU @Flibitygibity): "With the stock market performing more strongly in the months since the original valuation, the deficit is reduced and the cost of retaining a predominantly defined benefit scheme in the future is feasible". 2/ is not in conformity w current UCU policy. “HE6 Demand to UCU negotiators: restore USS status quo and re-evaluation” calls for “a UCU and UUK agreement on the status quo for contributions and benefits”. 2/ to determine whether Test 1 is currently satisfied, #USS needs to project assets that would be in the fund in 20 years' time, assuming 67% probable investment returns of prudent discount rate are realised. 2/