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A Paladin for children and the environment.
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Oct 8, 2018 43 tweets 17 min read
Mitch McConnell says that this will "all blow over".

But the #KavanaughAffair deserves to be told and remembered. It's a political thriller which includes sexual assault, drunken violence, shady finances, perjury, and much more.

This entire story must be told!

<THREAD> 1) There are so many questions about the #KavanaughAffair.

Why was Kavanaugh chosen above others?
Why were his work records hidden away by a guy named Bill Burck?
Who prevented the FBI from investigating fully?
And why did Justice Kennedy announce his resignation so abruptly?
Oct 7, 2018 42 tweets 16 min read
I have so many question about the #KavanaughAffair. The alleged sexual assaults, the lies under oath, the boozing, the shady finances. I want to know how Kavanaugh's name was chosen. I want to know Justice Kennedy's involvement. There's enough here for a book!

<THREAD> 2) We know Kavanaugh was Justice Kennedy's law clerk & Kennedy wanted Kavanaugh to replace him on the SCOTUS bench.
Three questions:
a) Did Kennedy make a deal with Trump?
b) Why EXACTLY was it important for Kennedy to have Kavanaugh replace him?
c) When did the planning begin?
Oct 3, 2018 38 tweets 14 min read
Below are 31 times Kavanaugh lied under oath to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Please remember that lying under oath is a felony. It doesn't matter if it's about drinking or sex or using stolen documents or lying about political matters.

A lie is a lie.

<THREAD> Lie 1) In 2004, Kavanaugh claimed nomination of anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ judge William Pryor was “not one that I worked on personally.”

Truth: Newly released emails showed Kavanaugh was involved in selecting Pryor, interviewing him, and working to confirm him.
Oct 1, 2018 24 tweets 12 min read
Let’s break down some this #Kavanaugh bullshit down and have a little fun in the process - although I'm afraid my descriptions may be a little dark and stormy at times.

<I hope you will enjoy this thread> 2) First, can we all agree that while people are able to change their lives, most of us have our basic character established by the time we are 18 years of age? (And probably earlier than that.) Yeah sure. One can break the mold and change dramatically, but most of us don’t.
Sep 16, 2018 24 tweets 16 min read
Why I believe Christine Blasey Ford.
Why you should believe Christine Blasey Ford.
And why the #Kavanaugh nomination should come to a screeching halt.

<THREAD> 1) First the obvious. Dr. Christine Ford has 3rd party documentation dating from 2012. It doesn’t name Kavanaugh, but it names the circumstances. She’s got the receipts, baby!
Sep 9, 2018 13 tweets 5 min read
I think this morning we need a little thread about Brett Kavanaugh and gambling. What do you think? Wanna join me for a quick game?

<THREAD> 1) It’s starts with the massive debt Kavanaugh accrued by allegedly buying baseball tickets. He carried $60,000 to $200,000 of debt on credit cards which he SAYS was for baseball tickets.…
Sep 8, 2018 7 tweets 4 min read
Brett #Kavanaugh doesn't have the integrity to be on SCOTUS. Kavanaugh committed AT LEAST 5 instances of perjury. This is judicial misconduct. Let me spell some of it out for you and tell you what YOU can do. #StopKavanaugh #PerjuryBrett

<THREAD> 1) In 2002 Manny Miranda stole thousands of documents belonging to Dems. Kavanaugh worked alongside Miranda. During a 2004 confirmation hearing Kavanaugh denied receiving any of the documents Miranda stole. In 2006 he lied again under oath. We now know he committed perjury.
Sep 6, 2018 15 tweets 11 min read
Kavanaugh email: “The desire to remedy societal discrimination is not a compelling issue.”

(That Kavanaugh boy has not studied his US history. He needs his memory jogged.)

I am Spartacus
Cory Booker

<👇HISTORY LESSON THREAD👇> Kavanaugh email: “The desire to remedy societal discrimination is not a compelling issue.”

(That Kavanaugh boy has not studied his US history. He needs his memory jogged.)

I am Spartacus
Cory Booker
Jul 16, 2018 22 tweets 9 min read
The links between Maria Butina, the Russian gun rights advocate who is now known to have been acting as a Russian agent, and the @NRA are striking. Follow along if you please.

<THREAD> 2) Since all good stories begin with sex, let’s begin with a dash of gun porn. The Russians, the NRA, gun dealers & the entire gun lobby knows that sex sells. Particularly to that slice of US population they were targeting. Here’s Maria posing in Russia’s GQ magazine.
Oct 7, 2017 18 tweets 6 min read
The theft of our 2016 election reaches back decades. This is the story of that theft. Grab a cup of tea and join me.

<THREAD> 2) This little Twitter tale begins with a couple of guys from Nebraska. Let's call them Bob and Todd.